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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 10 hours ago, impulse said:

    In fairness to the Thai airlines, they're just taking a page out of the playbook of the western airlines.  Advertise a seat at the lowest price with only a few available to lure them in, while limiting seats in that bucket to just a few on each flight.  They'll upsell some of the callers to the expensive seats.  Without the bait, they won't even get the call.


    It's a crappy practice all over the world.  


    Regarding the fees added to the advertised price, another slimy practice the Thais learned from our home country airlines.  I think some countries have forced airlines to advertise an "all-in" price with taxes, surcharges, etc included.  But I've never lived in one of those countries so I can't speak from experience.  


    Even some of the online booking sites do the same.  One site advertises a seat for $500 and then adds $400 in taxes and surcharges.  Another site advertises that same seat for $900 including taxes and surcharges.  But at least if they do advertise a seat at a given price, there's generally going to be one available because of the realtime aspect of online booking as opposed to responding to print ads. 


    While I despise the practice(s), it's certainly not specific to Thai companies.

    Are you saying Thais need to take lessons from foreigners on cheating, sharp practices etc ?

    Apart from anything else this is supposed to be a period of national mourning showing respect for the late king but for some it doesn't stop the money making process.

  2. 4 hours ago, ldiablo72 said:

    An entire nation is in mourning and all you people can do is complain about your lack of programs. I have true and at this point i couldn't care less about the lack of programs. It has allowed me more frèe time to bond with my fiancee, talk with my neighbors and catch up on some other activities. Take this time to reflect on how fragile life is, go for a walk, do some exercise or God forbid console some of your neighbors. You will come here and complain, complain, complain about the lack of programs currently being offered by stations. If you really want to complain, than complain with your wallet. Otherwise go find something constructive to do.

    Another ' I'm alright Jack ' post.

    Lack of tv is affecting Thais too and as for consoling my neighbours none are in the least bit upset and black certainly isn't the colour of the day.

  3. Just now, Bob12345 said:

    Some people offer free food to people waiting in line to pay respect to the King.

    Others offer free taxi rides, while one doctor in Ranong sees patients for free for a month out of respect for the King.


    And then you have the people who incite violence towards everybody who does something "unrespectful" in their eyes. 

    They hit mentally ill people, scold people not wearing black, and besiege houses of people who might have insulted the king.


    Quite different ways to show respect.

    Many jumped on the need for black clothing so jacked up the prices !

    Last Friday the Commerce Ministry knew enough about their own people that they felt the need to issue a warning about opportunism.

    Respect !

  4. 5 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    There were posters on here who were screaming about his innocence and that he would never do such a thing when the story broke. Do we get an apology? Finally some justice caught up with him.

    Anyone who knows anything about football here knows that this was long overdue.

    If I remember correctly he and another official were given suspended prison sentences for forgery offences connected with his re-election to the top job.

    He must be wondering what he did wrong and  why doesn't Fifa understand Thainess !

  5. 48 minutes ago, Rorri said:

    "Police commandos raid a building Monday in Bangkok as part of a counterterrorism operation," it does go on to say theyou are being detained by the army.

    We have jurisdiction, No we have jurisdiction !

    Pointless asking for everyone to play nicely or they'll be banned from the sandbox.


    Everyone here wants the favourable publicity until something goes wrong and no one will take responsibility.

  6. Just heard an interview with a lady from a pressure group and she's on about more than 1,000 unaccompanied children in the Calais area.

    Is she suggesting that Britain should be responsible for all of them so what about France that let them land and travel the length of the country to reach where they are now or is Britain the only country where they have family ?


    I know this may sound hard but how many ' children ' were deliberately sent ahead to blaze a trail as it were then use the sympathy and emotion cards to allow relatives to join them ?

    Britain, and Europe are suckers and are being played accordingly. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Khun Paul said:

    So far True have ignored two emails asking for a reason why three quarters of what I pay for I am unable to see, therefore a reduction in the monthly fee will be expected.

    I have a contract which they ( True ) are unable to fulfil even though they have been told to show all channels. I fail to understand their mindset, they are being overly cautious and so afraid of upsetting the NCPO that if they show nothing that could be contentious they are safe. Again the customer is left to pay for a poor service which they will attempt to justify. The customer is the problem here as always they do not understand....really.

    A VERY pertinent post however I think we all know that TRUE will not bother responding to any queries on the matter irrespective of the contact method used although anyone phoning in might get a verbal run around and there will be no allowance made for the limited viewing provided.

    The bills will come out as usual and non-payment will eventually result in service being stopped. I have no idea what they do to collect overdue payments.

  8. 21 minutes ago, Thailand said:

    Black ribbons or armbands would be showing a symbol of respect and would not have created the current situation and be considerably cheaper.

    I have noticed that a couple of the local golf courses have provided the caddes with ribbons, very sensible and respectful.

    Interesting little side issue here, the Thai football league has cancelled all games but golf is still continuing ?

    Of course I forgot how popular golf is in certain circles.

  9. So far TRUE Visions haven't relaxed anything on the movie and entertainment channels and that includes their radio feed.

    I suppose they can't monitor international movies  etc so may err on the side of caution and will not show anything.


    Will BBC World still be monitored and as soon as Thailand is mentioned the broadcast cut until the report is over ?

  10. 7 hours ago, MaxLee said:

    Buying a set of cloths of the color not-to-be-named can be tough on your bank account

    Interesting, although stronger language might be more appropriate, that at such an emotional time the Commerce Ministry, at a very early stage, felt it necessary to warn people not to cash in on the demand for dark clothing.

    Subsequent to this the forum carried a thread reporting that people were complaining about increased prices.

  11. 6 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:



    Couldn't care less...I don' drink...OK, maybe a glass of red

    wine with Italian Foof, once or twice a year.

    Another ' I'm all right Jack ' post so nothing and no one else matters.


    It's not just an issue about alcohol not being available but consider if any business closes it's highly unlikely the staff will be paid and if the closure is for an extended period it causes problems.

    People have to live and bills don't get suspended because work has been.

  12. 43 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

    What's wrong with you people,. It's a sign of 

    respect. for The King.!


    The Thai People are willing to sacrafice ,economically to rememberTheir King,. The Foreign DRNKS only

    care about themselves and their cheap beers..so sad.

    So many have no say in an economic sacrifice as the decision is made for them and by people who have no need to worry about money etc.

    With restrictions and uncertainty about more restrictions and how long they'll last etc does TAT and the minster honestly believe visitors will still come when there's so many alternatives available ?

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