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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. How is the global community expected to take Thailand seriously when this clown ? Nah idiot is Deputy PM. Truly unbelievable the stupidity that he puts forward. What's even more incredible is that thai's vote for these xxxxx.

    It is incredible that such people get elected but it reflects the system in so many countries. I remember more than five decades ago an obnoxious, loud mouthed Labour MP in Scotland was asked why he was so successful at every election and he answered it wasn't about him as a monkey wearing a Labour rosette would win by a landslide in that constituency.

    So it is with Chalerm, he's in a populist party where he's an arse kisser in chief so gets looked after despite having nothing to offer by way of personality, charisma or ability in fact the exact opposite yet not only does he get elected, he is appointed to a very senior role.

    People like this do get their comeuppance but it can take a long time and in that time they can do an amazing amount of damage.

    • Like 1
  2. This is supposed to attract even greater revenue from high end tourists and right on cue TAT brings out figures to show yet another expected increase in tourism this year.

    I really do believe that one day TAT's figures will reflect more tourists than the amount of people inhabiting this planet.

    Sounds like the last Iranian election

    It happened in the Philippines in the election that started People Power. In Marcos' home area of Ilocos Norte one of his party candidates was returned with a majority in excess of the amount of registered voters.

  3. So the PM hasn't decided if an appeal against the court's ruling will be made, I wonder if the government will decide just to simply ignore it ?

    Anyway the NSC's role seems to be irrelevant, didn't the minister in charge of internal security say he has " never ' trusted the intelligence they supply ? Presumably that would change with a loyal PTP crony in charge, they might not get truthful reports but definitely the ones they wanted to hear.

  4. His foot in mouth problem just gets worse and it sums up Thaksin's puppet government when this idiot has a post, for less a senior post in it, loyalty and obedience over ability.

    The attitude prevailing these days was laid out quite clearly when he said Thawil should not have pressured the government and that sums it up, the government wants to do what it likes and no one should challenge in any way.

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  5. First "Quai Lo" is not a foreign devil! Means Ghost Man...and ghost because of the white color as a ghost!

    The female will be Quai Mui!

    Hong Kong Disney - Nice with younger kids ...getting better but still not for the older kids (adults)!Not compareable to US or Paris!

    The Peak - My opinion overrated! Yes a nice view but that's all.

    Sky 100 - for a nice view!

    Ocean Park - Fun for adults and kids! Nice old cable car with the cute colorfull cabins!

    Ngong Ping 360 cable car - Attracting more guests as the Buddha due to the nice view (on good weather days!) Some days you can see till Macau. Depending on tide the shell pickers in Tung Chung Bay...great through the glass bottom cabin!Now perfect views over the huge Hong Kong- Zuhai- Macau project!

    Big Buddha - Nice religious site! Due to the many guest delivered by the cable car, the monastry is growing. New temple with 10000Buddhas.... Again on nice days you have a perfect view over Chinese sea!

    Lantau island - due to being a nature park (limited access by taxi or bus) it has sure one of the best beaches in HK!

    Note: Take the cable car up to the Big Buddha and go down by bus. Sure a pleasant day!After that if you still can walk some outlet shopping at City Gate Tung Chung.

    Tai O - Smal fishing village on Lantau. Nice for a walk!

    Sai Kung - Nice fish market directly from the boats but getting more a tourist thing... Sunday it is great due to all the locals coming there with their dogs...funny dog show!

    Kowloon: From Sham Sui Po (Computer) over Mong Kok(clothes and more) till down to Tsim Sha Tsui(designer shops) a place for shopping maniacs.

    Note: Short but nice to take the ferry from Tsim Sha Tsui to step over to Central or Wan Chai!

    Light show at 8pm at Tsim Sha Tsui pier! Not a huge thing but if it fitts in the plan...

    Bus tours - There are serveral bus tours through HK showing the street live. So many street, shops, markets that you can spend a lot of time and never will explore all!

    Stanley Market - Overrated and more the place where the bored local Quai lo & Mui go the weekend due to western restaurants!

    HK Heli service - Heli flight to see HK from above!

