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Posts posted by jamhar

  1. "No booze..."

    I stopped reading right there.cheesy.gif

    But seriously, not having open containers (as we called them) is not too much to ask. But to say its only for the holidays smacks of being unrealistic. This needs to become a habit, not a one time deal. Otherwise its just grandstanding.

    Yep, this should be a good money maker for the local officials.

    If they want to be serious about cutting down on the road accidents, make it all year.

    If you just want to make headlines, and extra pocket money, you're doing the right thing

    • Like 1
  2. in the old days, when you turn things off, it was "off".

    Now days, when you turn thing off, its actually "asleep".

    People dont want to wait for things to power up and finish its bootup period. So manufactures designed appliances to "sleep". In the "off" state, the clock may be still running, its in/out circuits are still on, waiting for you to use your remote. This may be called the "overhead" power, or the quiescent power for the system. This "overhead power" while its much less than the "on" power, still adds up to a lot of power draw, if you count the numbers.

    Again, set your thermostats higher

    use fans instead of AC where possible

    turn off all unused lights

    If everyone contributes, that should be enough to push off blackouts.

    This is not that uncommon in other countries

    as well as the belly-aching about it :)

    If you're near my age, then you'll remember a time WITHOUT AC

    be thankful for what you've got :D

  3. Might as well turn off the A/C altogether as to put it as high as 26c, that's almost 79F, WAY TOO HOT !

    I believe this maybe a common threshold used in many countries. I recall being asked to set our thermostats to 78degF in the US when ever a similar situation occurred.

    78deg with a fan actually works really well.

    Its either that or +90deg with NO fan when the power goes out.

    Up to you :)

  4. Doesn't make an iota of a difference tbh. It's like a giant conveyor belt. Take 2 out and 4 pop up elsewhere. Remember when they said once they got hold of that Jordanian fella Al Zarqawi how everything would fall to bits? And now there are other groups sprouting up in Africa too. Beginning to think this is one battle the good guys will never win.

    So you feel like quitting?

  5. Yep, heat in a parked car can build quickly,

    esp if its in the sun, and windows are closed ( i dont know that was the case in this situation)

    First thought was for the safety of the girl :(

    Being a parent of a girl in the first year of school, and having been out on group outings with other kids

    I know how playful and mischievous they can get.

    one can play hide-and-seek with you, without telling you

    and the other can play along to see how long they can fool you

    all in fun of course.

    But it can be dangerous, which is why i discouraged such behavior.

    But teachers should be experienced enough to push aside such distractions.

    So i can understand, and i cant understand.

    such is life i suppose.

    Losing track of a child is never good, and can be tragic

    like for this little girl :(

  6. "I support about ten people in thailand and still not welcome....."

    Immigration officials are not one of your employees. Dont expect them to treat you as your employees do.

    Also there is no sign above your head that says, "I am important, and deserve special attention".

    I suspect it is YOUR attitude that lead the immigration official to say

    "if you dont like it, leave"

    Just a guess.

    My 2 cents

  7. OK before i get flamed, i know its a stupid question

    but its my first trip outside the US since i was 10 so i'm a bit naive on Visa matters.

    When i applied for my Visa, i asked for 3 re-entries

    When i got my Visa, I saw 3 entries and assumed that it was for re-entries,

    because i vaguely remember a payment for a Visa, and a separate payment for 3 entries.

    So after a visa run, and another separate trip to angkor wat

    I looked at my visa and noticed that my initial entry counted as one of the entries,

    meaning now i need to do an overnight Visa run the next time. :(

    Am i correct?

  8. The problem is that it is impossible to obtain these jobs without being a lying crook. Not just in Thailand, but in most countries honest people have trouble getting into office let alone getting anything done. Thats why any county that is serious on corruption should

    1) induce term limits

    2) politicians need live by the rules they set for others

    3) personal finances should be under constant scrutiny

    I have met many struggling business people but have yet to meet a poor politician.

    The US and other western countries aren't enforcing this so I have strong doubts Thailand ever will.

    So what is you point? To quit?blink.png

  9. Everything is FINE!

    We have a whole 6.3% reserve!w00t.gif

    (i used bold numbers to make it look bigger)

    What could go wrong?blink.png

    (please make the weather cooperate!)

    But at least we know where we stand.

    The prudent announcement would have been something like

    "although we do have a small reserve, The reserve could easily be wiped out by weather and other variables. So we urge the public to conserve where possible, Turn off unused lights, turn your AC a couple degrees warmer, and use fans in place of AC where possible" bla bla bla.

    What you DONT say is "we got a 6% reserve boys, grip it and rip it!"

  10. "The law of qisas, or retribution, in Saudi Arabia means his victim can demand that he suffers exactly the same punishment as he caused."

    It is the victim that is requiring the punishment.

    Its barbaric, and ultra primitive by western standards

    But it is the law.

    Qr'anic law based on the Bible's "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth".


    i wasn't arguing, implying or suggesting. I was just quoting the source article.

    No slighting or insult was intended. wai.gif

  11. Have no idea if the lads account of the happening is true or not. The police seem to not believe peoples accounts in many cases. I wonder if that might not be a personal judgement based on their own perchance for telling porkies.

    Skid marks, parts/pieces from point of impact down into the bushes could indicate what happened if anyone took the time to invistigate same. Of course this might require awaiting daylight to see all aspects of the scene.

    Doesn't really matter if his account is correct at 14 he should not have been driving.. simply really.

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

    A 14 year old driving on a farm isnt unusual

    but Pattaya can hardly be called a "farm"

    boy's got some "splain'n" to do


    just reread the story

    12:30AM!!?? <deleted> were you doing son?blink.png

  12. Regarding the stay for 9 months, Basically, "Yes" to your question lol

    Get a tourist visa with 3 entries

    1) first entry, 60 days, after the 60, get 30 day extensions for 1900 bhat

    2) after your 30 day extension, go to Cambodia, get a Cambodian visa, cross, come back.

    You can do all in one day because of the entries you prepaid smile.png

    3) when you come back you get a fresh 60 days, stay the fresh 60, the at the end, get another 30 day extension for 1900 baht.

    4) after your 30 day extension, go to Cambodia, get a Cambodian visa, cross, come back.

    5) when you come back you get a fresh 60 days, stay the fresh 60, the at the end, get another 30 day extension for 1900 baht.


    basically you've done a 3x of the (60days plus 30day extension)

    I'm doing basically the same thing and am 2/3 of the way thru the process now. So far, no issues, and the 3 entries i got originally really worked out smile.png

    Regarding the rest, I'm sure others will chime in to add some clarity.

    hope this helps. and best wishes!

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