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Posts posted by jamhar

  1. Can a foreigner just turn up and work legally for themselves without registering a company in your own country ?

    just TRY to get a work permit in the US. Hell we don't even want to give out travel visas!

    I'm just glad there's a work around for people that are really interested in working in TL.

    And to be honest, TL could use an infusion of professionals to jump start its work base.

    It will take time to develop the indigenous professional working class in TL.

    The system in TL is much more workable than in the one in the US.

    (and that's the way I like it)

    just my 2 cents.

  2. Unless you're going for the "metro" look, sick.gif

    i dont see why you'd pay more than 200THB for a hair cut for guy.

    I've paid $150 for a hair cut in the US

    I've paid $5 for a hair cut in the US

    best cut was from a latina in costa mesa for $7

    I left her $20 tip.

    Her great cut (and her D cupswhistling.gif ) kept me coming back.

    Here in TL, find a Thai barber you like for 200THB

    and go get a cleanup after 3 weeks.

    at 200THB, you dont mind going in for cleanup.thumbsup.gif

  3. Thanks lb3. i saw that.

    Ive been to the place jackgolf advertises. Was not impressed enough to spend the $60/night for it. Id rather stay at the $15 night place i found. There's 2 listed in the popular search sites via google. but only 2 listed. I'm thinking i recall seeing several on the main drag leading out of Poipet on my way to Angkor Wat recently. I'll roll the dice (since a casino trip is in order) and report back in, after returning. I'm hoping that its better than the fleabag i stayed in, in Bakersfield California, on my way to a backpacking trip. Anything close to a motel 6 with a strong working AC and I'm happy.

    I'll also roll the dice and see what i can get out of the visa services at the border. It worked out well with my re-entry on my last trip out to the Cambodian boarder.

    Thanks anyways. I'll report back on my success or failure. Wish me luck! :D

  4. Jack golf visa run to cambodia

    jackgolf seems to think that you can go to the border to get a new tourist visa.

    Does anyone have first hand knowledge of this?

    also the paperwork involved, time it takes and cost involved?

    Also a recommendation for a cheap room with wifi and AC on the cambodian side while i wait?

    PS i'm headed out tomorrow moring at 6AM so a quick answer would be greatly appreciated. whistling.gif

    (I would have posted earlier but the wifi has been down at my location for several days, and i was luckly to find this internet cafe biggrin.png)

    I'll make my way back to this cafe later this afternoon for some reply's hopefully smile.png

    Thanks for any replies in advance.

  5. I continue to find it hard to believe that the parents over in Chechnya never heard or suspected a thing while Tamerlan was there or during the year-plus after he'd returned to the U.S.. Given the mother's radical Islamic views also held by the son, I find it very hard to think she herself never thought or sensed, or never heard of the son's apparent terrorist training activities while visiting over there.

    I also,

    but Nice Call, Nice Timing!

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Russian authorities secretly recorded a telephone conversation in 2011 in which one of the Boston bombing suspects vaguely discussed jihad with his mother, officials said Saturday, days after the U.S. government finally received details about the call.....

    apnewsbreak-russia-wiretap - ratbastard and mom

    • Like 1
  6. SD,

    Agreed. I think this case is a watermark in the US/canada

    US/canadian Muslims will see themselves differently (and you can already see the beginning)

    the general population will see the muslims moderate or not differently

    and moderate muslims will have to take a stand.

    On another note, I was really surprised at the muslim population in the EU.

    They have a serious issue on their hands

    A lot of european countries have muslim population pushing 5%.

    a few like england and france have muslim population pushing 10%.

    Yikes! Good luck with that!

    • Like 1
  7. Geeze, I really would not like either one of the parents in the US.

    its going to be a zoo already,

    with those two loonies US,

    the circus meter wiil be off the charts!blink.png

    The dude is an adult, if mommie and daddie want to come, they can do it on their own dime

    (then throw mommie's a$$ in jail please!)

    if they want the body of the oldest,

    ship it back them since no mosque in the US wants it (good for them!)

