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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. This case was " solved " with indecent haste and now the police are saying they will have answers to the family's lawyers questions in a week, there's even to be a second investigation as ordered by Chalerm who of course was spouting off as soon as the deceased was reported missing.

    The question is " will anything new emerge " ? From Chalerm on down through the system this was clear cut from the start and nothing else was worthy of consideration so given the official personalities involved and their attitude it's almost inconceivable that they will change their view..

    If there's been a cover up as many suspect stage 2 will be a cover up of the cover up and the original findings will be supported.

    Can anyone imagine Chalerm admitting he was wrong ?

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  2. This appears to be the husband's direct account of what happened... but I can't tell about whether the accompanying photo is supposed to be the husband and his wife....


    Last Thursday, my wife was brutally attacked by a drunken lunatic diplomat while having a night out at the Kempinski hotel in Cairo.

    We arrived at the hotel at 12.30-1am to meet up with my friends. Coincidentally, one of my friends' lovely girlfriend works at the Thai embassy in Egypt. She brought a friend of hers who nobody has ever met before who was extremely drunk.....

    PS - This account, apparently by the husband, includes a reference that seems to say the Embassy lady had previously been posted in Beirut...

    A couple of other news sources are quoting a newspaper in Egypt which says the husband was supposedly assaulted first and when his wife got between him and the diplomat she took a beating.

    No source has, as yet, mentioned any injuries sustained by the Thai lady ?

  3. DSI Chief Tarit is probably telling the truth when he says they will look into the allegation but that's about all they'll do. The file will reach his desk, he will open and " look into it " then close and stamp with something along the lines of " No Further Action ".

    I just hope he waits a day or two before clearing Chalerm to at least keep up the pretence that something was actually done.

  4. Does an accused have the legal right to refuse to participate?

    Does the victim of a crime have the right to decline the point at the perp photo op?

    I am an avid reader to the local newspaper crime sections. I find it amusing to look at some "victims" who come from cultures that are violently homophobic and who are posing in photos pointing at male prostitutes or transvestite hookers who are accused of stealing something from these "victims".

    I don't know about Thailand but where I am from they do not have to partake in a re enactment. They are given their rights ie:

    You are not obliged to say or "DO" anything, but anything you say or "DO" maybe recorded and given in evidence.

    I fully support this, exactly the same during my service. Enactments were only used in serious cases and very carefully handled. The suspects could not be compelled to take part and the media were most definitely controlled unlike here where the media and their cameras are literally in everyone's face.

    The whole looks exactly what is is, a circus and reflects no credit or professionalism whatsoever but TIT and everyone's happy.

  5. I wonder if Yingluck will finally have her voice found for her and will take the opportunity to condemn. The minders who put the key in her back, wind her up and put her in front of the media will tell her about the terrible behaviour of the white masks, she will be told to ignore questions about the red shirts and if she really has to answer to say they protest peacefully as the law permits and only respond to provocation by government opponents.

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  6. As a long suffering football fan and virulently anti-Fifa I think it's fitting that an obvious attempt to keep power, and all that goes with it, will be judged by one of the most corrupt organisations in the world headed by a megalomaniac who has treated world football as his personal fiefdom ever since he was made president.

    Does a lot of that remind you of another megalomaniac and his home country ?

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  7. Shades of the early days of national socialism in Germany eh? Now Thaksin's mobs are showing their support for democracy! Nazi Style! Bring it on!

    I was thinking the same thing.

    The PM needs to make a statement on this and fast, if only to clarify her position.

    The PM, the government and PTP have successfully painted themselves into a corner and I bet they never considered it would happen far less see it coming. They let the reds lose to suit their purposes and the reds got the taste of doing what they like and now it's a matter of course for them. The powers that be still need them but are losing control and criticism is out of the question. Physician heal thy self.

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  8. There's a media report today ( Sunday ) that the family are split over the situation, some want to quietly accept the official version of what's supposed to have happened whereas others are far from happy.

    The family lawyers are awaiting final instructions on what position to take and once again the inconsistencies are in the spotlight not the least being the fact the drivers has consistently lied since his arrest.

    This is not as clear cut as Chalerm and the BIB have made it out to be or should I say WANT IT TO BE !

  9. Another official pitches in saying the pledging scheme will not incur the losses claimed yet still no one knows the actual figures and may never do, well not the real ones anyway. He also points out the ministries involved have different methods of calculating which is a failure of government as why not just one unified system ?

    Here we have the right way, the wrong way and the Thai government way

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  10. So they are actually charged with

    Collaborating with troops in ordering troops to kill the public

    I didn't know notthenation was syndicated to thaivisa.

    Where did they get that law from? Do they realise that any member of a family of someone killed by the troops down south can now accuse yingluck?

    Thailand's criminal law, like many others, is completely codified so inventing a charge isn't on and should be rejected by a court as being " Ultra Vires " ( in excess of powers ) BUT This Is Thailand !

    I can imagine the government thinking that since they control the country they can do what they like and what's wrong with playing around with the law in a good cause especially when that cause is sticking the boot in political enemies ?

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