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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. i see there's quite an anti reaction in Britain but the do gooders, including some so called ' personalities ' are very supportive.

    The sort of people who're all for this are never likely to be affected by migrants so can afford to be ' generous '.

    It's admitted that previously adults managed to enter Britain posing as children but now extra measures are in place which probably sounds good but may well mean nothing.

  2. 12 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

    Yeah, what happens to all these Thai contributions to the world ?   Would love to see documentation as how they stand up to international scrutiny. 

    If I remember correctly the ebola ' breakthrough ' was to be given to the UN for testing which might take a year supposedly but I have no idea if it was ever actually submitted.

    As usual all the talking was from Thai sources. Consider so many things here, all the grand schemes, and fine words, crackdowns, purges etc where the headlines are grabbed then it all goes quiet.

  3. I can't see many Aussie football fans flying in to watch next month's World Cup qualifier against Thailand when they read about all the things that are banned by the Thai FA.

    Crowd participation can make or break a sporting event but the restrictions to be imposed will mean absolutely no atmosphere.

    It's such a negative outlook I doubt it will rate a thread here. 

  4. Just now, NanLaew said:

    You've been around this block long enough to appreciate the folly of believing what a Thai says versus what a Thai does. All bets are off if any foreigner claims to have good handle on what the Thai thinks.


    Either way, if they are ultimately told that they are expected to forego entertainment for a year, with the huge peer pressure and inevitable Thai 'face' aspect, what do you think the vast majority will do?

    I'm not claiming to have a good handle on what a Thai thinks but am surprised at openly being told the lack of entertainment isn't appreciated as I was expecting the party line as it were.

    In the same vein to a certain extent I'm really surprised at the lack of mourning clothing being worn and that's not a thought to deed conflict.

    I do appreciate the effect of peer pressure however which has been seen in a disgusting fashion in a couple of videos and the anger, violence is explained away by a psychologist as part of the grieving process. How does he explain the anger and violence at other times ?

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