  8. It is very uncommon in the USA to go after the female spouse unless they were directly involved in commiting a crime. It is possible that they might go after his wife to make a point, but, IMO, not very likely.

    I agree, and it's true.

    I have see them go after the spouse to scare her into spilling her guts about what she knows, if anything, but often there's an agreement of immunity in exchange.

    I tend to agree

    except this is new territory.

    In cases of terrorism, if the wife aided in anyway

    the feds better go after her, or she might just help someone else afterwards.

    • Like 1
  9. Yep, she (the wife) is not passing the smell test so far.

    I'm hoping that she doesn't get her parents into an after the fact situation :(. I hope the parents got her a good lawyer, not to protect her, but to protect themselves. Assuming that the parents are innocent, of course.

    If the wife is innocent, i hope the officials clear her quickly as possible. I cant be the only person thinking this way about the wife. And if she is innocent, she (and her daughter) deserves to move on quickly.

    • Like 1
  10. More dish. Apparently terror Mama has a case of shoplifting charges that she ran away from that she will likely have to deal with if she returns to the U.S. Terrorista American wifey (of Tamarlan) is said (according to Boy Band Bomber) to have called Tamarlan when she saw his picture on television. No she didn't turn him in. She didn't ask him to turn himself in. She WARNED him. Wouldn't that be illegal, even for a wife?

    Yep, theres something not quite right with her. Nothing i can put a finger on, but she doesnt pass the smell test IMO

    JT, where did you get that tidbit of info on the wife?

  11. Anyone who thinks the Boston Mosque was an isolated problem (and part of a tiny minority, no doubt rolleyes.gif ) should read the following. 4 Mosques out of 5 promote extremist literature, but the leftist media can hardly even bring themselves to mentioning Jihad.

    New York — A leading international peer-reviewed journal specializing in the empirical study of terrorism has published a study that found that 80% of U.S. mosques provide their worshippers with jihad-style literature promoting the use of violence against non-believers and that the imams in those mosques expressly promote that literature.

    The study also found that when a mosque imam or its worshippers were “sharia-adherent,” as measured by certain behaviors in conformity with Islamic law, the mosque was more likely to provide this violent literature and the imam was more likely to promote it.

    No isolated problem, actually. Started with Reagan, who wasn't left.

    and this fine chap.

    Let's just follow the Orwellian story of AQ, heroes during the eighties and nineties, used by the US for terror acts in Afghanistan, Central Asia, China (that Uighur province).

    Became villains on 9/11, 'the biggest enemies of humanity'.

    Became heroes again and used by the West in the wars in Lybia, Syria, and in terror acts against Iran.

    If you think you can continue to use them for the political goals of the US internationally, and there won't be consequences for Americans themselves, you are naive indeed.

    Dude, get over it.

    We dont care about your oil. we have plenty.

    We are no longer looking for cheap labor.

    we dont need any of anyone's resources. We have plenty, thank you.

    The US is tired of spending up to 30% of our GDP to keep the shipping lanes open.

    We dont need the shipping lanes.

    you do.

    If you havent noticed, the US plans to cut back on defense spending

    in significant amounts in the future.

    The EU and Asian communities will have to start pulling their own weight.

    Yeah we'll loose a bit in terms of arms sells,

    but its more than made up by the cut in defense spending.


    your rhetoric is old and stale as 2 week old pizza at a frat house.

    find a new scape goat.

    good luck and good riddance.

  12. This is not the time to be politically divided.

    Remember where the fight is for this issue,

    And its not at the white house,

    Nor with the GOP,

    You guys(both dem's and rep's)can do that in 3 more years.

    (personally both parties makes me sick)

    So <deleted> and focus on the problem

    We have more pressing matters presently.

    (Of course no insult or slight was intended.) whistling.gif
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