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Posts posted by jamhar

  1. Foreigners play a vital and indispensable role in Thailand..

    If it wasn't for blaming foreigners for everything from prostitution to obesity then Thai society would have to embrace reality.

    Damn right we do! In fact a critical part!

    They should pay us! whistling.gif

    To the OP,


    any prize if we're 6 for 6? blink.png

  2. "You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table."

    polls that you take are tactical information. you use it to guide your plans. If you're doing really well or really poorly, you may not want to even share it with your own staff for fear it may affect their morale. This is really valuable information. Why the hell would you share it with everyone?blink.png

    All i can do is shake my head in puzzlement.ermm.gif

  3. Message to non-combatants, whether you're related to the baddies or not: stay faaaaaar away from your punk husbands/brothers/fathers/friends .....because they will be hunted down and killed - and those 30 mm shells make a h#ll of a burned-out mess of anything within 7 meters.

    Agreed, unfortunately lots of noncombatants do not even realize what danger they are in, nor what dangers the their combatant family members maybe putting them in. Its a rare individual that will use his mother, father, wife and children as shields against bullets meant for him

    But if thats the terrain we are in, we will just have to work with what we have.. So yes, use the drones as much as possible. It keeps our troops out of harms way, AND it saves noncombatant lives, vs manned attacks and troops on the ground.

  4. This is the most stupid biased and uninformed article i have read in awhile

    To the author; wake up moron!!

    That is the narrow view. I suspect the author is doing his best within cultural constraints to tell the Thai Cultural Morons that Thailand has a poor image, because Thailand earned it.

    However, all too often people in ThaiVisa forums profess the same idiotic attitude - that all Thai women are prostitutes.

    A friend recently asked - How do I find a good Thai woman, one who will be loyal..?? I said - don't look in bars to find such women - talk to the bank clerk, the sales girl, or the receptionist, even a college student...

    I don't think any poster has suggested that "all Thai women are prostitutes", but I am surprised that so many seem prepared to sell their bodies in a straight cash transaction. As for your "college student" comment, most of the 300 short-time hotels in Chiang Mai (and the Nimmanhymen soapy) appear to be mostly powered by college students.

    I personally know a hundred very hot women in Los Angeles who will bang anyone who has the right connections, rents them an apartment, leases them a nice car, or gets them an audition with a movie studio. Anyone. So, in your own incredibly narrow view of the universe, do you not consider them to be prostitutes? Nearly every woman I dated for my last 10 years in the states, would bang me only after a certain amount or dinner, gifts, and prizes. Were they not prostitutes in your narrow book? Just because a set price is established does not make the local woman more of a prostitute than tens of millions of American or European women, who will bang for gifts and prizes. Broaden your view for the sake of humanity. Do some more inner work, and try not to be so judgmental. Do you really think you are in any way superior to these local gals who bang for cash?

    Mike Macarelli

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    AMEN to that.

    and those girls are super hot!

    The primary difference is that the corruption by the police and society is much higher here.

    and with the corruption comes the willingness to practice their trade openly,

    in the general population, in mid-day, and right in front of you.

    knowing that they are protected, or the police doesn't care.

    In TL, Its no longer in the quiet hotel rooms, or the quiet bars, but walking in front of us on the beach.

    not by ones or twos, but by the dozens, and sometimes the majority.

    You can be embarrassed by it.

    but with the level of payoff the industry supports here,

    And the percentage of tourist dollars brought in by it

    its better to turn a blind eye like the police does

    cause it aint going away, anytime soon.

    but what i want to know is

    who the hell pumped up this topic?

    22 pages are a lot to go thru!

  5. Pun of the day to the news editor smile.png

    On a serious note

    I dont see whey the Thai and Burmese governments should be apprehensive about their Dam projects on this river, given the Chinese are going to build 4 of them up stream!ermm.gif

    Are you joking - with that sentence above? The Chinese are to environmental husbandry what caged dogs are to the floor of their pound, scatalogically speaking.

    Whats you point?

    My point was that I know some Thai's that are opposed to damming up wild rivers (btw, so am I, in general)

    What i was saying is that if the tributaries are in China, it will be dammed by the Chinese with no regards to downstream.

  6. Again

    Is there a requirement for a Hitler/Nazi/Swastika thread every few weeks?

    Is this 'news' - from 'daily buzz on twitter'

    That video a year old, does it add anything to this forum?

    How about:

    Bangkok's 'Hitler Chic' Trend Riles Tourists, Israeli Envoy

    and just a few weeks ago

    Whats Up With The Locals Admiration For Hitler?!

    My suggestion: close it, same posters with same posts . . .

    In short, YES

    Yes every time it happens.

    Just ignoring wont make it go away.

    You are welcome not to click on the topic as often as you like.

