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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. Is this a pitiful attempt by the DSI to look effective and relevant ?

    Tarit will know prosecutions like this are unlikely to be authorised but it looks good pressing for one, maybe somebody will actually believe he's doing a good job.

    Where's the missing ex-monk these days ? How's the luxury car investigation progressing or are all resources engaged on the scam involving berry pickers ?

    You forgot the Red Bull Heir !

    Damn, there's just so many of them but I think that one is being mishandled by the police who are showing such concern over the death of a colleague.

  2. Is this a pitiful attempt by the DSI to look effective and relevant ?

    Tarit will know prosecutions like this are unlikely to be authorised but it looks good pressing for one, maybe somebody will actually believe he's doing a good job.

    Where's the missing ex-monk these days ? How's the luxury car investigation progressing or are all resources engaged on the scam involving berry pickers ?

    • Like 2
  3. The headline is a great example of a rhetorical question as anyone who cares to think about the scheme can see it's a financial black hole, the country cannot afford to keep pouring money into such a scheme but the way out is unacceptable to PTP.

    If the scheme is dropped or reduced to manageable levels, if there's such a thing, it would be massive loss of face having to admit the scheme failed and was a financial disaster. The loss of face would be exacerbated if the scheme was thought up in Dubai.

    In addition the government knows the reaction from rice farmers and their supporters who include PTP MPs so will not take them on as they are core supporters and can make their displeasure clear in so many ways.

    I wonder if the government will dream up more ' mega-projects ' that will of course require more massive borrowing simply as a cover to keep funding the nightmare they have caused for themselves /

    • Like 2
  4. I would suggest very little extra money will be spent despite the extra day and the official propaganda that people will be rushing out to throw money around.

    Foreign tourists will not alter their plans in any way and the Thais who travel, in the main, do so to visit family which doesn't include a spending spree.

    I suppose my local municipality will, a la Songkran, set up road safety tents on the dual carriageway at the top of my soi which seem to serve no purpose other than allowing staff to earn lots of lovely overtime. Any time I pass the officials manning the tents are reading, sleeping, talking and of course eating but no one ever seems to be doing anything constructive.

    From a motorists point of view I cannot see any reason to stop unless lost but can easily get directions from anyone. I am unlikely to go in and ask if i need to wear a seat belt, can I drink and drive etc. The whole thing is nothing more than an unnecessary, expensive show.

    • Like 1
  5. So the Dems want the government to be open and transparent ?

    They should know better by now and if in doubt have a word with the Ombudsman.

    The ombudsman's office is null and void, stripped of it's power by the fugitive. How long have they been demanding the clarification of the Thaksin passport saga, only to be ignored, and totally unable to force the passage of rule of law. Disgusting situation indeed is this slide into dictatorship.

    I was being facetious but the Ombudsman situation highlights what's happening to the fullest where the government flatly refuses to answer a legitimate question from an properly appointed and so called ' independent ' official who in turn flatly refuses to use the power and authority of his office. We can only guess why and I'm sure the guesses would be more than accurate.

    h90 correctly says he can't remember the Dems being any more open and transparent when in office and both sides simply play the same political game but PTP do have a really dictatorial way of operation.

  6. YL is vague, vacant at the best of times but when it comes to rice sales vagueness, lack of detail etc. is most definitely deliberate so they can play " there's good news and we will tell you how good it is later when we've got a ridiculous story arranged ".

    Vague as in Vouge?

    Vogue ?

    I'm Vague on Vogue... You got me there! thumbsup.gif

    Victory ! Would rush out to do a lap of honour but it's pissing down outside.

  7. In some countries she would already have an ambulance chaser of a lawyer ready to sue food companies, brewers etc all of whom contributed to her obesity which caused her such mental anguish that she turned to controlling prostitutes such was her mental distress and confusion.

    Being a mama san is of course something she would never have considered if she hadn't become involved with products made by people whose only motive is profit with no concern to how they affect innocent people.

  8. The Hypocratic Oath starts " First Do No Harm " but here it seems to be " do nothing until you get a deposit or are sure the patient is good for it ".

    The Hippocratic Oath (named after Hippocrates) is an oath traditionally sworn by physicians and others in the medical field to protect the lives and rights of patients. Obviously not followed in this case by the hospital.

    It would appear that in this story the hospital was following the Hypocritic Oath.

    (A hypocrite preaches one thing, and does another. Rather like many people in government and other responsible positions)

    I remember hearing that the medical association in Thailand often does not take the Hippocratic oath.. Remember the debates about the doctors at the hospitals refusing to treat red shirts.

    Medical moral action in Thailand can diverge from the expected norm by quite a long way

    Thanks for that, it could go someway to explaining things.

    However what's in an oath especially here ? There are so many oaths for so many occasions in which all concerned to be honest and doing everything above board etc. e.g. the election oaths ! LOL ... definitely all above board there.

  9. The Hypocratic Oath starts " First Do No Harm " but here it seems to be " do nothing until you get a deposit or are sure the patient is good for it ".

    The Hippocratic Oath (named after Hippocrates) is an oath traditionally sworn by physicians and others in the medical field to protect the lives and rights of patients. Obviously not followed in this case by the hospital.

    It would appear that in this story the hospital was following the Hypocritic Oath.

    (A hypocrite preaches one thing, and does another. Rather like many people in government and other responsible positions)

    Sorry about spelling mistake, I got my Hypo and Hippos wrong and the hospital certainly did. Great Post from you, right on the nose.

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