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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


    I understood, maybe wrongly, from the article, that they chartered the plane and crew from Thai. And kept it on the ground ready to bring them back.


    The costs look "interesting" especially the food & drink (how many went and did they eat all meals on the plane while they were there?) and the catchall "management costs.


    Same same  but different. Deja vu.

    Remember during major protests when the YL govt was in post and the ' war room ' was opened it was reported that Chalerm and Tarit were ordering in food and wine from a five star hotel etc ?

    Some things never change and when the public are paying it's ' fill your boots ' !


    Another example of a total lack of accountability and don't they know it !

  2. 2 minutes ago, Eligius said:

    It doesn't matter in the slightest if even 50 or 100 political parties 'joined together' to oppose The System: The System would just sneer in their face and do what it is empowered to do anyway. As another astute poster commented, the sword here is mightier than the pen.


    It's therefore time that we all faced up to the harsh and horrendous fact that Democracy is dead, buried and burnt, and not even the smoke from its fire is any longer visible.

    It must be difficult to form any sort of coalition as everyone wants to be the top dog.

    Yes there have been govt coalitions in the past but the smaller parties joined only to get whatever crumbs they could pick up otherwise they wouldn't feature anywhere.

  3. He had no intention of staging a coup and look what happened.

    A general election will be held as planned next year, maybe, and there will always be a convenient excuse available for any postponent.

    Anyway the things are going it seems a election result will mean nothing as those and such as those see fit.

  4. 2 hours ago, impulse said:


    And I also think some people are confused by the fact that they only get intrusive after you've pretty much settled here.  


    Unlike our own governments who will know a Thai's underwear size before they're even allowed on the plane.

    I can only speak about the British govt and while they may know about someone's underwear before they board the plane they also have a habit of ' mislaying ' new arrivals.


    About eighteen months to two years ago the Home Office admitted there was something like 180,000 people who'd arrived on all sorts of visas and they had no idea where they were. Once in the country that seemed to be it more or less and there's little hope of tracing them.

    Incidentally the Home Secretary of the day is now PM who had a habit of wriggling out of a mess or two by managing to blame others.

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