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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 2 minutes ago, seajae said:

    time to put their money where their mouth is and have this investigated or they are simply no better than the previous ptp govts. Family or not, if someone is following corrupt practices they need to be investigated and charged, anything else is simply extreme arrogance. What happens now will be pivotal to the current pm and what he claims he stands for, is he there for the country or for his families benefit

    It's been proved there's no shame in the junta so things will roll along without any care or concern and the PM et al will still spout all their transparency and anti-corruption BS minus the obvious codicil " this doesn't apply to us. "

  2. 3 hours ago, JAG said:


    Oh for goodness sake - be positive man!

    There's plenty of good news out there to put a smile on your face.

    A massive jump in Chinese tourists, Chula  University is to become an innovation hub, the body in the freezer is not French,  and no doubt some Taxi 

    driver will soon return a small fortune to an absent minded farang.


    Thank you for your kind words of comfort and I've recovered enough to type.

    Please understand that for me any thought that anyone doesn't believe in or trust OGL ( Our Glorious Leader ) is just too much to take,

    I demand a new opinion poll  be conducted immediately by a totally independent and trustworthy organisation such as Thai Researchers for Community Happiness to put everyone's mind at rest. It's not a major task and the results can be available within the next 5 minutes.

  3. Allerdyce is talking entrapment but the essence of the defence of Entrapment / Agent Provocateur is to show that the accused did something they would not normally have done because of trickery or other objectionable conduct.

    He knew what was on offer and was right in there because of greed. It doesn't matter he thought they were businessmen as he didn't refuse or walk away from what was proposed, he didn't even object.

  4. 7 hours ago, hansnl said:

    As bad as it all is, might there also be a thing called poverty besides "lust for money"?

    Yes poverty does make people steal etc but what of those who don't need money yet still embezzle, steal etc.?

    Some steal because it's the only way they see of surviving or getting by but many others steal because what they already have is never enough. Poverty is hardly an excuse for them.

  5. 24 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


    They never have before, even when the military is in charge.


    The source is the military and the fact it operates to protect its own interests and the interests of a minority of Thai elites and not the electorate, whom it is meant to serve.


    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

    And isn't insanity doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

  6. 29 minutes ago, trainman34014 said:

    Many Thai's are still living in the dark ages; sexual abuse of underage girls and boys by family members or anyone who wants to 'buy' is rife in many villages.   Some will say this is rubbish but i've witnessed a lot of it in the last ten years.   Most communities have Policemen living in them but they turn a blind eye to such goings on.

    Look at village marriage involving young teenage girls, money changes hands so the parents are happy and the village attends the piss up, headman etc and all.

  7. 3 minutes ago, ScotBkk said:

    The mind Boggles
    Something deep rooted in the sub-conscious at work here to even contemplate such treachery.

    The more I read about kids abuse in Thailand, makes me think how much more of his is going on !!!

    People comparing what happens around the world is of no concern given that we're living in this country and feel compassionate about its children as a whole.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    The lust for money trumps everything and no more so in situations like this, nothing else matters.

    I suppose a shrink might see something about some grandparents resenting having children dumped on them and taking their anger out on the only people within reach but it's just so hard to understand.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Alive said:

    They should have been let in. People are people.

    It doesn't matter who people are, perhaps other than VIPs, there's no automatic right of entry and that's how it should be.

    If, as with young women and men I suppose, the immigration officers suspect the purpose of visit isn't simply shopping and sightseeing they've every right to refuse entry.

    I've no doubt some genuine tourists are wrongly turned back but that's how it goes unfortunately. This situation has been blown out of all proportion.

  9. 15 minutes ago, ScotBkk said:

    Disgusting evil old witch. It's hard to take onboard grandma selling her grandchild for sex.

    What's happening to Thailand of late it's children are being sacrificed as sex objects !!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I remember a story from 1-2 years back of a granny who was pimping her two granddaughters, age range 10-14,  and she'd delivered and collect them from the customers on the back of her pedal cycle. One of the customers was a teacher in the local school.

    Then there's the infamous situation of a grandmother, a 14 year old girl and a monk who is now living the high life in the US.

  10. 14 minutes ago, biggles45 said:

    "Seems they were simply refused for not meeting the criteria to enter as tourists. The fact they are transgender is irrelevant. "


    If that is so why were they asked to sign a form related to their sex?

    "The pair were told to sign two documents; one to confirm they had completed full gender reassignment surgery and one to confirm they would voluntarily go back to Thailand immediately."

    They didn't sign any documents so there are no copies that can be produced so we only have their word for it.

    I wonder what language was used during the interview ?

  11. 19 minutes ago, Kabula said:

    "Love is a serious mental illness." ?


    Author unknown...


    I read that quote many years ago and rejected it.


    Over time,  especially after reading all these suicide, murder and attempted murder news articles, I'm beginning to believe that love is an an illusion and can be mental illness or the cause and accelerate depression.  My two divorces in the U.S. many moons ago made me think more about the quote.


    It seems to me the renters of love have more spendable money, are happier and live longer, providing they keep asking questions!


    The  author  must've been a genius. I wonder if he's here in Thailand. 


    If the author is reading this identify yourself.  More quotes please.   :clap2:

    Are you thinking of  ' Love is a temporary illness cured by marriage ' ?

    The Devil's Dictionary.

    Ambrose Bierce ( 1842-1914 )

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