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Posts posted by jamhar

  1. I have no dog in this fight. I'm just trying to learn what the Argentine camp's claims are for the Islands. I've heard what the British side has said what the Argentine's claims are. I want to hear the Argentina sides claims.

    I read the following in the comments to a news article. Any rebuttal from the Argentine side on TV?

    "When Argentina signed the Convention of Settlement in 1850, which settled all differences that existed between our countries, They acknowledging there was no territorial dispute between our countries.
    President Sarimento, also stated in his Message to the Argentine Congress on 1 May 1869 'The state of our foreign relations fulfils the aspirations of the country. NOTHING is claimed from us by other nations; we have nothing to ask of them except that they will persevere in manifesting their sympathies, with which both Governments and peoples have honoured the Republic, both for its progress and its spirit of fairness' "

    Originating News Article

  2. Cheaper to fly to Portland Oregon, and no sales tax.

    But who wants to! D'oh!

    Sorry i couldnt help it. Actually i love Oregon. Beautiful country side and coastline,

    Most of the electronics are built for the US or EU markets. they are the biggest consumers, and the population with the the biggest disposable income. So volume pricing prevails. when you order in the quantities of millions or tens of millions, the price drops quickly.

    There are some products manufactured in China that you can get via ebay, or merit just as cheaply as in the US. Not much, and it depends on what you are looking for.

    I never did understand the higher pricing in Japan and Taiwan. Both have sizable populations with same order of magnitude disposable income, but my friends from there always complained of higher prices. Go figure. I thought i was probably because of tariffs or taxes.

  3. Each case is separate with different historical facts to consider.

    But you cannot dismiss the fact that the Falkland Islanders do not want to be part of Argentina.

    They have always been British and want to remain so; that is an historical fact.

    The first country to show any interest in sovereignty over the Falklands was France; so if basing your argument on history rather than democracy the islands should belong to France.

    France doesn't want them, next in line is Spain.

    Spain doesn't want them either; after Spain comes Britain.

    Argentina didn't exist when the British first claimed the islands. After independence from Spain, what is now Argentina did claim sovereignty (in 1833) but that was 143 years after the first British settlers landed on the islands in 1690.

    So whether you use the democratic argument or the historical one; the British claim outweighs the Argentinian one by a long way.


    I still dont understand ths A's claim. What is the basis of their claim other than proximity?

  4. They must be running low on stones,

    or have an excess of bulletsblink.png

    Certainly no shortage of bullets. Or guns, leg irons etc, right through to the most high tech state of the art killing devices known to man, this barbaric, fundamentalist, non democratic regime has the lot. And guess who supplies them? That's right, the 'Freedom' loving West.

    I guess things would be much better if Saudis had bought them from the "nonfreedom" loving Russian, or the Chinese?

    No of course things would not be better if the Saudis bought them from Russia or China, where did i say they would? But they are not are they? Saudi Arabia, despite their apologists on here, are a non democratic, Islamic fundamentalist regime, who are undoubtedly responsible for much of the funding, and probably supplying many of the participants, of terrorist atrocities against The US and UK. They also have a record of medieval barbarism at home. Yet the US and UK, the victims of this terrorism continue to supply them with the means to continue with this behaviour! All the while lecturing the rest of the world about 'Freedoms'. To a rational person this makes no sense. Your justification for supplying them with these weapons appears to be, if we don't, someone else will. Which of course is the justification used by the heroin dealer or child pornographer..

    Using your criteria, I don't know if the US could sell arms to the US blink.png

    Thats a totally different topiclaugh.png

    I'm not apologizing for Saud family. its not a great situation. But sovereignty is respected. And among the countries in middle east, i don't know that the Saudi's are doing much worse Or better than their neighbors. Or other countries in the African Continent. And we realize that the Saudi family only likes us for our wallet, nothing more.

    You intervene, you're criticized. you don't intervene and you're criticized. you stay of it, and you're criticized for not helping (al la Syria). So its best to do what you think you should, and when you cant, do what you can, regardless of the criticism. When all else fails, do what you must and suffer the consequences.

