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Posts posted by jamhar

  1. 7000 people die in the US every day. Natural and accidents can be understood. But senseless violent deaths use to occur mostly in the impoverish areas and were ignored or tolerated and got NO press. Now that its happening in some of the more affluent areas, its getting much more press coverage and the people will not tolerate this for very long.

    I love my browning citori.

    But i believe this situation is similar to the muslim situation.

    Either self police, or the "90%" will be forced to do something about it.

  2. Islamic Leader Issues Tough Response to Fellow Muslims on Bombings and Extremism: Drop the ‘We Are the Victims’ Mentality

    Finally speaking out link

    Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, a conservative author, activist and the president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD), has a message for Muslim Americans: Step up to the plate and work diligently to combat Islamism and extremism. Jasser spoke withTheBlaze this week about his reaction to the Boston Marathon terror attack and his views on steps that should be taken within Islamic circles to prevent further extremism.


    I wouldn't call it "the light at the end of the tunnel". Its more like trying to look at Andromeda with naked eye. A fuzzy patch that you cant see if you look directly at it, but you know its there.

    More and more Muslim voices are starting to chime .

    Albeit a conservative one in this case.

    Hey, I'll take what i can getwhistling.gif

    • Like 1
  3. Easy f, cheesy.gif

    I had a similar reaction, but not as eloquent.whistling.gif Mine has some f bombs included, and I've already used up my TV silver bullet for the week, so i just bit my tongue.

    I think the post was just an emotional reaction. I even had the thought go thru my head, mostly in reflecting back to WWII.

    Internment just wouldn't be practical now, is wrong morally, and would further aide our foes. its a trifecta of bureaucratic lunacy which is why it needs to be stated and the idea needs to be beaten down with a bat.

    but if the home grown terrorists activities increases and the rate accelerates you can bet some will start calling for it seriously, the past lessons be damned.

    I'm hoping for self regulation and self policing myself. Got my fingers crossed.

  4. I haven't seen any major news sources cover this yet but there's chatter that the mosque of the suspects may not be the innocent place as they made themselves out to be.


    I've been wondering how the older brother can be tossed out for having too extremist views, but return the next few days for prayers, COUPLE TIMES!blink.png I know second chances are a virtue, but in this day and age, where not all Muslims are terrorists, but it seem all terrorists are Muslims, this type of behavior would get you permanently barred. Just like his uncle did to him!

    This onion gets smellier and smellier the more you peel back the layers.

    • Like 2
  5. Officials: Boston suspects appear motivated by religion, but not tied to Islamic terror groups


    Interesting legal question developing. How much longer can terror boy be considered an "Enemy Combatant" if his story is confirmed that they were not part of any organized cell etc... Seems to me they will have to mirandize him soon and read him his rights, and give him an attorney.

    He is an enemy combatent, the enemy is an ideology, not a Country, just as the 9/11 hijackers represented an ideology, and not Afghanistan the Country we invaded. The sooner the government wakes up and sees things in these terms the quicker the root cause can be addressed instead of the symptoms.


    But i dont think any sitting president looks forward to charging a citizen, regardless of how repulsive his actions may have been, with that charge. I dont blame them, and i'm thinking that the marandizing means at least a couple of things. 1) they do not believe he has any information to share that would relate, in even a remote way, to a eminent threat to the US, 2) They have enough evidence to convict to the highest punishment, regardless of how he is charged.

    I hope they are right.

    They could always get him on the attempted murder and hit and run as a backup whistling.gif

  6. I was looking for a step by step instruction on getting a 30 day extension on my travel visa. I did a search in TV but could not find it. I googled and found my answer. But i thought it should be available thru TV also.

    Can someone link the form needed so this can be a more complete thread?

    ((removed full page quote from another web site with specific information for one time/place and mis-information - if you wish to provide information please do so from your experience and say when/where as there will be slight differences)) The form needed for any extension of stay is TM.7 and Google will easily find.

  7. I dont get the negativity. Its an accomplishment, so why the low brow?

    I get that there are parties here in TV that likes to go at it. and i dont mind, actually its entertaining.

    but it should be at the expense of these people that have made a personal accomplishments.

