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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. More buzz words, " war ", " push for establishment of war rooms " but let's get into what's really important.

    Will the war rooms have a budget and will disbursement of the funds require a meeting at a five star hotel or at least the best in the area ? Will there be poster or spraying campaigns, how will it be decided that contracts for print, insecticides and services be decided and who will finally get the contracts ? I'm sure we can all guess what will go on there.

    By the time this is all arranged the rainy season will be over with and sadly the death toll will probably have risen but everyone will be ready for next year.

    • Like 1
  2. It seems like the security forces have a month then to go around and pick up all these ba****ds while they are asleep in their beds all day, because that's all that happens during Ramadan.

    I understand that part of the deal is that the security forces will lay off pro-active operations but I'll bet many of the insurgents will take the chance to re-supply etc. providing they observe the ceasefire that is.

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  3. I'm not big on religion and hypocrisy like this is why where killing etc. is to be put on hold because of a month's religious needs after which it's back into it. It would be nice if peace could be addressed as a long term commitment and I don't accept the suggestion this could be a start.

    One thing will come out of this though and that will be to show just how much control and authority, or otherwise, the BRN has.

    Its a bit like the great war the (first world war), don't you think? Party together on the 25th of December and start killing each other on the 26th December

    Yes but it didn't happen again in subsequent years. I'm not sure if this Ramadan ceasefire was agreed in the past and if it held. Can anyone help ?

  4. " Another fine mess ". This has been wrapped up very quickly and conveniently especially as only a couple of days ago several motives were being floated by police as they usually do since one will presumably be accurate.

    Commonsense would dictate that the Metropolitan Police Commissioner should keep well away from this but what am I saying as TIT ?

    • Like 1
  5. I'm not big on religion and hypocrisy like this is why where killing etc. is to be put on hold because of a month's religious needs after which it's back into it. It would be nice if peace could be addressed as a long term commitment and I don't accept the suggestion this could be a start.

    One thing will come out of this though and that will be to show just how much control and authority, or otherwise, the BRN has.

    • Like 1
  6. Isn't amazing that with the very minimum of information the BIB mange to come up with a motive and sometimes it's even multiple choice as with the missing tycoon and the Ramkamheng bomb.

    There's nothing wrong with saying the motive isn't clear at such an early stage but the BIB seem to think it makes them look bad not being able to nail things down in no time flat whereas as it only makes them look the fools they really are.

    The BIB are speculating at teenage recklessness or an attempt to make the truck crash so a robbery could take place which seems a very complicated way to rob someone, so many easier ways.

    Nothing was said about the drive, age or sex, but the unfortunate victim is a pretty 18 year old girl and the assailant supposedly a young man so there could be an aspect of love and jealousy.

    Anyway let's hope he's nailed and soon and the best of wishes to the poor young lady.

  7. "Tarit said the DSI was interrogating the owner of the trailer company, A-ngoon Jeungsaengmanee, and trailer driver Ekkapan Wilamon, and was hence able to identify the person who had hired the trailer to transport the luxury cars. However, Tarit said the name could not be revealed as the investigation was pending."

    Will the name ever be revealed? Depends on how much the payoff is.

    Does this fall within the instruction to " help " as issued by the Justice Minister ?

  8. It's becoming a nice little viscous circle. Some of those at the top of PTP have set the reds a bad example and of course use them so the reds have become emboldened and are making it harder for their masters to defend them. Glib excuses, even anyone bothers to give them given, are second nature to the government, PTP and red leaders so this has a long way to go yet.

    • Like 1
  9. My mate in Angeles City tells me the quality of the wildlife there is far superior to Pattaya. Is he lying I wonder?

    However, I don't think the Philippines is noted as a gourmet destination. Food, that is.

    I haven't been to the Philippines, or Angeles, for many a long year but in my day it was quite a place especially as it grew up around the US Air Force Base at Clark. It took a hit when the Americans moved out and then was all but destroyed by the ash and debris when Mount Pinatubo started erupting

    I understand it picked itself up and is now livelier than ever it was but the Philippines even in Manila isn't the greatest gourmet paradise, well not then anyway.

    • Like 1
  10. my previous landlord had an old rolls royce from like the early 80s and he told me that when he inquired about the price (this was like 2.5 years ago) of a new one, he was quoted 90 million baht...

    During my time in Hong Kong it was normal for a second hand Rolls to cost more than an new one since the second hand one was immediately available and a new one meant going on the waiting list.

    If you wanted face and had the money you paid as better to be seen in your Roller than say that one is on order.

  11. The unit, based in Narathiwat province, stated on its website that it

    has posted 1.69 million messages in the four-month period between June

    and September last year.

    I'm sorry?? There is an army unit whose job is to post thousands of messages daily in praise of HM King?

    At first I thought that this story was from 'Not The Nation'

    Although I'm treading on delicate ground with my comments, it should be noted that HM King has personally stated that He is not above criticism. Clearly, the vast majority of Thais (and many foreigners, including myself), love HM King.

    A democracy allows others to dissent.

    Anyway, this is a difficult subject to discuss, but I think it is ludicrous to employ army personal to post pro-monarchy messages all day.


    The CIA has similar units. So does the PLA, Mossad, FSB . . . etc.

    The Voice of America radio station in Nong Khai was always joked about by foreigners as being a CIA operation but years ago the name was changed to Radio Free Asia or something similar. I have no idea if the message it broadcasts has changed also.

  12. B500 fine for sending a fake bomb through the post, causing concern at the post office and requiring mobilisation of the bomb squad defies logic.

    The charge of " causing panic " was appropriate but the punishment far from it. With all that's happening in the south I would have thought this would have been viewed more seriously or is it it of no consequence because " that's in the south " ?

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