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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 1 minute ago, simple1 said:


    Although off topic, do you know of any Western country that doesn't have problems with visa over stayers? Even a country with a relatively small population, Australia, has around 57,000 illegal visa over stayers. I guarantee the majority are employed by local nationals.


    So far as those whining about unaccompanied children with no relatives in UK, people may like to look up the Dubs Agreement and take it up with their MP rather than the barrage of bigotry and hate on this forum from the usual clique.

    So opinions you don't agree with are branded as bigotry and hate, saying you disagree isn't enough ?

  2. Just now, Grouse said:


    No, of course not. I'm just underlining the point that the EU is often blamed for issues which should be laid at the door of our illustrious government ?

    Very many were the fault of the govt who, for example, granted student visas to people from the Indian Sub-Continent with iffy qualifications and it resulted in blacklisting of many ' educational establishments ' in India but of course all a bit late.

    Many of the ' students ' simply disappeared on arrival.


  3. 7 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


    But they don't leave, they get told to report to Lunar House in Croydon then just go on the missing list and simply disappear into their 'community'.

    Less than 2 years ago, when Theresa May, was Home Secy it was admitted that 180,000 people in Britain on visas had been  ' mislaid ' and the govt had no idea where they were !

  4. 9 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


    I listen to LBC Radio a lot in London where I live. Every presenter yesterday apart from the moderate Katie Hopkins was bleating on about how we should welcome more 'children' from Calais and if a few adults get in under the radar with them then so be it.


    Most of the callers, it's a phone in radio station agreed with them or were selected to speak because they were in agreement.


    Apparently 50 of these 'children' arrive today in South London. I live in S London and trust I won't see any of 'em in my local post office signing on for their old age pensions. But nothing surprises me in Madhouse Britain any more especially in London.


    I'll bet we won't see any of them sleeping in shop doorways tonight.




    Unaccompanied children who managed to make it all the way to Calais in order to cross to Britain !

    Sent ahead to get established ?

    Next step, " I want my family to join me . " Answer - " OK not a problem ! "

  5. 37 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Exactly. What have they got to hide? The whole situation stinks and I am sure their will be issues soon with these refugees. 


    It was very interesting on Sky News NKK and I like you feel that these so called families should be subject to prosecution.


    The new Home secretary Amber Rudd has some explaining to do I believe.

    Will the new Home Secy takes a page out of Theresa May's book as when she held that post there were several controversies from which she took a giant pace to the rear, accepted no responsibility and blamed someone ? 

  6. 8 minutes ago, transam said:

    The main reason folk voted for Brexit was the UK natives were fed up with their country being overrun by foreign spongers, this story bolsters their argument.

    Half the planet is traveling through many countries over thousands of miles to get across that 20 miles of water, why is that...?

    Why, because those who have managed it now know all the ropes and dodges to get the handouts and pass it on. The UK is a soft touch, they know it..

    The French have started to dismantle the Jungle Camp with plans to take everyone to centres around France and finally register them. Needless to say violent resistance is expected.


    Reporters covering the camp this weekend are saying the vast majority there want to get to Britain so ii's all backfiring on the French who were hoping this would happen and it's not. How else were all these illegal migrants allowed to travel through France, unregistered and unhindered other than in the belief they'd be leaving France ?

  7. 3 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Exactly. What have they got to hide? The whole situation stinks and I am sure their will be issues soon with these refugees. 


    It was very interesting on Sky News NKK and I like you feel that these so called families should be subject to prosecution.


    The new Home secretary Amber Rudd has some explaining to do I believe.

    She'll start the answer in traditional fashion, " Now I'm glad you asked that question and first let me say... ",  then move heaven and earth to avoid answering.

    This is a political hot potato as the anti reaction builds so Britain needs strong leadership, say NO and tell the do gooders where to get off.

  8. Interesting discussion this morning on Sky News review of the Sunday newspapers when it was said the British govt has been ignoring warnings from all sorts of sources ranging from the Inspector of Borders to local authorities that adults were entering the country pretending to be children. The line was the govt decided to play to the gallery despite knowing the truth.

    Due to the adverse publicity arrivals are now hidden under blankets and the reception centre in Croydon has been screened off !


    Now what of the families in Britain who are falsely stating that their relative in Calais is a child when they know it's a lie.

    Shouldn't they be subject to a serious penalty for taking part in an obvious fraud and any who have not yet been naturalised or whose status isn't otherwise permanent or settled should be facing deportation along with the so called child.

  9. 16 minutes ago, z42 said:

    Like these turds need to follow guidance like that. The reenactment is to get the conviction at any cost and gain face for the cops as you well know  i wondr if they're done in any other country.

    What a dreadful crime and what a waste of 3 lives. 

    I can only speak to the jurisdiction I know and where re-enactments are only done is special circumstances plus being strictly controlled starting with the media and public being kept well away.


    It doesn't say much for the standing of the PM and the police chief when their orders can be simply ignored and they don't seem bothered enough to do anything about it.

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