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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. Disgraceful poor Thais have to suffer this flooding again and agin while the Thai fat cats go to their clubs, have their fancy lunches, chauffered cars, and go to hang around with other Thai fat cats and look at these photos of the helpless little people. It would be interesting to know how much flood charity money the Thai fat cats donate all the time and to which known charities?

    How many of the publicity seeking but totally insincere fat cats, especially those involved with PTP, decided it was best not to donate after seeking Mr. T's picture plastered all over Prachin Buri and the goody bags being handed out ?

    He's not the man to be seen trying to better.

  2. On the news reports I've seen, especially the business news, there are predictions as to what could happen to the US economy then worldwide if this situation continues.

    One thing the experts have overlooked is the fact the shutdown, and the longer it continues, gives the Thai government a heaven sent excuse for all the economic failings here. Yes, it's all America's fault !

  3. Poor deluded fella is getting desperate. He's no more in the news as much so he needs a stunt like this to show he's still the boss. Pathetic.

    Hot on the heels of the emergency supplies handed out in Prachin Buri in his name and in case anyone didn't understand his photo was on every packet and giant ones on the vehicles.

    So you have a problem of donating food or just helping people, damm, my wife n I donated in the last flood, what are you going to say about us?

    I take in your donation was genuine and heartfelt or did you have ulterior motives too ?

    • Like 1
  4. "A prime minister has no right to spend tens of millions of baht to promote herself. This is not a Miss Universe contest. How can she earn fame for the country when it is so hectic locally?" Kasit asked, adding that any international media outlet that ranked Yingluck as influential might have looked too much on the surface.

    Don't worry, the international media are not giving her any more credit than she deserves. They are also laughing at her.

    I haven't seen any indication yet that the international media have got hold of the stupid remark about food from the idiot FM, more's the pity.

  5. Let's wait and see just how much business is actually generated by these trips providing the genuine figures are ever released. I'm sure some creative accounting will be necessary to keep the justification going.

    Businessmen will welcome the chance to see but there's nothing wrong with a government funded jolly either.

    Just how much damage has and will be done by the ill conceived remark by the FM about not being able to eat the local food ? If he is supposed to be the country's top diplomat... !

    They will never release the genuine figures. Look at all the past examples of fudged and conflicting figures issued - not to mention the "little white lies". This is all window dressing and pr to counter the negativity that is growing around the "absent pm/dm" and her auspicious regime.

    Most of my Thai friends, including the ones who voted PTP, now see her as ineffective, inept, uncaring for the country and somewhat embarrassing. They won't vote for PTP again, but also don't see any credible opposition either. They all say that if she gets the 4 planes that no one will know what she and the clan are up to and who is in and out of the country. That explains her keenness to sign diplomatic non-visa agreements. Reduces the ability to track where they are and where they've been. Some believe the illegally issued passport to her criminal brother was a diplomatic one so they can get him in and out of countries easily too. Once they have their own tax payer funded planes he can come and go as he pleases. The police, headed by his relative, are not likely to worry.

    Some of these trips are no doubt jollies. Others possibly taking care of family business whilst in the areas so to speak. Some simply to show the masses how important their leaders are in the world and increase their credibility.

    Hard work, eating instant meals, all for the good of the country - yeah, right. xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.YFbFEjGiN5.w

    Great summary, many good points. With the lack of real accountability, no really agressive media plus the current control PTP has they can do almost as they like and will get away with it.

    The disiilusion of thinking PTP voters is understandable but the lack of a credible opposition just adds to the secure position of the Shins and PTP.

    • Like 1
  6. Didn't someone promise the Japanese industrialists that this would not happen again??

    Just askin' (as they say)

    Yes. In 2011 a couple of Japanese businessmen interviewed on television, the BBC I think, said if it happened again they would have to relocate, as did a Singaporean.

    The Japanese also said they didn't think the Thai government would do much about proper flood prevention in the future.

    • Like 1
  7. What utter nonsense and coming from a newspaper is a waste of trees.

    To say it's not too late for the government to learn from the Prachin Buri flooding beggars belief.

    The lesson of lessons was learned in 2011 and what happened inluding the wherebouts of all the money borrowed for the super duper all singing, all dancing flood prevention measures that never came to pass ?

    Apart from any corruption aspects official views on flooding come down to the words of that little crawling non-entity Banham who offered to run the show in Prachin Buri if the PM was too busy with other things ! Banham is of course trying to keep himself in the political loop but what a thoughtless, insensitive thing to say.

    As PM what could be more important than half the country and it's people under water ?

    I am of course excluding major issues such as running the country for her brother's benefit according to his dictates and planning overseas visits. The latter has taken on a new dimension of planning now we know she has to carefully select the food to take since the local muck is inedible.

    • Like 1
  8. Let's wait and see just how much business is actually generated by these trips providing the genuine figures are ever released. I'm sure some creative accounting will be necessary to keep the justification going.

    Businessmen will welcome the chance to see but there's nothing wrong with a government funded jolly either.

    Just how much damage has and will be done by the ill conceived remark by the FM about not being able to eat the local food ? If he is supposed to be the country's top diplomat... !

  9. The more he denies it the more it will be believed the government was involved.

    He is correct that the MCOT President should explain why the show was suspended and the fact he hasn't could speak volumes. Just why is the government spokesman leading the charge when the government had nothing to do with the decision, supposedly ? !

    • Like 2
  10. It looks like Chiang Mai is about in the center of the path. Tommorow should be wet.

    The Storm Tracking feature on the Met Offce website shows this now as a Low Pressure Area travelling almost due west and centred south of Chiang Mai but it's hard to gauge distances as the map is basic.

    I live in Udon Thani about 10 km out of town, it's been raining all night and although there's a lot of surface water in my area I can't see any flooding as yet.

    I have to go into town later and will report anything of value.

    Best Wishes and the Very Best of Luck to those who are really copping it.

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