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Posts posted by jamhar

  1. Did the Brits complain? If the BBC had done something similar concerning Thailand the outrage would be huge.

    Normally its the one that percieves themselves

    rightly or wrongly, as lower in stature that is offended the most.

    I doubt that the UK even noticed.

    But TL, being an asian country (saving face and all)

    and a developing country at that,

    would have greatly lost face.

    If the same situation had happened between TL and Japan, or SK, I think the same would have applied to a lesser degree. Japan, nor Korea would have cared much. The reverse would have caused TL some shame but not as much since it was with another asian country.

    • Like 1
  2. I use to make weekly/monthly trips to baja.

    Sad to say that i dont think my 6yrold daughter will ever know the pleasure of a baja road/surf trip. sad.png

    There was a time you could go down to baja with $10 and have a weekend including beers.

    you had to camp on the beach, but hey, i was in college!

    We used to frequent K38 and Isla Todos Santos which had some of the largest winter Pacific breaks in the world except for Hawaii North Shore or Waimea. Not recently though, too many car jackings, campers get robbed at gunpoint with their female companions getting raped. Cops don't care and may even be the one's doing all of this.


    Those were the days. Spent many weekend in rosarito, puerto nuevo, ensanada, and san quintin. I've never been below san quintin, I didnt trust the vw bus to make it that far and back biggrin.png Sounds like i missed out.

    Waimea on a big day is scary. Never have seen the water have slope from the shore.

    Damn, now you have me hungry for some matsumoto shave ice, and a lunch plate from the Rainbow Drive In! biggrin.png

  3. Popeyes! Wahoo! I may have to make a trip to the airport! biggrin.png

    Next maybe Churches Chicken?

    And after that, a chicken-n-waffle shop?

    Yes I know i'm in TL but i can only eat noodles so many times sad.png love it but i'm missing some variety biggrin.png

    I've noticed that the fried chicken from the street vendors dont have much taste to them. How can you possibly make fried chicken tasteless?

  4. I am truly sorry to hear that. I was a partial liberal at the time she was PM, but i still liked her and admired her. Most Americans i believe felt that way.I recall one story from a former SAS. Apparently one of the scenarios they ran was one involving some captives holding Maggy (if a yank can call her that). She was touring the SAS facility including the mockup of the building that they were using to run Maggies scenarios. She asked to step in for her dummy so she could see SAS work in real time. (SAS only uses live ammo for their drills. They want NO lapses of concentration at any time). Anyhow all her assistants strongly objected, but she said, "nonsense!" or to that effect. well the exercise went off without a hitch (this is the SAS) and when asked how she felt about it, she said "Delighted!". Live ammo, shooting in the same room with the PM of the UK, and she thought it was fun! Thats Maggie. Thats the way i want to remember her.

    Not quite right. She visited the "Killing House" which is a permanent facility for close quarters combat training that can be configured for different scenarios (1st SFOD-D -the public calls them "Delta Force" - used their idea to make an even better one), it was not set up to rehearse for a specific set of scenarios including an abduction of the PM, and it's sole purpose is for live fire exercises (I don't believe it's true that the SAS/SBS only use live fire for every exercise but certainly in the Killing House they do).

    Others have done the same thing that Mrs Thatcher did but perhaps none so important - mind you Prince Charles and Diana watched participated in exercises including in the KH and Diana's hair got singed by a flash bang.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

    Thanks for the correction. and I stand corrected.wai.gif i only told the story as it was told to me. The key point isnt the details but the mettle of Maggie. That woman had more balls than most of the men in that era.

    Also now that you mention it i do recall hearing that Charles and D was there also. That is one brave family! Being in a room with live fire is no joke!blink.png

    Edit: corrected a misreading on my part

  5. Sorry about the above post, the text box quoteint got all screwed up. What looks like the first paragraph in my response should have been a quote. I tried to edit but it was unrecoverable above :(

    The edit function for the quotes isn't idiot proof (meaning meblink.png )

    PS, a quick note to the admin. the text format edit and smilies edit bar isnt functional in firefox for me. I dont know about anyone else. I did have script block on, but disabled it to see if it aided the edit tool box but it didnt :(

    just an FYI.

  6. A decent blended whisky that's not too expensive, try 100 Pipers.
    Like most things in life, you get what you pay for. If you want to drink whisky, put your hand in your pocket and buy a proper one; the pleasure you will derive from it is worth the extra pennies.
    I agree about the neat portion. I try all spirits neat first. If it stands up to my standards, i'll drink it neat.
    If not, add a cube (never water, or club soda). If its not worth it, then add some diet coke with the ice lol.
    One exception to that. I really do like a myers dark rum with OJ. dont know why. barbancourt rum - neat, appleton rum - neat, crown royal(not bad for a blended) - neat, basically if its not neat, its not on my first choice list.
    A Lagavulin double cask, or a Laphroaig 15 will set you back more than just a couple pennies :(
    so for an everyday cocktail spirits (for mixers, or with ice), the Thai spirits arent bad, and def. worth it for the price.
    With the exception of the local tequila they have here.
    What ever they used may have been blue, but it wasn't no damned Agave!sick.gif
  7. Try Hong Thong.

