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Posts posted by jamhar

  1. I'm not surprised at the findings.

    Having lived across the US, I found the gay and lesbian population to be centered around the metropolitan areas, and generally the larger metro areas. And generally in the north east and California My guess is that people that can, migrate to areas that are more receptive to them. California and north east have been more liberal than the south or midwest, at least in the past.

    But the gay and lesbian population, gets more press, and entertainment attention than their population. possibly due to the titillation factor, taboo factor, or maybe a higher population of those industries being gay/lesbian. just my guess.

    So due to the increase in exposure, there's a perception of a higher population than actually exists.

    I have no idea if its good or bad, It just is.

  2. There is a World of difference... If you could make more money being a male prostitute, sleeping with older, perhaps fat and ugly women... Would you ????

    If it was that or watch your kids starve. Would you?

    If it was that or be homeless Would you?

    If it was that or be abused at home, Would you?

    It easy to judge from your AC'd condo and your pension.

    I think you mean

    If you could party and get drunk every night? Would you?

    If you could buy the latest fashions and phones? Would you?

    If you didn't have to do a lowly paid respectable job but could sleep all day? Would you?

    First rule of being a Punter...don't believe a word they say.

    You sir...drank the cool aid.

    Nope, i didnt

    my point is that its difficult to judge from our perspective.

    I didnt drink the the cool aid

    but i also dont want to piss in it either.

  3. There is a World of difference... If you could make more money being a male prostitute, sleeping with older, perhaps fat and ugly women... Would you ????

    If it was that or watch your kids starve. Would you?

    If it was that or be homeless Would you?

    If it was that or be abused at home, Would you?

    It easy to judge from your AC'd condo and your pension.

    More likely a new cell phone but hey, everyone needs technology right?biggrin.png

    Point well taken.

    Peoples motives are varied as the colors in a rainbow.

    I stand, not corrected, but modified :D

  4. While i agree that the situation is serious, martial law maybe premature.

    A stronger military and government presence is needed. Win the hearts of the people, give them hope for a future for their families, and leave little sympathy for the insurgents in the communities. My fear is that a knee jerk reaction would drive the indigenous population to the insurgents.

    Regarding dialogue,

    I've always like Teddy's saying "speak softly, and carry a big stick". :D

    You just have to be willing to use it when necessary, or else, they will disregard it.

    just my 2 cents.

    • Like 1
  5. Its fun to go back and read the earlier posts after the event :)

    On NASA's account that the russian meteor and the flyby of 2012DA14 are unrelated.

    What are the odds, that a once in a 5 year event (russian meteor), a 5 times a year event (SF meteor sighting), another 5 times a year event (cuba's meteor sighting) and the flyby of 2012DA14 (closest fly by recorded), would all occur in a 24 hour period, but are COMPLETELY unrelated?

    Now i know the nasa boys are smart, i know many of em (engineers). but come on! It at least point towards a group of objects that have nearly identical orbits, and we can expect possible similar event at the next similar flyby.

    Sorry for my rant. lol

  6. No way i can use a squat box. my knees wont work that way.

    for me the best help for spicy food, ie habaneros or hotter, are dairy products. cheddar or Swiss cheese, yogurt or milk. in that order. rice is good, but not nearly as good as the dairy products. Just my experience.

    PS, never go pee after getting kimchee on your fingers. there is no remedy for this, only pain. nuff said.

  7. Cooked rice keeps a day or two if you can keep the bugs out. when it start to feel a bit damp or slimy, its starting to ferment, and i toss it out. Some like the slightly fermented taste. I never understood that part.sick.gif

    Uncooked rice keeps almost forever. It will outlast even a bachelor's pantry :) I know from experience. In this climate, i'd recommend keeping it in the fridge. Why? because it will likely be the driest and bug free place in your digs. Not that you have bugs, but if you dont, the rice will be a great breeding ground for it.

    PS, as a bachelor, you should know you can cook rice in your microwave. (my preferred technique)

    in an open microwavable container (something tall and narrow),

    place one to 2 cm of rice.

    fill with water until the water level is equally higher than the rice. ie, 1 cm or water for 1cm of rice

    put on high heat until the water just starts to boil,

    and reset the microwave at this point (you have to be quick here)

    now cook at the lowest power setting for 20 mins.with the cover covering but not sealed.


    You may have to experiment with your microwave.

    Hope this helps!

    • Like 1
  8. What they need here is a subsidized solar scheme. If panels were subsidized and grid tied back to PEA the benefits would be substantial. Far better use of gov funds than a car tax rebate!

    There is a paltry scheme of sorts, but it only applies to 5,000 w. systems and larger, and few know about it. It's possible this 'sky is falling' news is hoped to get Thais receptive to EGAT's nuclear ambitions.

    Could be. Also to get support for the Mekong dam project.

    Still the reports are that the gulf or thailand natural gas reserves will only last 12 more years. But i recall hearing similar claims about the US reserves. Its hard to know what the truth is.

    LNG and Oil alternatives are reported to be 3x more in cost. Maybe some incentives to hep with insulation inefficiency is in order?

    One thing for sure. An uncertain energy situation is not going to help lure more manufacturing business.

    • Like 1
  9. dress-code.jpg

    Hey where did you get my college picture from? :D

    I recently went on a visa run to cambodia in shorts, polo and slippers. I had no problems and most of the people were dressed WAY worse than i was.

