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Posts posted by jamhar

  1. No objections on eating of horsemeat.

    I've eaten venison. (some of my friends hunt), bufflo (catalina isand airport has bufflo burgers), elk (jackson hole, great elk steaks), probably dog (outside the US, my family was poor, nuff said), ect.

    Sometimes you eat what you want to, Sometimes you eat what you have to, Sometimes you eat what you can.

    I just wasn't aware that there were areas that raised horses to be used as food.

    If these horses were not raised as food animals

    Then i would be concerned of what conditions the horses were in when they were harvested.

    you dont normally put healthy work animals out for harvest.

    As i said, curiouser and curiouser

  2. "Meanwhile, Romania has denied claims that it was the source of the mislabelling of horsemeat. Bucharest says horsemeat that leaves the country has not been minced, and is labelled as horse."


    exactly to where are they exporting this "labeled" horse meat?

    And are they raising horses specifically for harvesting?

    This topic gets curiouser and curiouser.

  3. A quick google tells me "Dawn" dishwashing soap is the detergent of choice for removing crude oil from animals, I do wonder though if it is crude oil where did the person get it, maybe works at a refinery..... that's where I would be looking for the culprit.

    Yep Dawn is the ticket.

    I've even seen Greenpeace volunteers using it on critters caught in oil spills.

    Speaking of which,

    Can you even get Dawn in TL?

  4. Horsemeat found in British supermarkets 'may be donkey'

    If horse, donkey and cow have never been monitored or seen a vet in their lives, it is highly likely that they would have been diseased as evidence will show. Because Romanians are so poor it is highly likely that the cows slaughtered in Romania have never been checked for CJD , (BSE when transmitted to humans) commonly known as Mad Cow Disease.

    The BIG Problem : If cow, horse and donkey have been slaughtered at the same abattoir then minced, CJD will contaminate the abattoir plant, knives, saws, hooks, trolleys, buckets, baskets, containment cages, equipment, tools, cages and just about everything else. If they are mincing meat that equipment will also be contaminated with CJD from the cow. Evidence shows that normal thorough sterilizing methods of anything that comes into CJD does not stop the CJD from spreading. From what I have seen and read hygiene would be the last thing on their minds, especially if you have seen the evidence on how they treat animals all over Romania.


    Gwad! If you tried, you could not make this stuff up! cheesy.gif

  5. Right. There seems to be a misconception that if a wife picks your nose, squeezes zits and digs wax out of an ear that it is some kind of love, ...........

    Wait, they do what? blink.png

    I've never been attracted to asian women,

    but maybe i need to give them a better look thumbsup.gif

    So you have zits and waxy ears? biggrin.png

    And that just my back i'm taking about sick.gif

  6. "But he called on soft drinks companies to display clearer warnings on their beverages about the risks of too much sugar and caffeine."

    Common sense has left the building!!blink.png

    Might as well put warning labels on water saying if too much is consumed too quickly, death could follow.

    or warning labels on on burgers saying too many patties could lead to obesity.

    My mentor once told me "you cant make things foolproof because fools are so ingenious"

    Oh so true!

    • Like 2
  7. Yep, its as easy as can be. I just did my first re-entry. My passport is from the US, otherwise we are in the same situation. My time came 2 weeks before yours :)

    I posted this on another topic, but i'll re-post here as an FYI to you.


    1) I had opted for 3 re-entries when i got my first visa, i didnt know how important this would be lol

    2) at the Cambodian boarder, i opted to get one of the visa run companies, to get me a cambodian visa.

    -they took my passport and some money for processing fee, I sat in the shade for 20 mins, drinking a coke, and my passport was returned , with completed visa. That was easy :) The guy helping me even filled out the cambodian visa application for me!

    3) Went to the Thai emigration building, spent 40 mins in line exiting Thai to get an exit stamp. That was pretty bad. It was miserably hot in there.

    4) exiting the Thai emigration building, some guys tried to take my passport, saying they would help me. Hell no, I'm not giving my passport to anyone that i dont know. Finally I was met by the guy who got me my cambodian visa. he asked if i wanted a "quick quick" cambodian entry and exit. I said yes. He took me to a cambidian official, and i gave him 500bhat and my passport. I sat in an office in front of a nice cool fan. in 10 minutes, my passport was returned, with a cambodian entry AND exit stamp biggrin.png

    5) Afterwards my guide directed me to the Thai entry point. spent 45 mins in that line (again, pretty miserable line in the heat) and got a 60 day stamp biggrin.png

    Exiting the building, I saw my Visa helper friends as i entered Thaiand again, and gave them each a 200bhat tip.

    DONE! no fuss no mess.

    upon getting back across to the Thai boarder, my other friends asked, "how was the casino"?

    CASINO!!?? <deleted>.???

    I got thru the Cambodian side so quickly i missed the entire fricken CASINO! sad.png

    Someone shoot me


  8. After days of coughing, your lungs become irritated. the irratation causes you to cough, thereby starting a positive feedback situation. You have to break that feedback cycle.

    Codine normally works for me in the US but codine is hard to get that here, so maybe this is a good fallback position :)

    As one of the previous poster mentioned, I'll just need 10 to 12 bottles a day :D

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