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Posts posted by jamhar

  1. I'm at a friends hotel. Theres a customer there with a visa issue.

    His 60 day tourist visa is about to expire, with no re-entries

    but he wants to stay 35 additional days.

    I told him there were at least 3 options

    1) do a visa run and get an additional tourist visa (overnight run across the border of his choice)

    2) pay the 1900 baht for a 30 day extension and overstay 5 days at 500 baht a day (is that what the overstay charge is?)

    and i recall an additional option of an emergency extension of 1 week for various reasons so the option 3 would be

    3) pay the 1900 baht for a 30 day, and pay (tbd) for an emergency extension of one week.

    So my question is, are the options i laid out correct?

    and can someone clarify the process of getting an emergency extension of one week?

  2. I was incredibly disappointed with the state of TL's wildlife.

    (There's a joke involving the sex trade industry in there somewhere! biggrin.png )

    The national parks are pretty bad and the oceans are worse.

    I cannot express how disappointed i was with the reefs.

    I had better time snorkeling in a full wetsuit in California.

    So the news does not surprise me at all.

    I also don't see a quick solution sad.png

  3. Glad to see i'm in like company. biggrin.png

    Photo the tags, then step in

    Having done this type if thing before,

    a lot of time, you just have to break their frenzy.

    but like it or not, dangerous or not, i would have stepped in.

    One exception, If i had my daughter with me.

    I wouldn't leave her side,

    but i'd yell, use my car, Honk the horns,

    throw something to try to break his frenzy,

    but i would not leave my daughters side.

    But that's just me.

    • Like 1
  4. To the people of Saudi Arabia,

    Maybe you should let your women drive. sad.png

    Amen to that!

    I read a book a decade or so back called "House of Saud"

    The author recalled some of the happenings in SA in the 70's

    One account was when the saud family decided that from the oil proceeds

    they would give every citizen a car.

    So it wasn't uncommon for a Bedouin to ride his camel to the car dealer

    and leave with in a car.......... With no DRIVING EXPERIENCE!

    Fascinating book if you like nonfiction.

    I'd put TL way above that! lol

    But every time i'm on the road in TL,

    I'm amazed that there aren't more accidents.

    • Like 1
  5. lol yep i did some number crunching also. from one of the references above.

    Havent vetted the numbers, but at a casual lookover, it looks consistent.

    Argue want you want about laws, enforcement, quality of drivers ect,

    but i would not want to be #3 on this list.

    Country/Area Roaddeaths/100K

    1 Niue 68.3

    2 Dominican 41.7

    3 Thailand 38.1

    7 South Africa 31.9

    19 Malaysia 25.0

    21 Saudi Arabia 24.8

    22 Viet Nam 24.7

    27 Swaziland 23.4

    34 Brazil 22.5

    50 China 20.5

    51 Lao 20.4

    63 India 18.9

    68 Russian 18.6

    75 Indonesia 17.7

    78 Cambodia 17.2

    96 Mexico 14.7

    103 R ofKorea 14.1

    118 Greece 12.2

    127 USA 11.4

    139 New Zealand 9.1

    140 Philippines 9.1

    149 Italy 7.2

    152 Canada 6.8

    154 Austria 6.6

    156 France 6.4

    159 Australia 6.1

    162 Spain 5.4

    163 Japan 5.2

    164 Finland 5.1

    165 Singapore 5.1

    166 Denmark 4.7

    167 Germany 4.7

    168 Ireland 4.7

    169 Israel 4.7

    175 UK 3.7

    178 Sweden 3.0

    179 Iceland 2.8

    182 San Marino 0.0

    To the people of San Marino, blink.png

    Got any cars?

    do you drink booze at all?

    What gives?
    • Like 1
  6. I've been drunk to a point where i could not remember what happened after a certain point, walking home ect. Shocking i know! lol, and early 20's was about the age for that sort of thing.

    Physical evidence should be able to help shed some light (tissue damage, tearing, ect)

    If theres no physical evidence, this is not going to go well for the girl.

