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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. There's a lot of face to be lost

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Most definitely. In the US just how far up the chain will she be received ?

    The baggage handler at the airport. The US isn't interested in meeting with her OR having Thailand as part of the UN.

    Indeed and if she doesn't meet Obama, Biden or Kerry it will be impossible to spin the trip as a success although the average Thai isn't likely to be interested.

    I would suspect both government and the media will discreetly avoid saying too much about that particular trip.

  2. If YL has appropriately arranged her time in managing domestic issues why is she missing so often from parliament and various committees ? Recently she said she would attend a major debate in the house if she didn't have anything else to attend to. It's hard to see what her priorities are other than jetting off somewhere.

    The Foreign Office official who has defended her trips saying they were designed to increase Thailan's standing in the world community, do they actually consider the country is of much relevance on the big stage as I doubt anyone else does ?

    There is so much going on at home yet YL insists on playing absentee PM and her government lives in a fantasy world where they think have, and will geteven more, big face around the world.

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  3. Not such good news for Honda. They imagined their new plant in Prachinburi would be less flood prone than the one in Ayutthaya,

    Indeed out of frying pans into fires is quite appropriate I think.

    The government may be interested in saving Bangkok ahead of the rest of the country but the potential inundation of industrial parks is a real nightmare as after 2011 some foreign business made it clear they would leave the country if they were flooded again.

    If they do that's the sort of adverse publicity that no amount of spin can counter and exposes the government's " never again " empty promises for what they are.

  4. " Preventing them from performing their duties in the finest manner ", does this mean the smell of cooking prevents due attention to arranging plumb postings, involvement in politics and general corruption ?

    More likely it shows that contrary to popular opinion, some Thai journos are possessed of a sense of humour.

    As do lots of tv contributors.

  5. I only ever passed a maths exam once in my high school days and was accused of cheating so imagine my pleasure at pointing out the maths teacher had counted up my marks wrongly !

    Anyway the point of this is that even with my limited abiliity I have figured out the government is approaching the end of its second year in office yet only now is producing a report on the first year.

    I'm sure all of us can advance good reasons as to why it has taken so long but I'm surprised as lying comes naturally here.

    It's taken a year to come up with an excuse.

    and still it's a poor, inadequate one.

    • Like 1
  6. TOKYO, Japan – Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, on a visit to Japan, promised on Wednesday (March 7th) that floods would never affect business in Thailand again.

    How embarrassing for Yingluck but how devastating for those who are and will be effected in the future.

    Following the 2011 flooding in the Ayutthaya industrial estates I remember a couple of businessmen being interviewed on TV, one was Singaporean and the other Japanese, and both were quite definite that if it happened again they would move their businesses elsewhere. The Japanese man added he had no faith in the government to do anything to prevent a re-occurrence. !

  7. Most drunken flight passenger’s don’t get the length of the tarmac mainly they are not allowed to board the plane, and I have read some ware about people being barred from flying because of disruptive behaviour on flights.

    This is quite a point and without doing anyone an injustice i wonder if with the Thai avoidance of confrontation they were allowed through the airport on the hope that someone else would take the decision to stop them. it would be easy to leave it all up to the airline staff if they were in fact prepared to make the decision.

    There used to be a system, and I presume it's even more sophisticated nowadays, that anyone who caused trouble before boarding or inflight and especially those banned by an airline could be put on an international website and nformation on them was available to any airline with whom they tried to book a future flight. The airline could then decide wether or not to accept the booking.

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