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Posts posted by jamhar

  1. wait, where are they taking the stuff? biggrin.png

    kidding!! I dont do stuff. Left all that nonsense back in college.

    The Boys In Blue will be out in your neighborhood, selling the stash, out the back of their pick-ups......lol

    Thats a lot of stuff they confiscated. I wouldn't be surprised if not all of it make to the incinerator.

    I recall back in the day, SDPD (san diego PD) made a huge pot bust a while back, the tiral was done and they were going to burn it in some undisclosed location. There was a picture of the police officials burning the bundles. Except i noticed, at least it looked like, all the officials were standing DOWNWIND! blink.png

    Gotta hand it to SDPD. they're no dummies! :)

  2. Ahh gotcha, it was the pot thingie thats got you riled up.

    OK have to admit, thats not too cool. I rate that like parents drinking moderately in front of their kids.

    Not a fantastic role model you're presenting.

    Still, unfortunately, i've seen a lot worse, in and out of the US.

    but yeah, not cool. I certainly wouldnt do it. and i'd probably take my kids away from it if i did see it..

  3. I smell a baited hook :)

    but i'll bite.

    So is it the they were americans or the second hand smoke that got your feathers up? :)

    I rate this transgression somewhere between letting kids eat at McDonolds,

    and letting kids listen to paul anka.

    basically a non issue.

    If kids exposed to second hand smoke gets your feather up,

    invests in some blinders. You'll be happier.

    • Like 2
  4. Need to separate personal feelings from business

    It hasnt hurt Rio to much.

    You dont have to love it (pun intended)

    and you dont have to acknowledge it in public

    its an asset. Use it, and if you want to effect change

    do it in the back ground while slowly starving the business you want to discourage.

    TL has a lot more bigger fish to fry than this.

    I take it you have been to Rio ?

    I have and unless its had a huge change over the last 4 years I cant see how anyone can say it hasnt hurt Rio. Only 2/3 kms from Cocobana beach there are slums which house thousands of people in small spaces. I have been to areas only metres from the tourist areas which look terrible. This is where many of the working girls live. Many are using drugs daily and live a life similar to Pattaya bar girls.........drinking, lying, having multiple guys etc etc. With Rio, as with Thailand a generation of unskilled, mentally and physically ruined women are in their society which will be mainly unproductive in the second part of their lives.

    Sorry but i cant think of any system in the world where prostitution "wont hurt" .

    You can say what you want. Its all bla bla bla. if the sex tourism business were removed, the girls wouldnt be instantly transformed away from poverity. it would just exist in a different form, like it does in the rual areas of Brazil. Not condoning it. Justs trying to be realistic. At least the euros and dollars are coming in. Just use it more effectively.

    To me, as far as the world prespective goes, proof is in the wallet. They landed the world cup. To me, thats says the world does not see Rio only as a sex tourist destination spot. Fifa has voted with their wallet. The rest is rhetoric. If the sex tourism disappears from TL, and tourism suffers, The officials will have sex tourism back in a heartbeat.

    Its nice to have high morals. Until your stomach starts rumbling. Then you get practical.

  5. i like all beer, Ham's, Chang, Chimay, PBR, Pacifico, Michalada, ect If its got hops and barley, bring it!

    .....no barely in Chang.....but there is a generous cut of formaldehyde to enhance the generous "Chang-Over" bah.gifbah.gif

    Well that explains my numb toes after a 6 pack! tongue.png

    Ok after reading this, and the post on tesco "value" lagar (that just sounds wrong),

    i may have to revisit my beer list.

    Burp! :)

  6. Sorry don't agree with you that drones have had any influence on US Administration decision to pull out of ground forces from Afghanistan. This is due to US domestic pressure and the specific request of the Afghan government.

    Iran is claiming it is reverse engineering US drone technology, plus it's own R&D. If any foreign country attacked a NATO alliance country it would be an act of war and treated as such - maybe a leader of a foreign country would be stupid enough to do so, but would not last very long.

    on the troop pullout, we can agree to disagree on that one :)

    Drones are glorified RC planes. You don't have to reverse engineer much to get a drone flying.

