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Posts posted by jamhar

  1. It emerged that the Queen and members of the Royal Family may have eaten horse meat passed off as beef as it was revealed that catering company Sodexo had found horsemeat in minced beef products

    We are not amused !! Off with their heads !

    Does that mean that Camilla is a cannibal?


    Count me as you third

    People were looking at me to see why i was laughing so hard!

    Thanks dude, i needed that today :)

  2. Facts i didnt need to know sick.gif


    "Horse meat varies in color. Meat from younger horses is lighter in color, and flavor, while meat from older horses has a deeper color and flavor. Horse meat is lean, typically, and relatively tender. Older horses are considered to have the most tender meat -- different than say veal from a cow.

    Horse meat is a bit sweet in taste. Some think it is a blend between beef (a cow) and venison (deer). People use it similar to the way they use beef, putting it in sandwiches, or serving it in a slab. The cooking time is generally shorter than that of beef, in part because of its lean qualities."

  3. Predictably there has been no condemnation or expressions of outrage from The US and UK governments about this slaughter of civilians by Western backed Al Qaeda terrorists. Sickening hypocrisy.

    So what was your backup complaint if the us and uk had issued an expression of outrage?

    my point? some people just like to complain. it doesn't matter the topic or position.

    damn i'm getting involved with drama! :(

    better get out of here quick lol

  4. ^^ I seriously doubt it. :) Israeli security was legendary even back in the '80's.

    Regarding the US airport security. All i can say is "tough". I'm a US citizen, but because my name is on a "no fly list" (my name is just slightly less common than "joe smith") I go thru secondary, tertiary, and even more levels of screening. The blind, the handicapped, the young, the elderly, all gets treated with equal or greater scrutiny. And if you come from the middle east, or areas of unrest, you can expect even higher levels of scrutiny. (duh!) He expected red carpet treatment at the airport because he was nominated for an oscar?? the dude is dreaming. But the industry will make him feel better later. They know how to deal with prima donnas. But at the airport? no, those dudes (and gals) have no sense of humor. they take their jobs absolutely seriously for the most part.

    Hungry for tourist dollars? yep, but we still have a lot of people that would like to come into the US and do harm. So for the near future, you can expect difficulty in getting Visa's. and be challenged. Even if you happen to be a citizen with a common name.

    for me i'm ok with it. Every time they challenge me, i know they are doing their job, and my flight is safe as it could be. its an important factor when you fly on a weekly basis.

    Lastly, my experience has been that the airport officials are very polite and professional about the challenges. I normally get a "sir, you've been selected for an additional screening, would you come this way?" if i didnt know any better, i would swear i just won a prize! then they might say, "sir just one more test. would you step this way?" If you're nice and polite, its a quick process. no more than 3 minutes per screening. but if you're antagonistic, you can expect greater scrutiny.

    Lastly if you do get a visa and make it over there, you can expect on hell of a experience and good time :) If you can hold your ego in check thru the airport that is :)

    just my 2 cents.

    • Like 2

    You guys (and gals) have brought a smaile to my day. Yes there were the typically expected narrow minded views. Some real and some trolling, i'm sure.

    But what was unexpected is the outcry of the moderate and positive viewpoints! And this was a tough topic to find positives from! I didnt have time to go thru and give you guys (and gals) likes, but i will.

    TL is a wonderful place. Great opportunity for both good and bad. Its an empty canvass that you can form to your will. its up to you. that is, if you can get thru the visa runs, occasional bribes to the police, heat, yada yada yada. Hey I said it was great, not heaven! :D

    Stay positive people. Its much better than the alternative! :D

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