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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. It's not surprising that senior officials of Obec shrugged of the allegations and claim it's a big decentralised organisation so how can they be responsible ? There's a free and easy attitude to cheating here, remember the incident at Ramkamheng University when Thaksin's son was caught taking papers into an exam and the Vice President of the Uni said cheating was " no big deal " or words to that effect.

    As we all know, especially those who are / have been involved with teaching, stories of cheating, paying for an exam pass or an improved pass grade are ten a penny but as usual nothing is ever done except talk about it of course.

    The attitude is being successful is important and it doesn't matter how you do it except don't get caught.

    • Like 1
  2. Not much of an Aunt. Not much of a person really.

    This story is quite different to that reported on yesterday's IN Channel 07.00 talk show which made the victim seem quite gullible and stupid. No mention was made of her aunt just she had received a message offering the job and lo and behold there she was in Seoul, nothing said about how she got there, who offered her the job, where the travel expenses etc. came from.

    As I listened I thought " what a dummy " but now the story is more understandable and I'm afraid IN channel slipped up badly and if this current version is completely accurate they did this girl a massive injustice.

    Well, well IN Channel are now covering the story again and using the most recent version naming the aunt as recruiter. Pity they hadn't done their research properly yesterday.

    • Like 1
  3. Not much of an Aunt. Not much of a person really.

    This story is quite different to that reported on yesterday's IN Channel 07.00 talk show which made the victim seem quite gullible and stupid. No mention was made of her aunt just she had received a message offering the job and lo and behold there she was in Seoul, nothing said about how she got there, who offered her the job, where the travel expenses etc. came from.

    As I listened I thought " what a dummy " but now the story is more understandable and I'm afraid IN channel slipped up badly and if this current version is completely accurate they did this girl a massive injustice.

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  4. Government promises are the focal point to this political tribe of miss-fits down fall in popularity , people can be fooled some of the time , but not all of the time , outside forces and pressure play a bigger part on the economy, such as oil , the government has no control over, the only time governments have control over the cost of fuel is when they subsidise it and we all know what happened in the Thaksin years, popular policies unless delivered ,people then see the Lady with the sugar coated pill, very similar to her brother, people blame governments for all sorts of things, however meeting promises is critical to survival coffee1.gif

    Broken promises, especially populist ones, have killed off many a government around the world. Mr. T and PTP are rolling along on the premise that the people will support them no matter what but we see the reds starting to flex their muscles against their masters and when the ordinary people in the fields start to suffer financially the marriage is over. It may take time yet but if any government can be guaranteed to shoot itself in the foot this one fits the bill.

  5. Hmmm so you send your clone PM/Salesperson around the world selling Thai debt bonds for foreign currency. Then force the Baht to devalue by say 25% and you have made a pretty penny. High Baht low rice prices the losses just keep coming, the cabinet, CC and BOT are out of control.

    " but his warnings were not heeded and the financial crisis of 1997 ensued."

    Cry me a river.............

    attachicon.gifThaksin crying.jpg FIGJAM

    luckily he doesn't need the luxury of hindsight because he's always right.

  6. Somebody lined their pockets in blood. I hope the govt official(s) who took bribes on this project are found & imprisoned.

    Exactly, who arranged and authorised the purchase of cheap sub-standard components, probably invoiced at full price of the genuine piece and who inspected and signed off on the work ?

    If i heard the news correctly the report has said the local authority covering the area should sue the contractor concerned but no mention of the government officials who approved the completed work

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  7. And again the ministries of Thailand ramble with their "No-planning-in-advance policies" at the cost of possible human lives...

    I thought those were launched at certain times of the year and known times. If they are part of a festival can they not be moved to a spot that does not have take off and landing lanes over it?

    I can see opposition on the grounds of " tradition ", they've always been launched from that spot so it's part of local culture.

  8. I remember at the time of the election he stated 'this isn't about bringing him back to Thailand nor whitewashing anything.' Hope this man gets what he deserves one day. (Though he does do a good job of making himself lose a lot of face).

    He's now saying WHEN the bill is passed it will be up to Mr.T if he wants to come back or not, IF? His private jet will be circling in international airspace waiting for the signal that the bill has passed.

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  9. I'd like to expand on" geriatrickids's " excellent post.

    Many years ago I read an interesting letter in the Post written by someone claiming to be an ex-member of the British army and he drew comparisons between the armies of Britain and Thailand.

    Both countries have a similar population level, the British army is volunteer and the Thai conscript.

    The British army had commitments all over the world and the Thails very little outside their own country.

    He stated that that at that time Britain had around 160 officers holding the rank of general at all its levels and Thailand around 2,100.

    Now that really is jobs for the boys.

  10. One of my neighbours teaches at a primary school some 50 Kms from our home area and in a very rural part of the province. She tells me her school is big enough to remain open but might have to take in students from small schools in very rural areas which would cause serious overcrowding unless money is available for expansion, this lady is as red as they come and even she smiled at that thought. She too mentioned the problems of pupils travelling and said it was unthinkable that the very youngest would have to live in poorly supervised dormitories and only go home at the weekends.

    It may well be the idea of closures has merit but it typical fashion has it actually been thought through ?

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