    Worse for the guys if they are innocent.

    But i find it hard to understand why she would make such a claim if she wasn't raped.

    And why she went back to his room, if it wasn't for sex.

    This entire case is a puzzle.

  7. A death sentence for armed robbery ? Jeez that's a bit harsh. sick.gif

    Yeah. First offence.

    No chance of them re offending is there.

    Well done Saudi way to go.

    If the guy knew it was the penalty for robbery

    and the numb-nut went ahead with it anyway

    He probably wasn't long for this planet.

    Harsh, yep, but it wasnt a secret.

    The dude knew, or should have known, what he was getting into.

    • Like 2
  8. Dude, don't impose your host country's morals and tertiary laws on TL. All your assumptions may not apply.

    and if you kept on this path of attention on your GF in the US,

    you may have been up for a restraining order in your near future.

    She's 32. She can handle it. Can you?

    PS, if it was me, i'd be ready to move on soon.

    If this is an isolated incident, then its probably ok,

    but if shes done or had other odd incidents happen to her.....

    the writing is on the wall..... Sorry dude.

  9. Its a slow news day,

    And Kobe twisted his ankle so i'm avoiding sports.

    So i keep coming back to this topic lol

    It seems that the Brit government has tried to get the island back to A's in the past,

    but the indigenous population would have none of it.

    Also, the indigenous population tried to enter negotiation with the A's and were rejected by the A's.

    "Argentina reiterated its position towards the Falklanders in 2012, after a meeting of the UN Decolonization Committee, when its representatives refused to accept a letter from the Falkland Islands offering the opening of direct talks between both governments. Argentina only recognises the UK government as a legitimate partner in negotiations[75][76] and considers the islands, along with South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, as part of the province of Tierra del Fuego.[77]"

    The A's cant stop shooting themselves in the foot. If they truly wanted the islands, why didn't they try to win over the population first?

    Lastly and interesting timeline in wiki


    Interesting to be sure but it has the feel of being written with a Brit bias (ya think? lol ). I'd still like to get an A's perspective on the timeline and claims but i cant seem to find any in TV. I'll see if i can find some elsewhere.

    These were the A's losses in the last fighting

    1 cruiser

    1 submarine

    4 cargo vessels

    2 patrol boats

    1 spy trawler

    25 helicopters

    35 fighters

    2 bombers

    4 transports

    25 COIN aircraft

    9 armed trainers

    Before they start the next round of fighting, I would suggest they just tally up the cost of the equipment they lost in the last round, and offer it to the inhabitants as a buy out. They could save a lot of lives and really put the conflict to bed.

  10. It was a typically British shambles - and no we couldn't do it again. We have no Vulcans or Victors left. We also have no merchant fleet left to commandeer.

    "This gripping film tells the humorous yet heroic story of how a crumbling, Cold-War era Vulcan flew the then longest range bombing mission in history and how a WW2 vintage bomb changed the outcome of the Falklands War. On 30th April 1982, the RAF launched a secret mission; to bomb Port Stanley's runway, putting it out of action for Argentine fighter jets. The safety of the British Task Force depended on its success. But the RAF could only get a single Vulcan 8,000 miles south to the Falklands as just one bomber needed an aerial fleet of thirteen Victor tanker planes to refuel it throughout the 16 hour round-trip. From start to finish, the seemingly impossible mission was a comedy of errors, held together by sheer British pluck and ingenuity. On the brink of being scrapped, only three of the ageing nuclear bombers could be fitted out for war, one to fly the mission and two in reserve..."[/size]


    Thanks for the vid. super low data rate here so had to DL it first lol. I remember seeing the Vulcan in the Bond movie "thunderball" (one of my favorite movies of all time, if nothing else, for the bond girl "Domino" biggrin.png ). I thought then it was the prettiest plane ever. Shame to see it retired. Hopefully someone kept a few flying somewhere.

    Back on point, Given the history of the Brits in combat, I'm surprised that the junta actually attempted to take the islands by force back then. Hopefully they have learned their lesson and wont try that again.

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