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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 15 minutes ago, bark said:

    Yes, go tell Terrorist, " We are coming to arrest you, at 7:30 pm "

    Good Idea.

    Why not, the BIB have a track record of announcing arrests, search warrants in advance ?

    It's not a good idea but it doesn't stop them.

    Anyway if you'd stopped to think you'd realize this isn't about making arrests it's about stifling information about things that have happened or denying there's a potential for bombings as happened a couple of days ago.

  2. 6 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:


    Personally, I have nothing to fear as I am not Thai and I do none of the following:-

    Read a book by George Orwell (in public)


    Meet with another 4 people to discuss politics


    Ask questions about the unusual wealth of certain people

    Question the financial arrangements for a new national monument


    Criticize a military coup


    "Like” a facebook post

    Hold an unpopular opinion regarding the system of government in Thailand.


    I'm sure you've stepped on the cracks of the footpath which must convey some subliminal message that's somehow illegal !    :shock1:

  3. 11 minutes ago, sahibji said:

    the tourist agenciest should not fear the temporary drop in tourism as remaining transparent will only strengthen the image as a responsible country. indonesia is as open to attacks as any other country. it is doubtful that people will make a beeline to philippines  any time soon considering their domestic circumstances.keep the world informed of the existing situation. it will be to your eventual advantage.

    Thailand's own domestic situation could result in ' eventual ' being a long way off with no guarantee of a return to an ' as was ' position.

    Business people are only too well aware that lost customers are very difficult to win back.

  4. 14 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Kudos to the editor Khun Attayuth Bootsripoom not only for this excellent article but for all his previous unbiased articles. He has written on the Dem Party insincerity, question PT amnesty bill and lambasted Meechai for ignoring the principle of democracy in his draft charter. Keep up the good work Khun Attayuth and I hope The Nation recognizes your contribution. 

    I wonder when it will be felt necessary to have a word or two in his ear ?

  5. 44 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

    I am more bothered by the people who can't carry a conversation with you;  zoning out every other minute, back to the phone, and you have to wait for them to return to the talk. Even good friends. I check my phone when I have time to deal with it.

    It's funny but really concerning to see what you describe.

    I had a dinner with a female friend and she drew my attention to an adjacent table where four young women were eating together but all were on their phones and there was absolutely no conversation.


    What's the point of meeting people, in this case supposedly for a meal, then completely ignore each other ?

    I suppose they could have been sending each other messages !     :rolleyes:


    Maybe I've been fortunate and only once had to tell someone that if she was more interested in playing with their phone I'd happily go and leave her to it. I'm quite sure she had no idea why I was annoyed.

  6. Misleading headline as you need to read the story to fully understand that the sentence was suspended for two years.

    The fine of Bt. 3,000 is hardly a punishment and his probation requires reporting to police only four times a year !

    He's been ordered to do community service but as seen with other cases this can mean little or nothing and can be circumvented.


    Any chance his status indicated that a suspended sentence was appropriate ?     :biggrin:

  7. 6 minutes ago, JAG said:

    They have granted themselves and Amnesty. 

    Will a new govt honour the amnesty or simply overturn it ?

    Every administration is more than capable of interpreting the law as they see fit and of course making it up as they go along, depending on who forms the next govt.

    PTP in power owe the junta nothing and that's more than likely to manifest itself when it's pay back time.



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