    Be the first falang to drink it and give us a report of your findings:D

    Not a true falang, since i'm not caucasian, but I did, and do. Like all Thai spirits I've tried, its not bad! smile.png not great, but not bad. drinkable. again IMO mostly as a mixer. Drinking it neat takes some work. With a diet coke back, its not bad. Better with an ice cube. but then again, i say the same thing about Johhy W. black (or any of the JW varieties, and this is MUCH cheaper biggrin.png

    Cant figure out what it is tho. the book says its a "mixture of spirits". I read that as "don't ask", just enjoy the cheap beverage! lol

    Still missing my Laphroaig sad.png

    • Like 1
  8. Exactly F40. A very serious fatality rate.

    Needs to be addressed properly and it looks like the PRC is doing that. By last account, no human to human transmission has been confirmed, 16 known cases, and 500+ known to have been in contact under close observation. That is taking this situation in a serious manor.

    lets cross our fingers and a quick prayer to those presently infected.

    If human to human transmission occurs, we're in some deep kimchee. :(

  9. Yep. Gays and adulteresses were singled out for especially horrifying and primitive torture. Mechanisms of depraved, sociopathic minds (incapable of feeling anyone else's pain but their own) were inserted into their respective - offending - entry point and cork-screwed until the criminals slowly bled to death (criminals who were guilty of the crime of acting on the natural desires instilled into them by virtue of God's Intelligent Design and/or five million years of natural selection [whichever rows your boat, but it's all the more telling if you think about those who pretend to subscribe to the former; they're the ones who spray the acid of God's misogyny onto innocent children and God's murderous rage onto naturally-born gay men for feeling the way God made them feel]).

    Sociopathic Christians fool a lot of people with their emotional sentiment but almost all wars are Christian wars and if you look closely at Luke 14:33 you'll understand why that is the case. Christian Compassion? Ahem. Were it not for that offensive substitute emotion for empathy, a great many more humans would be naturally and Selfishly humane.

    Then again, torturing threats to the sanctity of religious marriage was the law (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean)? jamhar, care to extrapolate on what you mean by pointing out that power makes illegal laws to Control their slaves? Do you think laws are worth paying attention to when they are not humane and therefore against The Law?

    "jamhar, care to extrapolate on what you mean by pointing out that power makes illegal laws to Control their slaves?"



    but i'm sure you'll elaborate.

    I was just point out that the perp knew what justice system he lived under, and knew or should have know what the possible punishment would be. I was also pointing out that it wasn't the saudi government that imposed this punishment, but the victim wishes. That is their law.

  10. I'm selling my AK47 on ebay. Do you think the FBI know about it?

    Wrong agency.

    Thats the ATF charter. (Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms) wai.gif

    If you took a shot at someone with the AK, then its the local police.

    if you got chased by the cops after shooting at someone, AND you crossed a state line

    THEN its the FBI that would hunt you down. :D

    just say'n

  11. It would be quite easy to relieve tensions in the area,if the USA ceased military exercises in SK,relieved some of the sanctions strangling the N.Koreans and give this young,man Kim Jong Un time to think and reassess.

    Number one he is a young man,with tremendous responsibility that he needs time to adjust to.

    As we all know when young we don't always make the wisest of decisions.

    What would be the point of destroying,NK and creating disharmony with all the nations involved.

    You're trying to apply logic to an illogical person.

    The NK's are like bullys, They use Nukes to extort concessions our of the SKs and the US.

    With the bully's i know, you give in to the bullys and they own you, and they get more brazen.

    one last thought

    If Fidel tells you that you're being a hothead, you might just want to take a quick look in the mirror!whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  12. I believe its a combination of chance, large agricultural sector, and close contact with farm animals and love of chickens.

    !.3 billion people, most in the agricultural sector, gives them lots of chances for contact with birds.

    the number of patients at 16 seems to be holding. if the patient count starts to go up, then its time to keep an eye on whats happening.

    keep your fingers crossed and my thought to the families of those in contact :(

  13. Well, not TOTALLY clueless. There are pockets with real employment issues. Mostly inner cities where minorities make up most of the residents.. So and SoEast LA, Bakersfield, Stockton, Sac in California. I'm told North Nashville has high rates of unemployment. Detroit, Philly, Ect.

    But I do agree, that most of the US is doing great. Just like it is most of the time. Life there is almost pristine for most, in comparison. But we could do better. And we will continue to try.

    We've been drinking out of that "service sector" cool aid a bit too much. time to buckle up and get back to more manufacturing, innovation, and hard work.

    We'll get that unemployment rate down, 1/10% by 1/10%.

  14. Thanks NC. I'm past the "indignant" phase. :D i'm now at the pragmatic phase.

    Good tip on the 6 month duration of the Visa, I did not realize that.

    So from bkk, what are my options if you dont mind asking.

    Never mind, since you gave me a CM option, you're probably up in that area and not familiar with the bkk options.

    maybe someone else will chime in later with a bkk optionwhistling.gif

    But i am right about the new tourist visa, correct? i need to go across a border, resubmit my passport for tourist visa, and collect it the next day, right? meaning an overnight stay across the border somewhere.

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