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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. it's interesting to see that some of the less effective ministers are being given other primary roles in the cabinet - I wonder how long before one of the ousted ministers spills the beans on this whole government and what they're really up too - who would have the balls

    This is spot on as we know in many countries ministers, MPs etc who feel they'r being scapegoated often spit the dummy and if not actually going public at least " leak ".

    I certainly can never see that here, except maybe from Chalerm who never knows what he's saying anyway, and it seems all those kicked out do is simply join the end of the queue and wait for their turn again.

  2. That's a REAL leader!!

    Despite party propaganda about her role as " leader " it's being reported that sources within PTP are confirming, surprise surprise, Mr. T is instructing on the changes !

    One potential move is amazing considering all that's been happening recently over unpaid tax etc. on luxury cars and that is the Director General of Customs is tipped to become deputy Finance Minister.

  3. She has already said several times that there wont be a cabinet reshuffle.

    Surely she has made that very clear?

    Yes it has been oh so clear there would be no re-shuffle so on Friday can we expect an explanation why one was suddenly necessary ? Well it's highly unlikely as giving reasons etc. is not part of Thai political culture.

  4. There is no justification whatsoever for these red shirts to approach white-mask protesters and instigate violence. Chiang Mai reds could have let the anti-government protesters have their say while peacefully holding a parallel pro-government rally at another venue.

    Intimidation is what they know best. My wife has stopped voting because of them, i haven't gone to the polls with her but she says they know how each person voted. She fears some sort of retaliation, given the reds record her fears may be justified.

    That's truly frightening but hardly a complete shock especially in the very rural areas. I have been told that in the rural areas where I live there are the usual individual vote payments plus a large payment to village heads, supposedly for the village fund, if a 100% majority is returned. It works very well in places like Khon Kaen and Udon Thani where villages pride themselves on being totally red. If i was a Thai i'd never identify myself as a dissenting voice.

    So much for a vote being between you and the ballot box.

    • Like 1
  5. I only have a superficial knowledge of Buddhism but do know it's a much revered Thai institution so just how far will this investigation go especially if the monk has rich and powerful devotees ?

    I'm sure there's enough wiggle room to say he should not have accepted and kept all the " gifts " and maybe issue a mild rebuke. but little else.

    Forget the religious aspect and think of it as a pure Thai situation of a powerful and well protected institution which very few will dare to take on.

  6. More horse trading behind the scenes it seems as it's being reported the leader of Chart Thai Pattana is now supporting the reduction of the rice pledge to B12,000 yet only hours they were attacking the government for going ahead with it.

    How can any of this be taken seriously as they are all too busy securing their own position and future to worry about the country.

  7. Can somebody update me please ? is this the case where the accused's mother flew in quietly and left again very shortly afterwards and he was allowed to leave ?

    I think you're referring to the Iranian-Swede who got in a fight with his Thai girlfriend's local boyfriend while visiting her and the Thai guy ended up stabbed to death. That was a strange one in which he was released on bail, mom came over, and their was an unbelievable story about him being assisted in his escape from the country by southern insurgents.

    Thanks very much, it's hard to keep up with all the intrigue.

    • Like 1
  8. Once again, NO CRACKDOWN on customs corruption.

    Are these lads made of teflon?

    As has been said so many times in these forums Customs and Revenue Departments are notorious as the most corrupt in government and nothing ever gets done but when you think about it both are in an excellent position to help those and such as those.

  9. My news text service is reporting the farmers have called off their rally after handing in a letter requesting the pledge price remain at B15,000 until at least the end of September and Boonsong has said the price will be considered at the National Rice Policy Committee on Friday.

    Funnily enough September was a date supposedly being quoted by Mr.T earlier this morning as when the price might be revised upwards again from 12,000.

    Looks like the farmers are getting to them, what's the bet the price suddenly stays at 15,000 meantime ?

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