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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

    Not unlike a few other countries.




    There's a difference though as the House of Lords has limited power and can't really hinder the work of the Commons. It's anachronistic existence is a bone of contention for many.

    I understand the Canadian Senate is just a similar talking shop.  Years back I read a book about the Bronfman family and how old Samuel Bronfman was desperate to get into the Canadian senate not realising it wasn't anything like it's namesake over the border in the US.

  2. 20 minutes ago, Eligius said:

    Of course they will select all the real power-holders and power-wielders - and will go on doing so for many, many years to come. That was always the plan and the whole point of the coup. 

    The Thai electorate are effectively disenfranchised for a whole generation.

    And the Thai people take all this. In my daily dealings with the Thais, I simply do not see the seething fury and rage over what is going on. Perhaps they have been beaten down too many times ...

    What can one say?

    Like you I often wonder what goes on with the average Thai, are they genuinely apathetic, which what the elite rely on,  or have the been brainwashed into accepting ' resistance is futile ' ?

    I've been disappointed with a couple of well educated people I know who come out with the ' what can we do, we're only little people ' mantra so beaten before they start which makes life easier for those running the show.

    The danger for the whole country is a pressure cooker scenario with things building up to such a level that when it blows it really blows ! 

  3. " In the first five years after the new law takes effect the NCPO will select ... ! "

    Well that says it all about the possibility of elections.


    Nice little arrangement in the making, the NCPO selects all the senators who in turn will do everything they're told, vote exactly as required etc.

    Let's all join hands and try to contact democracy !


  4. 1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


    True - but the usual attempts at filibustering and talking the accused out of the statute of limitations ain't gonna work this time. The accused will have, should they be found guilty, ample time to appeal, and then appeal again to the supreme court. This is just to stop the misuse of the statute of limitations, a favorite trick of the hiso elite accused of anything.

    Now, pity this is not being applied in other cases too.

    Hold on you're going to fast !

    If the sort of thing your'e suggesting came to pass LoS would be in danger of having something close to being a fair and equal justice system and that would never do.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Wildliferescue said:

    It was not the Isarn, but Suphanburi. Banharn Silpa-Archa was behind it. 

    Remember too he visited Prachin Buri with YL supposedly to visit flooded communities but it looked more like rock stars on tour with all the photo ops, laughing and waving to the cameras etc.

    Hardly a model of taking things seriously by either of them.

  6. 33 minutes ago, eliotness said:

    They've been watching too much telly.  CSI is an entertaining programme but not really real life in America however if Thailand wants to attain similar then a massive impossible culture change has to happen, total reform of the whole justice system, an elected government that people can trust, etc etc etc -  unfortunately it just ain't going to happen any time soon

    I watched some of the crime scene activity at one of the recent US shootings and thought how much they could learn from LoS.

    They really were taking things slowly and carefully so they could do with an injection of Thai operating procedures where the Erawan bomb scene was examined, cleared, concreted over and back to normal in 17 hours !


    The fact that the public and media were finding items of possible evidential value days later was a mere incidental especially as on at least one occasion the BIB refused to accept the item found.

  7. Just now, Rorri said:

    I do agree, but where in Thailand would you find someone pure enough, strong enough and untouchable to stand up to cha cha.

    Unfortunately I've got too much on at the moment.  :biggrin:

    In all seriousness I think it will be easier to find the Holy Grail than to find someone who actually fits the bill as the system isn't really set up for someone outside the same old tired political merry go round plus a military man every few years.

  8. 59 minutes ago, Thechook said:

     If the government does not do it now, it will face charge of malfeasance in office in accordance with Section 157 of the Criminal Code.


    More bloody lies from this fool.  He granted himself and his gang an total amnesty protecting them from any charges prior, during and after the coup and then he has Article 44 to prevent anyone comming after him.  They are totally untouchable and if you value your life you will bow down to them.

    A charge of malfeasance, and just who is going to bring such a charge against the junta and I mean a charge not just an allegation ?

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