    My experience is that ignoring an infection, wont make it go away.

    just my 2 cents.

  7. Sanctions are an act of war so what do people expect? I can't believe countries can levy sanctions against another country and not expect some sort of response or retaliation. Most likely the response is what the purpose of the sanctions are for anyway.

    So any levy or tariff is an act of war? (if so, there's lots or wars in the world)

    What is it when nuclear annihilation is threatened?

    and what is it when the ENTIRE WORLD levys you?

  8. Nothing is going to change, no matter what Yinluck rattles. Teen pregnancies and single mothers are wonderful ways to perpetuate poverty, and to provide the next generation of unskilled labour and warm bodies.

    I think you're right Potosi. Abortion is illegal, not much in the way of education,stigma against teens buying condoms. Its as if Teen pregnancy was a planned thing for TL.

    I just finished reading the article.

    "In a bid to find solutions, a Thai delegation visited Britain in November 2012, looking to emulate programmes there"

    What a f*cken boondoggle. I'd fire all of the delegation that went, and their supervisors. Have they no shame? They had to GO there to find out how it was done??

    Oz has a lower rate and its closer. Better yet, try Singapore japan, korea where there are lower rates, and similar culture! Atleast more similar than britian.

    I need a drink sad.png

  9. The results of the sexual assault tests did not indicate that she had been raped, police told the Gazette yesterday. The drug tests take several days to process and are not yet available.

    So would she be drug positive then she'd raped somebody?

    How did the "sexual assault test" happen? What a bunch of bs.

    They do have drug testers showing results in a few minutes/hours.--w00t.gif

    Not sure what you're getting at.

    Rape tests, i believe, are pretty well understood. At the very least, i believe they look for physical trama, and biologic evidence.

    (but i'm just an engineer, what do i know? lol)

    Drug test can take some time depending on the queue and the tests involved. and can indicate how compromised she was, so for instance, why she may have not struggled, explaining no physical signs of struggle, if there were non. Or she may have taken some psychedelic hallucinogens implying something else. Or she may have been slipped a date rape type drug, implying other things. The point is, the tests aren't complete yet.

    Her inability to remember and a negative rape test isn't good for her.

    but like i said, luckily she is in TL and most likely

    the police will just forget the whole thing,

    provided the drug tests comes back negative.

  10. Amazing how China as become so (excuse the profanity) "capitalist like"

    now that their economy is running like a well oiled machine.

    They want no uncertainty to stall the world economy.

    30 years ago, it would have been different.

    Its amazing what a little success, money in your pocket, and a nagging wife that wants more,

    will do to your ideology! whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  11. A friend showed me a picture of a "ghost" a friend of hers sent her. I looked at the picture and told her that the girl in the pic was probably one of the 10 best looking girls in bbk when she was alive. and what are the chances that her friend just happen to catch a one out of a million prettiest ghosts around?

    She was quiet after that smile.png luckily for me my friend's pretty sharp. Still, I hated to burst her bubble like that.

    Needless to say, i don't believe in them.

    But that doesn't mean i don't jump in horror movies :D

  12. Dont worry gang,

    the strength of the baht will slow things down in a bit.

    Then you'll be complaining about the slow growth

    Fine tuning an economy is a tough one

    esp with all the corruption,

    and natural disasters always around the corner.

    Strap in and hold on tight

    its going to be a wild one.w00t.gif

  13. Your call

    Pay and get rid of her (sorry dude, she just took you)

    Negotiate her down and then get rid of her(see above)

    or tell her no receipt, no dna test, no pay,

    and suffer with her whining and other troubles she may make

    then get rid of her.

    Basically get rid of her, think of it as an expensive lesson.

    Dont feel bad dude, it happens to all of us one way or another. Be glad you got this lesson early and relatively cheaply. My ex took me for more than you can make in years and years probably.sick.gif Sorry, i make that face when ever I think of her lol.

  14. To clarify what might seem an odd practice...

    I *am* odd.

    But besides that, I am homeless. And like being that way. Renting a real apartment or getting a norma job I feel like I am in prison. Probably a minor form of mental illness, considering my paranoia about conspiracies. But I do have some experience having difficulties with governmental authorities so I have a seasoned skepticism about the rich and especially the powerful.

    As I have no idea where I will be in a week let alone six months I like to have my options open--any land border or international airport I pass through (well, at least my favourite countries) I like to have a bank card with local currency in it. Enough to live three months as a refugee. I meet many like-minded expats in Cambodia and India. Thailand has more conventional foreign residents.

    But I am simplifying as it is too much work and poor value, squirelling money all over Asia.

    Your name isnt "Jack Reacher" by chance?whistling.gif

    I've always envied the nomadic life. Maybe i'll pick it up after my daughter gets thru college.

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