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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. Just a thought but when a country's leaders go on overseas trips it's usual for the hosts to throw an official dinner which normally features local specalities.

    I wonder how YL and her entourage handle this, do they politely decline and ask that boiling water be poured on their instant noodles ?

    Can you imagine the reaction here if someone from another country said this, and it was in any way thought to reflect their attitude to ' local ' food ?

    • Like 2
  2. Just another photo op and the other paper shows her and Banham wading through flood water, not too deep of course.

    Although Yl has instructed this and that there is no suggestion the residents were given any explainations far less an apology for the government's failures and mis-leading comments especially those by YL herslef.

    What a public spirited gesture by that old crawler Banham who voluntered to take care of Prachin Buri if YL was too busy ! He's trying to look good locally because his party has MPs from that province and of course YL will be too busy, after all she has all those parliamentary sessions and committees to attend and there must be another overseas trip due anytime.

    You know what's really disgusting is the fact that these two are laughing and smiling in the camera. That's just a dispising disgraceful act towards the people who are suffering from the floods. They are laughing their behinds off.

    Nor very discreet or appropriate is it ? However no doubt they were only responding to the warmth of love and adoration from residents so grateful they had turned out to share their discomfort.

    • Like 2
  3. As I recall, during the last time, we were told not to worry either.

    PTP 4ever!

    Only he is right with those dams if you want some real infor google bangkokpundit and educate yourself. I am anti PTP but that site is run by a foreigner that has all the data on the dams and flow rates collected.

    Plod and the OP is referencing only two major dams. That is hardly reason not to be concerned ("not worrisome") of the others, witch are at or near capacity and increasing rates of discharge as there is another major storm on the way to add to the already heavy rainfall.

    These statemenst made by this lunatic, that is charge of this situation should be criminal. He is painting a picture that could lead people to believe their lives are not in danger and end up being on the list of those that have already perished or are missing.

    You are so right and it's not as simple as he is making out but now loss of face recludes him from saying else.

    If the situation gets worse his mis-representations will rise in tandem with the water. I don't know what it is with this idiot but the Shin clan certainly look after him.

    • Like 1
  4. I notice there are plenty of underwear for sale with the US flag and the British Union Jack on them, but I never see any with the Thai flag. I wonder why?

    The word hypocrisy jumps to mind.

    What's good for the goose is good for the gander, etc..

    I, like so many others, have raised the question of clothing made out of national flags with Thais and the answers were as expected.

    In my case it was with some of my university students who said it was ok to wear clothing such as T-shirts looking like cut outs from a national flag as it wasn't their flag and YES they would be very upset with anyone wearing the Thai flag in such a manner.

    This Buddhist activists group's attitude is no surprise and very much in keeping with Thainess.

    • Like 2
  5. He's been too quiet for too long.

    Naturally targets have been met and thankfully no mention made of 90 days.

    One thing I don't understand is that B11 Billion has been tracked down but only B3 Million prevented from leaving the country, does that mean the balance has already gone ? If so it mirrors the ex-monk's bank accounts in that the stable door was bolted...!

    With the money involved in drug trafficking a lot of powerful and well connected people are involved,

    'nuff said !

    • Like 1
  6. Not such good news for Honda. They imagined their new plant in Prachinburi would be less flood prone than the one in Ayutthaya,

    Indeed out of frying pans into fires is quite appropriate I think.

    The government may be interested in saving Bangkok ahead of the rest of the country but the potential inundation of industrial parks is a real nightmare as after 2011 some foreign business made it clear they would leave the country if they were flooded again.

    If they do that's the sort of adverse publicity that no amount of spin can counter and exposes the government's " never again " empty promises for what they are.

    Well, you can see it as disaster, some might see it as karma.

    Who did build those estates next to a massive river in a flood plane, and pay people off to allow it to happen?

    Corruption is the root of everything in this place.

    On the nose, no argument there.

  7. I can't wait to see the pics in 'Oho' magazine. I follow the latest fashion closely and can't wait to see what she'll be wearing.

