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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. Look at these poor Thais standing in this water totally ignored by the Bangkok elite, government, and military.

    YL is off on her travels again and no doubt will be telling APEC leaders there's not a problem and it's all under control presuming that no one will have seen or heard anything about it.

    I'm having a weekend away from home and the hotel's cable service has Al Jazeera news from the Middle East which I don't get. Therir news ' crawler ' talks of massive floods in Thailand and lists casualties and extent of flooding. YL will be smiling as she spreads her BS and believing that all she says is being taken as the gospel truth.

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  2. Just love the discipline instilled in the honour guard. Aren't they taught eyes front and not to look at the inspection party? You look through them, not at them. Guess a photo op was passing by and the family wouldn't recognise me unless I turned my head.

    At least they're not pointing.

    I remember seeing news footage of a royal occasion and as the motorcade passed the reviewing platform even the drivers did an ' eyes right ' and saluted !

    • Like 1
  3. That's out of order, I thought Phuket was trying to improve protection for tourists? ( okay I know already ).

    Repeated molestation over several hours should never have resulted in a suspended sentence. Quite frankly ridiculous.

    A suspended sentence because it was his first offence but what a first offence !

    This is most definately the way to reassure tourists but I suppose they are more interested in travelling on high speed trains.

  4. Now that is BOTH the de Facto and the de jure PMs telling the police to do their job properly.

    Why wasn't this laid down on day 1 of this government?

    As a thought what will both of them do if the police just ignore the requests?

    Isn't she getting just a little ahead of herself telling the police what to do as the national police chief has already indicated he gets instructions direct from the real PM ?

    If push comes to shove I wonder which one he is likely to obey first, as if i didn't know ?

    He obviously wants to hold onto his job and for that reason will not be too ready to cross Mr. T especially as there's a Shinawatra in the force ready to take over sooner or later.

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  5. A "band" of red shirts? Deary me, makes them sound like the Beatles or something. The proper collective noun for these morons is a "flock".

    I would go with the new word made famous throughout the Babylon 5 series and call them a Frak of Red Shirts.

    Irrespective of the rights and wrongs of this lad's supposed paid study leave the whole issue is defined by the three key words which reflect his dad's position.

    Constitutional Court Judge equals Red Rag to a Red Shirt.

    But that's 10 words wink.png

    3 key words, dad's position. I am i going too fast ?

  6. Hopefully compensation will be paid alot quicker than last time. Some of my wifes friends in Rangsit are still waiting for the promised payout after the 2011 flood.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Did they fill out all the paperwork ?

    Forms after Forms to be filled out, Offices to be visited, photo copies of i,d, house book etc, many needed... Guess over about 18 months received 47,000 baht, the largest cheque was 5,000 baht, all the others small amounts. each time note in letterbox = more photo copies, more trips to Government offices, and to Banks to cash said slips..

    The time and cost it took and over 18 months is it ever worth it ?

    when people have lost things and had to stay away from home for 4 - 6 weeks, a slip of paper to go to Bank and get 1,000 baht is not a lot of help in trying to replace anything, and that coming months after the event

    Don't forget all the complaints that village heads, local officials etc were demanding up to B30,000 to do / endorse the necessary paperwork. As usual the complaints were to be looked into but I can't remember anything coming of it.

  7. Truly pathetic, these so called exclusion zones are useless. Who's going to say to themselves......"well, I can't get a drink within 300 minutes of the campus so that's it, I'll never touch a drop of alcohol".


    This is as ridiculous as the ' permitted hours ' to buy from shops etc. and in my part of Isan the ban on bars and restaurants from displaying anything advertising alcohol as it may be seen by children, as if they don't see it at home, on the football shirts they wear, on TV coverage of sporting events etc.

    Convincing celebrities and athletes not to advertise drink is one thing but what of alcohol companies who are amongst the biggest sponsors of sporting events and what better example than the recent successful World Volleyball Championships won by Thailand where every second advertising banner and board was for Chang beer ?

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