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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. You have to give PTP one thing, they are always consistent " we re always right and everybody else always wrong ".

    Oh by the way we do want openness, transparency and reconcilliation so just do everything we say and all will be just fine.

    Does that mean that you agree with coups and the fact that the perpetrators can absolve themselves from all responsibility?

    Strangely enough, I think that most on this thread do...

    Except if there was a coup against a Democrats' led government, of course.

    No I don't agree with coups or the leaders being absolved of blame.

    Neither do i agree with anyone gettting into power and interpreting the law to their own adavantage, that is if they even bother with the actual law.

    The coup was wrong and so is the current attitude running through PTP and the reds including the " we won so we can do was we like " that hopefully ony aminority subscribe to.

  2. Dictators may order their little minions to do so via skype when they're intimidated little weasels. IIA: Internal Insecurity Act.

    The forum got told the results before they even meet...you can't have some troublemaker there.

    Think of what the vote buying costs....as dictator you must cash in that money and pay all your cronies....it isn't an easy live.

    Yes, what a life, everybody wants a reward. You just can't get good scyophants and cronies these days.

    • Like 2
  3. Yeasterday threre was an excellent post, complete with pictures, of an industrial area that looked like it was trying to be the new Lost City of Atlantis yet according to a spokesman it was operating normally.

    You have to hand it to Thai officiadom as no matter how many eye witnesses and photographic evidence is avaiable if they say something is or isn't happening it's set in stone and don't dare suggest otherwise.

    • Like 2
  4. Who committs suicide at Swampy ?

    Is it an arriving passenger who sees his wife / gf and her family waiting expectantly and can't face the expense OR a departing passenger who has been completely ripped off by wife / gf and various others and can't face family and friends when he gets home ?

    I'm sure TAT could make something of this.

    On the front page of today's BKK Post is an article on this topic. It claims that since 2006, seven people have committed suicide by jumping from the upper floor walkways. The report went on to say most suicides were an outcome of foreigners having domestic disputes, not wanting to return to their homeland or run out of money; doesn't state where they got this info.

    I had not seen the article before making my post and my tongue was most definitely in my cheek butseems i cought the ' officials ' reasons for most suicides.

    One thing I didn't get was the idea that some who couldn't afford their air fare home went to Swampy to top themselves but why ? They must have known long before reaching the airport they were poor and penniless.

  5. Is this setting the stage for another 350 billion ?

    Perhaps she was just warming up the audience for the main event..,bit of levity

    This woman has mega projects on the brain.

    I bet she didn't tell APEC that all the great promises of 2011 didn't happen as the money borrowed to fund the projects somehow got ' mislaid '.

    I'm sure in the future the government will ' have to ' borrow more to start all these mega schemes and am sure too that the new funding will also mysteriously disappear.

    • Like 1
  6. I saw the report in the other newspaper yesterday plus a translation from the evening news by a thai friend where people in the area fear the situation wil be as bad as 2011.

    Even alowing for exaggeration by understandably distressed residents it's bad and we shouldn't forget only a couple of weeks ago the official line was it wasn't happening and wouldn't happen then as it did everything was under control.

    When this is all over those at the top who made these crass statements will not offer an explaination and as is the way here will not be called to account.

  7. How is it the two universities named are still operating without the proper certification ? Many and varied answers possible.

    Universities have been informed to check the qualifications of their lecturers and I am sure many will not stand up to scrutiny but it didn't stop their being recruited in the first place and we can make an informed guess as to why.

    Thai education has been aired via this forum on many occasions but the system is rotten from top to bottom and change will be almost impossible as everyone benefits except students who cannot pay to get into uni, pay to ensure pass grades and ultimately pay to graduate.

    For years now I've noticed how job adverts indicate in the qualifications section that a degree from a foreign university is preferred.

    Says it all really !

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