    On the destabilizing effect, how about Iran attacking Israel with a drone? Missile technology is rocket science by definition and requires much in the way of development, but drones? who knows.

    How about India and Pakistan dispute over Kashmir escalating to the use of drones? They are already shooting at each other.

    Luckily true standoff drone technology requires communications with a satellite to control,

    but a high altitude tethered balloon would work for communications relay for nearby targets.

  7. I would rather have the drone strikes over troops on the ground anyday.

    My understanding is that potus signs off on every strike.

    Thats the way i want it. compete accountability.

    Its cost effective,

    less casualties,

    higher strike probability,

    focus on fewer, higher profile targets,

    fewer friendly forces in harms way

    did i mention its cheaper?

    you'll have to point me to a negative vs forces on the ground.

    You really believe that drone targets are not identified by human resources on the ground? This is one of the concerns that they are being used to settle disputes between locals who are not necessarily terrorists - same as happened with the rendition program run by the CIA.

    Drones do not replace ground intelligence resources, they augment it.

    Drones can however replace ground forces when taking action, at least in the way the US is using drones presently.

    I still cant see negatives in using drones in this manor. can you?

    Drones are yet another killing technology, ain't going to change the enemies position/views. Just about every counter insurgency campaign has been bought to a successful conclusion by face to face negotiations, right now that is just not happening. Even Karzai is saying drone attacks are not helping with bringing about peace. All down to your POV,

    Latest drone attack has allegedly killed 10 civilians (see URL below), women and children, but that's an unfortunate outcome of war; civilians always suffer more deaths than the armed forces.


    Drones, or airstrikes, I don't see where it makes a difference from the target's perspective They are still getting hammered by smart munitions with very little in the way of strike back capability, or prevention. Its akin to a sniper for the ground troops. Their leaders and dropping one by one, and there's not much they can do about. This is the kind of attrition they cannot afford.

    From the US/NATO perspective i see a big difference. Instead of sending human assets with all the negative potential if they get shot down, we send in a drone. Same precision, lower cost, with longer loiter capability, and little of the negative potential.

    I believe this is one of the reasons why Obama is able to pull the troops. Drones could have just as much effect with or without the large ground presences. Yes this is speculation on my part.

    But getting back on point. Whether this campaign will be successful or not, is to be seen. It can be said that the use of drones has been highly successful so far, with little drawback (strictly from the US perspective).

    Since no one will offer one

    I can see one potential negative. The successful use of drones has clearly been demonstrated. And drones are relatively cheap to develop and use. Which means more countries can develop them, and they could become a more destabilizing force in the future. And potentially a negative for the US and NATO.

    but presently, until something is done to make the use of drones painful, they will be a major factor.

  8. I would rather have the drone strikes over troops on the ground anyday.

    My understanding is that potus signs off on every strike.

    Thats the way i want it. compete accountability.

    Its cost effective,

    less casualties,

    higher strike probability,

    focus on fewer, higher profile targets,

    fewer friendly forces in harms way

    did i mention its cheaper?

    you'll have to point me to a negative vs forces on the ground.

    You really believe that drone targets are not identified by human resources on the ground? This is one of the concerns that they are being used to settle disputes between locals who are not necessarily terrorists - same as happened with the rendition program run by the CIA.

    Drones do not replace ground intelligence resources, they augment it.

    Drones can however replace ground forces when taking action, at least in the way the US is using drones presently.

    I still cant see negatives in using drones in this manor. can you?

    • Like 1
  9. LOL, you beer snobs crack me up! smile.png

    In this weather, I prefer a light beer. Its hard to drink a 6-pack of Chang in this heat, at 6.4%.

    My toes goes numb, and my feet forgets how to walk. dam_n beer's fault!

    but to be honest i like all beer, Ham's, Chang, Chimay, PBR, Pacifico, Michalada, ect

    If its got hops and barley,

    bring it!

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