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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 8 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    A problem that has affected the rest of the UK for a long time - highly paid southerners buying up homes in the countryside to use on rare occasions, forcing locals out because they cannot afford to live where they grew up, and depriving local businesses of year round customers.

    I remember a gentleman in London, a Dr. Green, who bought a Scottish island which he visited once a year.

    The local authority on the mainland which covered the island proposed building a proper ferry pier to help make supplying the island easier but Dr. Green blocked the idea saying it would  spoil the beauty of HIS island irrespective of disadvantaging those living there all year round.

  2. Faulted is one thing but will any follow up action, if any, be ?

    They were negligent and made made false reports about their duty which might be quite common but on this occasion someone was found dead in very suspicious circumstances, let's just forget the way the BIB colonel has danced around the description and that must put them in the frame for something a little more serious than neglect of duty.

    However ... !

  3. 11 hours ago, Thechook said:

    What happened to the 2014 formula 1 grand prix that was suppose to be held in BKK.  I thought the government in early 2011 had it all sewn up and Thailand was the new G.P hub.

    LoS claimed a lot of things including F1 and the Tour de France would be held here and were shot down by the organizations involved as there was no truth in the claims !

    Now isn't that a surprise, on a par with all the favourable media releases made on behalf of other countries.

  4. Polls have shown most Thais are satisfied with the PM's work as premier !

    Ask the right questions of the right people and in the present atmosphere you'll get the results required.

    Polls involving 1,000 - 2,000 people out of Thailand's eligible voters are of course completely accurate when they say exactly what you want.

  5. 6 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    I remember quite a few people getting moved side-wards or shoved upwards as a means of getting a non performer out the way. It seemed once you got to a certain level non performance never resulted in demotion or termination.


    And that was in British, French and American MNC's. Always amazed me and still seems the practice.

    During my time in Hong Kong there's was a standard response that was trotted out every time a senior civil servant appeared to have screwed up that they'd be promoted as the govt was big on admitting someone had got things wrong..

    Often there was an admission, of sorts, things had gone wrong but avoiding naming names, pointing fingers etc.and the explanation was a failure in the system which would naturally be reviewed.

    I have to say the dept I worked in was very strict on disciplinary matters but it was all in house and usually not broadcast.

  6. 1 minute ago, Brer Fox said:

    Last week it was flags with "Before and After" written on them. This week it is signs on sticks with "Roads for Nice People " written on  them. What will it be next week? My guess is it will be party balloons with an equally meaningless message. 

    If you like a good laugh tune in for next week's hilarious installment of Bangkok police chiefs puerile attempts to fix Bangkok traffic.

    BKK police flags.jpg

    BKK police signs.jpg

    Where's the flashing arrow with ' Spot The Dummy ' ?

  7. 4 hours ago, seajae said:

    the pm has no option but to follow this through, he is pushing the fact he is against corruption and this looks very much like it. Family or not, if they are guilty of corrupt practices they must be charged, there is no other way around it, if they are not then this will show the people that this pm is no better than thaksin. To not follow through now  will make everything that has been done and is being done look to be set up only, time to see just how honest this govt can actually be.

    The PM has no option but to follow this through ?

    You clearly have a lot to learn Grasshopper.

  8. 27 minutes ago, Caveat Emptor said:

    A couple of meters past the cop and the signs will be forgotten.

    All these ideas are for publicity only and are better than doing what's really needed, Enforcement with appropriate punishment but easier to churn out this BS, dress cops up as Care Bears and on and on.

    Easier than actually doing the job they're supposed to.

    And this is described as being ' the brainchild ' of the local police !    :rolleyes:

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