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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. The only way to find out what really happened would be for independent investigators to take over with full co-operation of the police. If the police are involved somehow (or under instruction from above), as many suspect they are, there is no way in heck that anything even resembling the truth will ever surface.

    What a wonderful thought and the first point the independent investigators raise is how did a certain deputy prime minister seem to know what had happened almost before it happened ?

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  2. Chart Thai Pattana are doing what all good political parties do in trying to score points from another party's problems but without suggesting any viable alternatives.

    They are correct to criticise the handling of the pledging scheme but to keep the farmers on side they of course would not have cut the guaranteed price which means they would happily maintain the disaster.

    It's a wonderful call that the government should expedite the sale of the rice stocks but just how as it's too expensive and the quality is questionable ?

    One bunch of clowns criticising another and people wonder why this country never gets ahead.

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  3. Nothing illegal about selling used knickers, but no doubt the government will find a way to ban it due to a threat to 'national security'.

    I've read this is popular in Japan.

    It's hard to believe there's a market for this in culturally superior, morally upright Thailand. No doubt the Ministry of Propaganda will be able to prove that morally bankrupt foreigners are the only ones involved

    • Like 1
  4. Well, if the reporters did their job a little better, this wouldn't be a rumour, it could be confirmed. How hard is it to check and track down the locations of the the top Pheu Thai politicians? If they all happen to be in Hong Kong at the same time, I'd say that would confirm things.

    A call around various offices and a " not available " is a start plus a real attempt to track them down locally and what's wrong with a reporter being sent to Hong Kong to verify things other than the media being too scared to do a proper job.

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  5. Once again, people already know Thaksin is pulling the strings, why bother denying it? It's like we have to listen to these idiot denials every couple of months. Just come out of the closet! No one believes your lies anyway!

    They just can't help themselves then get tripped up when someone let's slip a decision on something is awaited from Dubai and there's that slogan " Thaksin Thinks, PT Does ".

  6. According to the minister, the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) has not been detected in Thailand but the Public Health Ministry is ready to deal with the disease.

    Corona virus normally isn't fatal? So why the hooha

    According to a site I found and providing I've read it properly there are five strains that can affect humans involving conditions ranging from the common cold to SARS and throw in gastroenteritis as well.

    Maybe the ministry is just covering it's backside and doesn't want to mention SARS in case it affects tourism.

  7. As is common nowadays in Thailand, the one who will be fined will be the dentistry student. The farang waitress will also be investigated and thrown out of Thailand for doing one of the 17 xenophobic job protection schemes.

    Collateral damage by creating another victim is the Thai way to save their face.

    I wonder what nationality she is. Did anyone see if the press mentioned.

    Burmese? Chinese? Russian? Lisu?

    How exactly would a foreigner waitress be working in a Chiang Mai restaurant???

    Last I heard, the government wasn't exactly handing out work permits to foreigners for waitress work.. whistling.gif

    I not to sure which story is correct but checking other news sources it doesn't say the waitress was a foreigner only her boyfriend.

    • Like 1
  8. This process, like so many others, relies on qualities that are in short supply in Thailand such as honesty and integrity to name but two.

    The exam situation we are discussing is open to abuse all the way up until the results are actually published as somebody, somewhere can marry a name or candidate number to a mark and can alter it accordingly.

    • Like 1
  9. customs deputy head Siwakrit Jenwipich, adding that some of the cars intercepted carried the insignia of the Malaysian royal family."


    The Nation can say this?

    No lese mejeste in Malaysia.

    Could cause a diplomatic incident though. Just imagine a Malaysian newspapers saying this about cars from Thailand !

    The Malaysian royal family is unusual in that it's not hereditary and the King is appointed on a 5 year rotational basis around the country's major sultans.

    This situation doesn't bear thinking about. The Malaysian Embassy would probably be besieged.

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