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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. the other newspaper shows that they put the concrete protection which is meant to protect against floods on the streets.

    While half Thailand is flooded they use the water barriers against the few demonstrators???? Why not use them up country where they need them?

    Just an indication of priorities ?

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  2. So some progress has been made but by whose definition ?

    Three working groups have been set up and will in due course report exactly what's expected of them.

    Dinosaur in Chief Banharn is quoted as saying the national reform forum aims to move Thailand forward yet only a few days ago he admitted giving up on attempting to persuade opponents to join.

    This leaves the forum free to announce success in all they do and take the high moral ground that the opposition lost out by turning down the chance of representation, not that their views would have carried any weight.

  3. I've posted this before but consider it's worthy of a repeat.

    Earlier this year an official of the Phuket Tourist Board when interviewed about Chinese tourists said that many businesses in the area were now totally dependant on them as other tourists, both foreign and domestic, had gone elsewhere because of the anti-social behaviour of the Chinese.

    Naturally he stated the obvious that if anything went wrong with Chinese tourism these businesses would cease to operate.

  4. Great words and plans and long overdue but as is so often the case in Thailand it doesn't matter how many laws or rules and regulations exist it all comes down to implementation or more especially the lack of such.

    It won't take long for all concerned to figure out how to get around the new system and get back to making real money.

  5. Of course Prachin Buri was unable to defend itself and the poor folks needed all the help they could get not just a whirlwind rock star visit from YL and a dinsaur who looked as if they were enjoying themselves.

    The Acting Director has carefully danced around the problem but of course assures that the B350 Billion project will fiz all, in up to 5 years. So what happened to all the promises and projects that were supposed to have started 2 years ago, as if we didn't know ?

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  6. More rubbish is the form of weak, unbelievable justifications and throwing in the comment about " unbiased prosecution review " just makes it worse.

    I agree people can get instructions from overseas and decide not to act on them, this in fact applies to instructions originating anywhere but I can't see the cabinet after a Skype session saying " No, what he wants isn't on so let's not bother ".

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  7. dam_n, they're gonna be busy if they actually do this properly.

    You have correctly used the magical word IF.

    I wonder when the first photos of police at an illegally parked car emerge with other photos taken shortly afterwards and the car is still there ?

    I'm sure weak, unbelievable excuses will be trotted out whereas the truth will be it wasn't moved for the obvious reason we can all think of or it's an expensive make which means it must belong to ' somebody ' or is recognised as defintely belonging to a somebody.

  8. How about jet skiing in the flooded provinces....anybody can jet ski in the ocean; but jet skiing in flooded rice paddies or down main street of a small provincial town is a different experience. And maybe an hourly rental discount could be offered if you deliver some food & water to flood victims.

    There's an ex-MP who could run the main street jet skiing section as he has experience around Don Muang.

  9. This man travels the world as a fugitive. He also gives speeches from time to time, while he is at it. He even stated that he is untouchable abroad, guess he was referring to that he can't get caught and taken back to Thailand.

    Can someone enlighten me how the hell he does it? He is not even worried about being on the run. There have been a lot of powerful well connected criminals in the past that were on the run but finally got caught no matter how well connected they were. So it makes me wonder, how does this Thaksin guy do it? He doesnt give a shit about the fact that he is a wanted person and doesn't even try to keep a low profile.

    How does he do it? Simple. The Thai Government is in collusion with him and has made no attempt whatsoever to have him returned to face trial. They even help him with his passport. So nice of them.

    Unfortunately the then Democratic government didn't do much about bringing him back either.

    They eventually cancelled his passport but that was no hinderance to a man of his resources and he Bought, I think, at least three. They really could have put the pressure on by requesting an Interpol red Notice but didn't.

    I have always thought the Dems didn't want him back fearing non-stop trouble withe him here as an on the spot figurehead. They knew he would be trouble anywhere but reduced it by keeping him out of the country.

    This is exactly happened with Marcos in the Philippines when the new Aquino government refused an American request to allow him to stay in the country.

    Everywhere he goes the national authorities know his status but since Thailand makes no effort to bring him back they have no real reason to refuse entry unless they really wanted.

    When he gives a speech it's known he speaks as more than a mere ' observer'.

  10. The claimed increase in student performance is nonsense but in keeping with officialdom justifying another expensive populist idea.

    If students are improving so much because of the tablets it indictes the teaching system and the teachers but I'm sure if students are being left to study virtually unsupervised because they have a tablet thet will not be using them or study.

    On the overall issue of tablets I wonder if a ' roll call ' of tablets was to be announced how many students would be able to produce theirs ?

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