    But I will say that the Islamic fundamentalist states seem to be judicially harsh, regardless of where they get their bullets or beheading knives from.

  5. Oh dear, seems it was a good idea after all................

    Hope the TV naysayers aren't choking on their coffee.

    Hope their coffee is not too hot.


    sick.gif Damn that coffee is hot! blink.png

    Naysayer here!laugh.png


    Its been a while since I've been out of school and I totally forgot how expensive the text books are. And as a cost savings measure, I can see how it could work.

    On an additional positive note, I predict a lowering of textbooks Very SOON biggrin.png

  6. God, i hate doing this huh.png

    but as superficial as it may be

    at least she is saying the right things.

    Programs as big as this need scrutiny

    Esp in a country where corruption has been a problem before.

    This just maybe a plow to make sure she knows where the "grease" is going.

    But atleast on the surface, she is saying what needs to be said.

    Hopefully she is doing what needs to be done.

    but then again, I am an optimist crazy.gif

  7. They must be running low on stones,

    or have an excess of bulletsblink.png

    Certainly no shortage of bullets. Or guns, leg irons etc, right through to the most high tech state of the art killing devices known to man, this barbaric, fundamentalist, non democratic regime has the lot. And guess who supplies them? That's right, the 'Freedom' loving West.

    I guess things would be much better if Saudis had bought them from the "nonfreedom" loving Russian, or the Chinese?

    • Like 1
  8. I'm happy about the highspeed rail.

    I'll be thinking of all those hundreds of comfortable passengers as i travel thru the roads of TL, with the millions of other road travelers, all traveling at 60k/h on 2 lane roads that haven't been improved upon since it was laid.

    and i'll smile at those highspeed rail travelers, while i'm looking to get around this sugar cane truck carrying 50 tons of cane traveling at 30k/h, taking up 2/3 of both lanes, and travel in what seems to be unending packs, all separated by one kilometer.

    Yep, this "infrastructure" should do a lot for the common Thai, and the GDP.

    now Y can say "we have high speed rail!"w00t.gif

    I should have plenty of time to listen to the reports about it,

    while i'm on the road. ermm.gif

  9. It's incredible how the US military-industrial establishment systematically goes after supposedly "undemocratic" regimes like Syria and Lybia (which were not that bad at all by Muslim standards - and both were secular states) yet has been protecting the fundamentalist, barbarous and ungrateful Saudis and Pakistanis for decades.

    So which Islamic country do you suggest the west support instead?

  10. Oz. I feel as you do, but don't let the terrorists take away your humanity. if you do, you are letting them win, if only partially.

    Drones are preferable particularly because of the impact on the innocent civi's involved. Even the paper cited above admitted to the lower causality rate. You had to make that determination yourself since they wouldn't say it outright, at least not in the executive summary, The Executive Summary was all i could read, but hey i tried. lol. see the quote below

    "September 2012, available data indicate that drone strikes killed 2,562-3,325 people in Pakistan, of whom 474-881 were civilians, including 176 children. TBIJ reports that these strikes also injured an additional 1,228-1,362 individuals"

    Using the "high/high" numbers, that's about 26% untarget/targeted kill ratio. MUCH lower than any manned attack ratio I've seen. And my personal belief is that untargeted numbers are high but thats just my opinion.

    Regardless, drones are better for the noncombatants AND NATO forces. The paper cited made the general claim that living under the threat of drone attack 24/7 is psychologically stressful. And living under the threat of F18 attacks 24/7 is less? If they are so traumatized, They can either chase away the insurgents, or live away from them. If not, they are probably supporting them with the associated risks that comes with it. But that paper came off really antiwar biased IMO.

    Lastly, I see people making the argument for drones attacks or no attacks . That is not he argument. The argument is manned attacks, or unmanned attacks. As long as there are those that profess and demonstrate the ability and willingness to kill westerners (men, women, and children) then i believe we should take the war to THEM.

    I'm putting my vote in for unmanned attacks vs manned attacks anyday,

    unless an escalation is needed.

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