    Food - You can get all! This page is a good help: www.openrice.com

    Macau - hmmm, yes for gambler but else only a recommendation with a luxury hotel stay 1 or 2 nights!

    Shen Zen (China) - forget it! Nothing you will buy there will last and is only crap. Was more popular for cheap night life between the mal

    First "Quai Lo" is not a foreign devil! Means Ghost Man...and ghost because of the white color as a ghost!

    The female will be Quai Mui!

    Hong Kong Disney - Nice with younger kids ...getting better but still not for the older kids (adults)!Not compareable to US or Paris!

    The Peak - My opinion overrated! Yes a nice view but that's all.

    Sky 100 - for a nice view!

    Ocean Park - Fun for adults and kids! Nice old cable car with the cute colorfull cabins!

    Ngong Ping 360 cable car - Attracting more guests as the Buddha due to the nice view (on good weather days!) Some days you can see till Macau. Depending on tide the shell pickers in Tung Chung Bay...great through the glass bottom cabin!Now perfect views over the huge Hong Kong- Zuhai- Macau project!

    Big Buddha - Nice religious site! Due to the many guest delivered by the cable car, the monastry is growing. New temple with 10000Buddhas.... Again on nice days you have a perfect view over Chinese sea!

    Lantau island - due to being a nature park (limited access by taxi or bus) it has sure one of the best beaches in HK!

    Note: Take the cable car up to the Big Buddha and go down by bus. Sure a pleasant day!After that if you still can walk some outlet shopping at City Gate Tung Chung.

    Tai O - Smal fishing village on Lantau. Nice for a walk!

    Sai Kung - Nice fish market directly from the boats but getting more a tourist thing... Sunday it is great due to all the locals coming there with their dogs...funny dog show!

    Kowloon: From Sham Sui Po (Computer) over Mong Kok(clothes and more) till down to Tsim Sha Tsui(designer shops) a place for shopping maniacs.

    Note: Short but nice to take the ferry from Tsim Sha Tsui to step over to Central or Wan Chai!

    Light show at 8pm at Tsim Sha Tsui pier! Not a huge thing but if it fitts in the plan...

    Bus tours - There are serveral bus tours through HK showing the street live. So many street, shops, markets that you can spend a lot of time and never will explore all!

    Stanley Market - Overrated and more the place where the bored local Quai lo & Mui go the weekend due to western restaurants!

    HK Heli service - Heli flight to see HK from above!

    Food - You can get all! This page is a good help: www.openrice.com

    Macau - hmmm, yes for gambler but else only a recommendation with a luxury hotel stay 1 or 2 nights!

    Shen Zen (China) - forget it! Nothing you will buy there will last and is only crap. Was more popular for cheap night life between the males.

    Gwai does mean devil as in Mor Gwai - The Devil

  6. The good Dr. says people who catch the fever should see a doctor immediately which raises the point how does the average person know they have the dengue variety ? I have a friend who is a bit of a hypochondriac and has a fever several times a week but never goes to the doctor, the expression " fever " covers so much in Thailand.

    Recently too the ministry told the nation to get rid of old tyres as they are a breeding ground for mosquitos but why single out tyres, one of my neighbours has an assortment of crap around the outside of the house, old basins, uncovered stone jugs and the like, all of which are full of stagnant water.

    Far too often here advice is of the headline grabbing variety as opposed to being practical.

    • Like 2
  7. what are the symptoms

    Similar to dengue, except there is a rash as well.

    This is one of the issues that stumped the Infectious disease experts in Canada. The initial tests indicated nothing although a second sample showed antibodies suggestive of dengue. The virology team used reverse-transcriptase PCR to establish the diagnosis of ZIKV infection.

    As a sidenote, while ZIKV can be considered rare in itself, dengue and west nile virus illnesses are not. Had this occurred in the Canadian west nile season of May-October, this woman may have had her diagnosis delayed as the search emphasis would have been on west nile which is a growing problem in Canada.

