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Posts posted by jamhar

  1. It looks like this is a 2.5" drive, commonly called a "laptop" drive.

    usually connects from a mini USB to a regular USB.

    normally for a 2.5" USB drive, power comes from the single USB connection, which supplies 500ma of drive current

    Some drives requires more and theres a "y" USB connector. (single USB on one end, 2 USB on the other end, this way it can source 1A of current , 500mA from each of the "y" connection)

    If you're plugging into the usb drive, and you see no "turn on" indication

    1) try different connection (several different USB connection points) any turn on indication?

    2) if no, try different computer and try #1 again. any turn on inidcation?

    3) if no, try different cable and repeat #1 and #2

    4) if still no, and you've already shown that the USB port on your PC works with other USB hardware,

    you've proven that its not your computer and its not your cable. so its the hard drive/case.

    You can get another USB hardrive case. EBAY says you have a SATA connector drive, so make sure you get a SATA 2.5" external case. I got one at The Mall in BKK for 350bhat. open the case, remove the drive and insert it into the new case. it only connects one way, so the risk of a bad connection is remote.

    If it doesn't work on your new case, it gets tricky. Let me know if its the physically opening the case that's the issue.

    Suggestion going forward.

    1) keep a 3.5" external drive at home for local backup. Make sure there's a fan on the drive, or place it on a laptop fan, and have the fan running 24/7. thermal issues are the dominant issue in determining a harddrive's MTBF (mean time between failure) basically how long it will work. Keeping it cool, extends its life.

    2) typical 2.5" external drives cool themselves by passive thermal means. that means its cooled by radiating heat from the case. MAKE SURE THE CASE IS NOT COVERED WHEN IN USE.

    3) 2.5" drives are really handy. so handy its easy to drop. DONT drop it! sounds obvious, but you havent seen some of my friends.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Its a difficult topic. being behind the energy curve, and wanting to become a manufacturing center, I dont see how TL can avoid nuclear power. If some can show me a practical way of getting there, i'd like to see it because with its contamination potential regardless of how remote the chance is, nuclear power should be avoided.

    Coal, oil, natural gas, geothermal, hydroelectric, wind, solar, biofuel, and nuclear.

    of these, the first 5 and nuclear are practical.

    yes Germany is doing great things with solar, but its only available in the day. so you have to have the power plants for the dark periods, and its difficult to start and stop the boilers/turbines for power generation, so you would have to keep them running on standby even if you had solar.

    TL has little to no geothermal I know of (please correct me if i'm wrong)

    Hydroelectric - political problem,both domestic and foreign, plus limited potential

    Nuclear - internal political issues

    Wind - not reliable and low potential

    biofuel - I dont know about TL's biomass potential.

    That leaves the fossils of which we are running out, or can import at 3x the domestic cost.

    Not a lot of options out there for TL

    Am i missing something?

    • Like 1
  3. OMG! the slime may walk! I'm officially not following this case anylonger!

    Police add more confusion to Oscar Pistorius case


    "The prosecution case against Oscar Pistorius began to unravel Wednesday with revelations of a series of police blunders and the lead investigator's admission that authorities have no evidence challenging the double-amputee Olympian's claim he killed his girlfriend accidentally................."


    Why do i get the feeling that everyone wants this to just go away?

    Everyone except the girls family that is.

    Just very sad.

  4. I think its a cultural thing. An economic-cultural thing maybe.

    2 recent observations stick in my mind.

    1) i recently saw a group of Chinese tourists eating takeout on a beach. after they finished, they just left to takeout containers on the beach and left. I was really shocked. My experience is in the US, where everyone is trained at an early age to keep the beaches clean. you take your trash out with you. Of course there are exception, and again in the western US, its normally the poorer and new immigrants that litter more often. And in those cases, they arent necessarily being disrespectful, they just arent use to that culture.

    2) i recently saw a Buddhist monk in chang khan, eating takeout on the shore of the mekong. when he was finished, he threw away the styrofoam container into the river, and then proceeded to throw rocks at it. I sat there in shock. At that point i realized that the culture in TL hasnt evolved to the state where the environment was a national issue. Living day to day dominates the culture and until the population is more educated and the standard of living has progressed past the living day to day stage, the environment will be secondary issue at best.

    just the observations of one man

  5. A friend of mine lives with a 40kg cutie, she's definitely the controlling type BUT whenever she pushes it, he leaves for the night to one of his Gik's / Mia Noi's only to return in the morning.

    She then proceeds to give him a massage and prepares a succulent bacon cheeseburger... works every time thumbsup.gif

    Both happy... she gets the feeling of control and he has a good excuse... clap2.gif

    I now have a new hero! wai2.gif

    PS you lost your "friend" credibility with "succulent" usage on the cheeseburger.

    just say'n wink.png

  6. http://news.yahoo.co...earing-restarts

    "Witnesses heard "non-stop shouting" in the home of Paralympic star Oscar Pistorius shortly before his girlfriend was shot dead, the lead detective in the murder investigation said on Wednesday."

    So the bum was lying and completely fab'd the story also.

    I dont know why i'm so disappointed. sad.png

    but i am.

    But if you heard what was said in court today that these "witnesses" were between 300-600 meters away from where the house was, so how could they even know who was shouting...

    Actually its the shouting thats the key. They were awake and not sleeping as claimed.

    but this is a good point. the daily supposed "revelations" isnt going to help my constitution too much. So i'm going to let this issue go and let the legal process play out. Lessons learned from the OJ case, as some earlier poster pointed out. After the OJ case, i was so disappointed with the legal system, i had to take a sick day and let the disappointment pass.

    Its just that i hated to see someone with so much potential to help others, crumble in real time, in front of our eyes, albeit via media. I have so much sympathy for his family and esp the family of the woman. I also am worried about those disabled that saw oscar as motivation. Now they will be rudderless until they find other motivations to guide them.

  7. Wouldnt budge on the rock...haha, good joke!

    What type of rocks are they?

    Blue ones

    Reminds me of an ex gf story.

    She said she saw a car that i would love! exactly what i liked. It was perfect for me.

    I asked her what kind was it.

    she said "it was blue" whistling.gif

    Very fun woman. but we weren't meant to be together for too long. :(

    See, it happens in the US just as it happens here in TL.

  8. Look at Germany. They produce some 20 GW with solar power, more than every other country combined. And that is in Germany which is not really known to have blistering sunshine the year around. Imagine what could be done here. Thailand could without much effort be producing all the energy it needs itself and not be depending on other countries. The sun is here. The tools and technology are available.

    that would require prior planning, and commitment. so that cant happen now.

    But theres plenty of time to wait a decade,

    and with knee jerk reaction,

    retroactively implement a solar solution that "you've been planning for a while"

    because you just found out that the natural gas fields are going to go dry

    while you're still in office.

    did i miss anything?

  9. http://www.newyorker...orius-case.html

    His latest account does not pass the smell test.

    What a bum!

    Ballistic angle should be pretty easy to show whether he had his prosthetic legs. He is one dumb dude if he is lying about that detail as it will devastate whatever credibility he may have had. I doubt dude would have been chasing her around the house on his stumps . . . so that could feasibly support his story if true.

    agreed on the ballistics.

    still how do you wake up, walk around your bedroom, reach under the mattress to get your 9mm, and not notice your gf isn't there?

    also you hear someone in the bathroom, so you decide to shoot?

    lastly shooting once maybe accidental, or could be a warning. but 4 shots at close range is an attempt to kill.

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