    Have your fun, but dont do it at the expense of others.

    Now at the sound of the bell, you guys can come out fighting :D

    • Like 1
  8. It's gonna be tough getting the mozzies to get into the bath for a soapy. sad.png

    PB, you owe me a beer

    I spat out mine, laughing at your post sick.gif

    On a serious note,

    Thats a GREAT idea.

    citronella soap, i need some of that stuff here in TL!

    Personally i like deet better. but the soap would be easier to use.

    Kudos to the young men for thinking out of the box!clap2.gif

    • Like 1
  9. I haven't checked the numbers recently but my recollection is that at one time there was 14 fatalities our of about 50 known cases. just under a 30% fatality rate. if this starts jumping human to human, we have a mess on our hands.

    the good news is that antiviral meds are effective, so the fatality rate started to drop as time went on. But its still a scary situation esp in the outlying areas where medical attention isn't always possible.

    Keep you fingers crossed, and stay informed.

  10. We may have just witnessed the best and worst of America. The pulling together to get the injured help and the suspects apprehended was great. The police state look was not so great. I have read that it cost $33 million over the two days of the search. We had people locked in their homes and the likely outcome that somebody innocent would get shot all to catch a 19 year old on foot. We don't need that kind of a reaction.

    Yeah 3 were murdered and many more wounded but; the crashing of the gold and silver markets that happened on the same day could ultimately kill a 100,000,000 around the world. We as Americans do have to keep things in perspective. We can just trash the Constitution whenever it pleases us. The bill for that will be unpayable.

    I'm lost.

    Which is the best and which is the worst?

    How was the $33M arrived at?

    and what does the price of gold have to do with it?

    and why does a drop in gold of ~20% mean 100M lives?

    Haha, I was wondering the same things, but I refrained from asking. This is uber entertaining. I must live a sheltered life as I am never privy to such thought processes here in boring ole daily US life.

    Me too F430, like i said, I'm blaming Chang beer.

    If these guys can claim the FBI did it,

    I can claim Chang beer made me :D

  11. We may have just witnessed the best and worst of America. The pulling together to get the injured help and the suspects apprehended was great. The police state look was not so great. I have read that it cost $33 million over the two days of the search. We had people locked in their homes and the likely outcome that somebody innocent would get shot all to catch a 19 year old on foot. We don't need that kind of a reaction.

    Yeah 3 were murdered and many more wounded but; the crashing of the gold and silver markets that happened on the same day could ultimately kill a 100,000,000 around the world. We as Americans do have to keep things in perspective. We can just trash the Constitution whenever it pleases us. The bill for that will be unpayable.

    I'm lost.

    Which is the best and which is the worst?

    How was the $33M arrived at?

    and what does the price of gold have to do with it?

    and why does a drop in gold of ~20% mean 100M lives?

  12. Any major religion you care to mention will have incidents in their history of the mass murder of innocent civilians. Communists/atheists can also be included, just have a look at the recent history of the homeland area of the Boston bombers; Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia have all seen brutal massacres of civilians.

    Re shrapnel bombs or nail bombs, they are hardly the preserve of jihadists. For instance the US Weathermen were keen users of such devices, as were both Loyalists and Republicans in Ulster, a right wing nut job in London also used nail bombs. Henry Shrapnel was a Napoleonic British Army officer who invented shrapnel shells and the concept continues to this day in military use, albeit using flèchettes or ball bearings rather than nails and bolts.

    Even Bill Mayer is calling that apologist line Liberal Bull***t


    “You’re wrong about that and you’re wrong about your facts,” Maher said. “Now, obviously, most Muslim people are not terrorists. But ask most Muslim people in the world, if you insult the prophet, do you have what’s coming to you? It’s more than just a fringe element.”

    If Mahar is calling "Liberal Bullsh*t", its probably liberal bullsh*t.

    I started on this journey here in this TV topic because i looked at the data and i did not like the direction my assessment was going towards. So I entered into the discussions in hopes of vetting my thoughts, and hopefully find a direction that seem more palatable. but I find myself even more uncertain :(

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