    And now the big question; Why hasn't the Thai media printed anything? The woman was in Phuket 28 Jan-2 Feb, 2013, traveling and spending time at various beaches where the patient noted many more mosquito bites as she was told that it was mosquito season. On her return to Bangkok, on 2 Feb, 2013 ], she changed her hotel to one by the river, where she sustained more mosquito bites. ZIKA is not that common in Thailand and this diagnosis is a game changer. Had there been any information filed by the MoH with WHO or with the international research facilities such as the EU, Australian, US or Canadian, the data would have been picked up when the Canadian virologists did their research. How many other people have been stricken that no one knows about?

    This cannot be an isolated case and if the local Thai health officials are mistakenly diagnosing the ZIKA infections as dengue, that is not a good practice.

    I am willing to predict that the Thai government and local tourism officials will do their utmost to hush this up.

    I your last sentence says it all.

  8. truly amazing.whenever i think those morons cant come up with a bigger nonsense they always find something more redicoulus to publish.where the hell they just got those ideas from???

    Do you think ministries are on a rota system for making public statement, usually stupid, as in " it's our day, week etc. to make a media release " OR does it come from face as in " the ministry of xxx has just been quoted on TV, can't let them away with that, get something, anything, out there " ?

  9. Lantau Island has the world's largest outdoor Buddha, covered in gold at Po Lin Monastery. You can drive, or take new gondola, or take a boat. The gondolas are new and they've built a little 'village' of shops at the top. Pretty commercial, unfortunately. In the 'old days', you had to take a boat to Silvermine, then a bus. It made the whole journey more of a 'pilgrimage' but the gondolas are faster and the ones with the glass bottoms are pretty cool.

    BTW, if you take the boat, when you land, you are very close to Tong Fuk Beach, (I know, I know.. choice of name). The village has holiday rentals and, while there's not much to see there, it's a major cable-head for undersea cables, part of Fiber Link Around the Globe (28K Km). so there's a good chance some of your internet traffic goes through that tiny building!

    Back to Po Lin. Be sure to pay the (small) additional fee to go inside the Buddah and see the shards of his remains. The hike up to the top is worth it. (ice cream and cold soda machines at the top). Also, the vegetarian restaurant at the base has good food.

    Other things to do in HK; if you're so inclined, the Tea Museum, HK Zoo and Arboretum are all close together. The arboretum is really nice and I try to visit it and the zoo whenever I take someone new to HK. The zoo isn't as nice as Singapore's, but still good.

    Food: HK and Singapore seem to be rivals for best food in the world. Pretty much any cuisine you want. I could go on and on re/this topic. :-)

    Okay.. the Peak. Take the cable car to the top of Victoria Peak. There are shops, of course, a nice view and an excellent ice-cream shop. (detecting a theme here?). The bottom of the cable car isn't far from the zoo, etc. and also not far from Hollywood Rd. where there are antique shops and one of the oldest temples in HK.

    Come down from the Peak (taxi) going the other way, down to Stanley Market. A rabbit-warren of stalls with great bargains. Negotiating is part of the process. Just off to the right (facing the water) is the Smugglers' Inn. (a farang style bar, where both my children had their first legal drink!)

    Taxi return, but this time, come back via the tunnel and go by the race track. You'll see some nice houses and an unusual building (huge) with a big square hole in it. The hole is for Feng Shui.. so the building doesn't block the energy flow down the hill. I've heard that the hole was an afterthought but it seems like that would be bad engineering so probably not. (now if this were in LOS, I'd believe it!)

    I think someone already mentioned the night-markets in Kowloon.

    Enjoy! Just thinking about this makes me wish I were there right now!

    Nice summary but I would point out the word farang means nothing in HK where we are called Gwai Lo ( foreign devil ) or the formal, and hardly used, Sai Yan ( Western person ). Gwai Lo is common everyday language and can be both joking and an insult depending on useage but most Hong Kong Chinese use it as nothing more than a descriptive expression.

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  10. Yingluck said not to forward any dubious information via the social network but I think she means any information the government does not approve of and that covers a multitude of sins. The government can't ignore how protestors are successfully using all these social sites so the next step has to be control and in the way of any good dictatorship it will mean shutdown and to hell with the consequences.

    This government and PTP are so wrapped up in themselves and their aims they will charge on regardless since they are totally correct and anyone with an alternative view is totally wrong.

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