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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. Chalerm is truly the national embarrassment for Thailand. There is NOTHING

    that says more about the dysfunctional government currently in office now,

    than his continued presence in an important political position.

    The mess the government is in can be highlighted with this and another current thread which gives us a Deputy PM who can't keep his mouth shut and a PM who won't open hers. What a combination !

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  2. Time after time on this forum Chalerm has been called many things and " a disgrace " being one of the milder yet he rolls on unchecked getting more and more ridiculous, outrageous and downright dangerous.

    Just what does this idiot have to say or do before he is finally ditched as being too much of an embarrassment or does he know too much to be alienated ?

    Yes, he knows too much. Simple as that.

    I wonder if he will ever meet with an " unfortunate accident " or would it be seen as having a robbery motive ?

  3. In all the years I have been involved with Thailand, first as a tourist with my daughter and then on retirement, I have heard the anti-corruption message repeated ad nauseam. Every government elected or re-elected promises it as a priority but the people making it are usually up to their necks in it anyway.

    I wish these young people well but the system will get to them one way or another.

  4. Lovely words and that's about all. Does a rally of 2,000 prove that Thailand is actively fighting corruption ? I don't think so but at least they didn't use the magical 100,000 figure.

    As the story said the public's opinion on corruption is clear from poll after poll, it's ok as long as we get some of it.

    Corruption is so ingrained in the Thai way it's impossible to believe they can ever change the habits of a lifetime which are passed from generation to generation starting with cheating at school and getting bigger and better into adult life.

  5. It may have been the translation, or the love of buzz words here but as soon as the story broke the Thai Embassy in Cairo said they would investigate and " summon " all concerned for interview including the Egyptian couple discreetly ignoring the fact they have no authority in Egypt and the couple would be stupid to attend. If the woman is a lawyer she will know enough to leave it to her Foreign Ministry and not get involved with the Thai Embassy personally. I wouldn't put it past the Thai Foreign Ministry to spin any refusal to be interviewed as something suspicious about the story.

    The diplomat was sent home immediately which is often standard procedure although the Thais did slip in the fact it was also for her own safety ! This will be dealt with government to government and I would doubt if the public will hear much if anything of this again and unless the Egyptians make a real song and dance. I also doubt much, if any, action will be taken against the diplomat other than care over any future overseas posting.

  6. For the last 20 years of my police service carried a personal issue revolver 24/7, other than periods of leave. and naturally there were strict regulations.

    One regulation, mainly meant for off duty officers, stated that " activities must be compatible with the security of the weapon " it didn't specifically say " don't go on the piss " but it didn't have to. In the story above had a police officer been involved, and survived, he would have been in it up to the roots of his hair as presumption of innocence was discretely reversed and he would have to prove himself innocent although that would never have been admitted of course.

    I am only too well aware of this as I spent a tour of duty in Internal Investigations.

    Here it seems you're a nobody without a gun, it's a required fashion accessory, and is to produced at the slightest excuse.

  7. I'm amazed that Yingluck and Chalerm haven't got the BiB selling the stuff on the streets so they could proudly claim they have reduced the rice pledging loss from 260 Billion to 250 Billion.

    So that will be 3.4 tones of paracetamol off to the incinerator in brown boxes then.

    Pity the footage hadn't included pictures of the boxes being re-packed before the media were shown them.

  8. Yes, Yes Yingluck this is another " heard it all before " story about dealing with corruption and as usual it's not likely, or believed, anymore than all the other assurances.

    Nice too you tell provincial governors to explain the rice pledging scheme, does this mean they have more information on the real figures than central government ? If so how can it be ?

    Once again the PM abrogates responsibility as supposed head of government and proves she not even a puppet.

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  9. Are we on the eve of a first for Thailand which would see the real motive made public, ALL those involved arrested and dealt with and Chalerm admitting he was wrong from the start, providing he's not involved somehow that is ?.

    As John Lennon sang " you may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one " but I am more definite, I'm not a dreamer more like deranged if i believe this might happen.

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