    But if you can stand to be in pants, i say do it. Why risk it?

    PS, how do Thai's do long pants in TL?

    I'm also giving up cotton in TL. The way i sweat, its gross.

    Sorry for the ramblings :)

  10. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/olympics-fourth-place-medal/details-tragedy-emerge-pistorius-case-per-south-african-175122833--oly.html

    "The paper cites a source near the police which indicates that Steenkamp was sitting on the sink when shot.

    So he shot her 4 times thru the bathroom door as she sat in the bathroom sink.

    Its not looking good for Oscar.

    My sympathies to the Steenkamp family.

  11. Not surprising if what you say is true.

    Some people come here because the cost of living (food, rents, ect) is so low.

    Some people who come here to visit stay because they like it here and (see above)

    Some people who decide to stay here are then faced with the realization that there's not much in the way of jobs here.

    Hence will have to live hand to mouth.

  12. "Yingluck said she instructed Pongsapat and his team to refrain from attacking rival candidates and to campaign constructively, because voters want to know how they would benefit under the next governor."

    I have to commend her on her approach, or at least her public approach

    On a cynical note, Its hard to mudsling in a drought biggrin.png

  13. http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/passports.html

    "Full and limited validity passports are issued by the American Citizen Services section. In Thailand, all persons, including minors, seeking a U.S. passport must appear in person at the Embassy to apply. All passport applications require appointments, with the exception of emergency passport applications. To make an appointment for a passport service, please click here.

    When traveling, please remember to carry a photocopy of your passport separately from your passport. In the event of loss or theft, the copy will help facilitate issuance of an emergency passport.


    1. Make an appointment (click here).

    2. Complete an application and submit it with the required supporting documents (see below for details) to the American Citizen Services section during your appointment. Do not sign your application, until asked to do so before a Consular Officer.

    Passport application forms:

    Supporting Documents

    A. Proof of Citizenship Please bring one of the following original documents. (A current passport may serve as proof of both citizenship and identification.)

    B. Proof of Identity Please bring one or more of the following original documents:

    C. Provide Social Security number on application

    D. Photograph: One photograph is required. The picture must have been taken within the last six months, 2 x 2 inches (with the size of the head between 1 and 1 3/8 inches), and in color. The photo must be clear, front view, full face, and in focus. The background must be plain white or off-white. Please print the applicant's first and last name on the back of the photo.

    E. For minors (children under 16 years of age): Along with the requirements stated in the above website, please bring photos of your child covering the validity period of the passport for your child, a minimum of one picture for each year of validity is recommended.

    If both parents are not able to be present for the minor’s passport application, the absent parent should complete Form DS-3053:Statement of Consent or Special Circumstances: Issuance of a Passport to a Minor Under Age 16.

    3. Pay the required fees: Fees may be paid in U.S. Dollars, Thai Baht, or by credit card.

    First adult passport, replacement for a lost, stolen or mutilated passport of an adult: the passport application fee is $110. The execution fee is $25. The total is $135.

    Under Age 16: The passport application fee is $80. The execution fee is $25. The total is $105.

    Adult Renewals: The passport application fee is $110. There is no execution fee for this category.

    4. Allow two weeks for processing. Passports must be collected at the ACS section by the applicant or authorized representative. An appointment is not necessary to pick up your passport.


    Emergency passports are issued on a case by case basis, and are valid for three months up to one year, depending on circumstances. Presentation of evidence, such as a flight itinerary will be required for proof of genuine need for an emergency passport. Emergency passports require a minimum of 24 hours to process. We are prohibited from adding additional visa pages to an emergency passport.


    Please be aware that many countries require six full months of validity remaining on a passport in order to issue a visa upon arrival. Boarding may be denied at the airport for travel to third countries from Thailand, and travel back into Thailand if -there is less than six months validity remaining.


    For more information please refer to the U.S. Department of State website on passport applications or the U.S. Department of State website on applying for a U.S. passport abroad. Please be advised that some procedures for passport applications abroad may vary according to the country in which the passport application is made."

  14. Yeah they butchered the units on this. normally electric usage is measured in watts/h.

    but if they are being consistent in the usage of units

    Peak usage was at 25,682 "MW", and TL will lose 4100 "MW".

    The missing number here is what was the peak capacity of the system before the loss of the natural gas source?

    Using the peak usage as the peak capacity

    TL will be short by 16% of capacity.

    What would really be helpful is if the officials could say how the average citizen could help conserve electricity.

    Use fans instead of AC. AC is probably the singe biggest power hog in TL

    Minimize opening of refrigerators. Refrig's are probably the second biggest hogs.

    Minimize the use of CRT TV's

    Turn off unnecessary lights.

    turn off anything you are not using (every little bit helps)

    Otherwise prepare for brown outs.

    If a black out occur, do not open your refrig to keep your food safe longer.


  15. so wait, did she pass? whistling.gif

    I want to know who she is so i can tell my colleges to never hire this person.

    I dont understand how the thesis gets rejected with no warning.

    normally there's a review process.

    But this is TL so there could have been a "misunderstanding"

    between the student and professor whistling.gif

    Ok on second thought,This is TL,

    So I'll wait till the entire story unfolds before i jump to any conclusions.

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