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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 2 hours ago, fruitman said:


    It should be: "farang overcharge him!" but they already do that.


    The idea is to have farang use a certain telecomoperator so they can make some extra money to share.


    They better give tourists a free celphone with gps-tracker but that doesn't make any money of course.


    I hope the plan will become real, can't wait to read the headlines in the european newspapers...For sure nobody will come anymore and they will realise what a ridiculous idea it was. Thailand the one and only country where you can't use your own simcard anymore or you have to buy a double-sim-phone first plus extra battery to charge the thing all the time when gps is turned on.



    Spoke to my daughter in Scotland yesterday on Skype and she knew all about the scheme as it had been on the news, not sure which broadcaster, and she said it hadn't been presented in a positive way pointing out that a country that relies heavily on tourism isn't exactly making people feel welcome.


    It will be interesting to know if this does put intending tourists off, not that we'll ever know because the Minister and TAT never let anything affect their positive outlook and figures. I can imagine they'll use the propaganda that everyone understands it'a all done for their safety and security and it's welcomed.

  2. 15 minutes ago, lucky11 said:


     Despite your disapproval of the means by which this is being done - you have to admit that he is doing an excellent job in curbing corruption and bringing those who commited it to justice. I don't care particularly for democracy - especially US style democracy (a joke). Keep up the good work Prayut and I hope that he remains in control after free and fair elections have taken place to satisfy the moaning Americans. They should get their house in order first before criticising other nations!! 

    Curbing corruption, really ?

    It seems to depend on who the accused is and it certainly won't get too close to home.

    Is he getting rid of corruption or opponents etc ?

  3. 5 minutes ago, BigBadGeordie said:

    Kritsada Boonrat knows his stuff, clearly an expert in the matter

    "Many areas are facing floods and residents are panicking. Flooding is a natural disaster caused by water volumes from the North and pouring rains flowing into the Chao Phraya River."

     OK Khun Krisada, got that.

    "The water flowing into Chao Phraya dam is from rain in some areas and flowing to rivers and canals while the water in the lower area is floods."

    Aha, the water flows from high ground to lower areas and it comes from the rain! Thanks for that. 


    "Officials should act as intermediaries for compromise and set up teams to listen to their complaints otherwise they would complain to the mass media instead, worsening the official organisation's image," 


    And now we reach the crux of the matter, it's not about the farmers lost harvests, it's not about the flooded homes or peoples property and livelihoods being destroyed.


    It's a warning to officials to get out there and stop people complaining and informing the mass media. For at all costs nothing, I repeat nothing, must be allowed to bring about a "worsening (of) the official organisation's image,"


    Thainess personified.

    Spot On !  :clap2: Nice One.

    Got to love Thai officials, they open their mouths without thinking first and then their feet are a perfect fit.

  4. 3 minutes ago, BigBadGeordie said:

    It is reassuring to see so many fresh young faces, who having gone through a rigorous transparent selection process, have now been appointed to this august body on the basis of their ability.

    Exactly, everything is so open and transparent with the junta there'd never practice cronyism.     :rolleyes:

  5. 12 minutes ago, Thailand said:

    Don't they mean if you don't elect the pm we want we will dissolve parliament?

    And the power to do so, comes from articles various and lots of big guns.


    The slide down the slippery slope is gaining momentum.

    It should be quite clear to the Thai electorate that they can elect whomever they want, if and when elections are returned, but the military will always have the last word.

    They've got the taste and won't be giving up power

  6. 8 minutes ago, tbthailand said:


    and with at least 3 1/2 years in office before the next general election, that will give the "unelected PM" more than a decade in office, ... 


    Now I only wonder how they plan to rig the system for the second half of his "20 year strategy"... :coffee1:

    Now that's about the only example of forward planning they're ever really going to think about.

  7. 11 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    There have been Jewish PM's so why not a Muslim?


    The only issue with anyone who holds a particular religious view or belongs to a particular sect is if that is a conflict of interest source or prohibits there taking of appropriate oaths. The Mason's have certainly had plenty of PM's from within its secret membership.

    I think you'll find it was one Jewish PM out of all there's been.

    If your invoking certain memberships how about all the ' old boys ' from the elite schools and the attitudes inculcated into them ?

    Many entered these establishments because of who they were and not always on academic merit. 


    If Khan does become PM he'll have a job on his hands to prove he's there for everyone and that won't be easy given the general mistrust, even worse, of Muslims.

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