    Why is she going to Prachin Buri and Si Sa Ket, anyway?

    The other paper told they ar under 4 meters of water.

    The Director of the Royal Irrigation Dept has probably spoiled her day as the midday news quoted him as saying there is likely to be more bad weather for the next 2 days and the flooding will probably get worse.

    Luckily she will have no problems facing the people she told not to worry that there will be no flooding and now she has to visit them because they're up to their whatsits in it.

    • Like 1
  8. "The Women's Health Advocacy Foundation is putting pressure on the government to pass the Reproductive Health Rights Promotion and Protection Act, which if successful, would give pregnant students the legal right to continue their studies..."

    It's amazing that Thailand has not caught up to most of the countries who are members of the U.N. Security Council in which it wants to participate. NEWS FLASH!!!...Males share half the responsibility of the pregnancies!!! Yet, this fact is never mentioned when discussing actions which are being proposed.

    Perhaps if Thailand wants to be part of the rest of the civilized world, it should abandon its antiquated views on who needs to share the responsibilities of pregnancy and child support.

    A pregnant student who will have been abandoned by all but her own family, hopefully, needs the chance of education in the hope she can secure something of a a future for herself and her child yet the powers that be deny this.

    I had experience of this at a technical school I worked in some years ago where students who fell pregant were out so as not to tarnish the school's image and reputation.

  9. "The Women's Health Advocacy Foundation is putting pressure on the government to pass the Reproductive Health Rights Promotion and Protection Act, which if successful, would give pregnant students the legal right to continue their studies..."

    It's amazing that Thailand has not caught up to most of the countries who are members of the U.N. Security Council in which it wants to participate. NEWS FLASH!!!...Males share half the responsibility of the pregnancies!!! Yet, this fact is never mentioned when discussing actions which are being proposed.

    Perhaps if Thailand wants to be part of the rest of the civilized world, it should abandon its antiquated views on who needs to share the responsibilities of pregnancy and child support.

    A pregnant student who will have been abandoned by all but her own family, hopefully, needs the chance of education in the hope she can secure something of a a future for herself and her child yet the powers that be deny this.

    I had experience of this at a technical school I worked in some years ago where students who fell pregant were out so as not to tarnish the school's image and reputation.

  10. If YL has appropriately arranged her time in managing domestic issues why is she missing so often from parliament and various committees ? Recently she said she would attend a major debate in the house if she didn't have anything else to attend to. It's hard to see what her priorities are other than jetting off somewhere.

    The Foreign Office official who has defended her trips saying they were designed to increase Thailan's standing in the world community, do they actually consider the country is of much relevance on the big stage as I doubt anyone else does ?

    There is so much going on at home yet YL insists on playing absentee PM and her government lives in a fantasy world where they think have, and will geteven more, big face around the world.

    The latest public spin is that she has attended over 70% of the parliment sessions, but only voted on 4% of the votes.With the way the members seem to vote using someone other than their own card, I suspect she is logged in as attending by some invisable hand, whereas the voting record may be tied to her credit card, thus cannot be loaned out.

    The damage control that is undertaken to try to justify incompentance in this country is at a new low. Even the susposed uneducated are seeing the government for what it is, A self/family enrichment program, with few avenues to monitor/control the run away corruption.

    The only given is those who are guilty of of breaking their pledge to the people, etc have run away with their booty.

    Thanks for that, I wasn't aware of the figures but it's an almight disparity between a supposed 70% attendance but only a 4% voting record. In the past she has wriggled out of things by saying there are certain debates that it would not be proper for her to attend and the same over some voting. I must also say that whenever I see footage of parliamentary sessions it's rare to see her in her position at the " top table ".

    I can't figure out if she's under instruction from Dubai to keep away and avoid awkward questions from the floor and the media, she even looks out of her depth reading a prepared script OR if she's scared knowing her inadequacies and makes the decision to hide herself.

    The issue of voting and logging attendance by others comes up very regularly and the recent video clip appears to be quite clear. I hope others can correct me but I can't remember much in the way of parliamentary action over this possibly because every party is at it.

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