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Posts posted by candypants

  1. So it's a case of completing miminal schooling recieving your Thai ID card and your good to go, very sad.


    Just curious.

    What you are doing in a rural Isaan village, alone? Without a Thai spouse? If you had one, nobody would come knocking.

    The people think you lonely and need a companion. rolleyes.gif

    I moved here wih a long haired type 5 years ago, split up and then returned to Issan after a stint in the UK.

    Great people,cheap living, great weather and more women you can shake a shitty stick at. Why would you get married when there are hundreds of 20 plus women wanting a western trial whistling.gif

    This statement from you just sounds ..... bad. Sorry. But you seem to have the attitude that you can shake a shitty stick at woman, there are lot's of them and you made it painfully obvious by using the "20 plus" you want us to believe you have never had younger. Ever asked one of the hundreds you have shaken your shitty stick at for ID.

    Please excuse me as I have to go throw up and take a shower after reading this post.

    and here is a man with no understanding of vernacular, would you prefer he hit them with a swung cat?

  2. Wow. The things that can upset us. smile.png

    I email a gal in Isaan a couple of times a day. She is fluent in English. However as we all know, sometimes the written word can be easily misunderstood and even offense taken when none is given. Add to that different cultures and native languages...

    I find it very handy to add "kap" to the end of a sentence to be sure it is understood what my attitude is with what I'm saying.

    I also find myself doing it in person just to be clear. I don't see a danged thing wrong with it.

    We really don't have an English equivalent for that, that I'm aware of.

    do you know why there is not an English equivalent, because it was not needed.

    If it was needed there would be one, English is a complete language, or at least I thought it was until I just learned that it's incomplete and communication cannot be completely made without adding the word "Kap".

    If we were to add the word kup due to our languages failure to deliver kup would now be an English word, if you do it thats fine, its great, but i dont believe its for reasons that people say, such as their is no translation in English.

    English is a complete language for explaining western constructs, and most things can be explained in any language.

    you can explain schadenfreude or zeitgeist in English as well, but it is a verbose explanation. There is no single word that encompasses the entire concept.

    If English is anything vaguely resembling complete it is because it is a highly derivative language.

    just look at the number of words in that last sentence that are french or latin or both in origin in the previous sentence.

    • Like 1
  3. One of the classic examples, yes.thumbsup.gif To be more precise - kreng jai - เกรงใจ

    kreng jai is an example of a thai term that few westerners actually understand and even fewer Thais can explain.

    it took me years to get a grasp of it and its implications, not to mention how many levels it operates on.

    I find it can only be explained by providing copious examples and anecdotes.

    For fun ask a well-spoken thai to explain, then sit back and watch them struggle.

    • Like 1
  4. This tragic case has created a huge amount of genuine anger, shock and many are blaming "the Thais".

    This is not something that should be labelled a Thai crime, but a human to human crime.

    She is Burmese Karen, yet the Burmese army is guilty of terrible crimes against their own people.

    Other countries' military have been accused of such crimes.

    In India, these things happen all the time to women and children.

    Muslim women in Pakistan, Afghanistan and many African countries are mutilated, disfigured and tortured. Similar horrifying things have happened in almost all western countries at one time or another.

    I cast blame on the two people responsible. In this sad incident they happen to be Thai nationals. Next time they may be Chinese or Canadian or Austrian..

    My point: Don't blame the Thai people. Blame the system that allowed them to do this.

    and who is that system comprised of? Thailand is not blameless unless this is addressed.

  5. Allegedly?

    There is no doubt regarding the extent of the abuse that she has suffered.

    Even in a democratic society this term would not be used when discussing the extent of her injuries and the indignities she has suffered, but only as regards the identity people who are on trial for having done so.

    If ever there was a time to let the punishment fit the crime, this is it.

    i have a pretty thick skin, but this has shocked me to my core.

  6. I've not burnt a DVD for years. At home I use a PC connected to the TV, plays anything of course and runs Skype for Wifey (why she wants to see me on a 48" TV I don't know).

    On the move I used to use an external hard drive box with a built in media player, cost about 500 Baht (without drive) from Zeer, I now plug my PC into hotel TVs as most have flat screens with HDMI etc.

    It' not really convenient for me to connect my laptop to my TV as It's in another room. Where did you buy your media player and when you say it doesn't have a drive, wha\at does that mean? Excuse my lack of technology know-how.

    i understand completely, i wish they made them portable.

    Anyways, its good you are moving off dvds, just think of the amount of plastic etc you are no longr consumerism.

    I always used my laptop connected to tv and home theatre, but I never realized what a hassle it was until i got media player.

  7. Hi Folks,

    Thank you all for your input wai.gif and yes you may use it for your Desktop Background MJCM. thumbsup.gif

    Found out later that I had one of those Senior Moments sad.pngonce again for not reading all the rules. coffee1.gif

    Oh well never mind, will keep trying.

    Win biggrin.png

    all 3 of the rules.

    next time is the charm

    • Like 1
  8. yeah lets all hope AA and the rest of the LCC's shut up shop and we can go back to the days of only full service airlines with ridiculous fares and rubbish service.

    disclaimer: 92 flights with Air Asia last year for business and not one late more than 30 minutes, not one missed, not one problem and even got a nice birthday song sung to me on the flight on that day so call me biased.

    the birthday song would be enough to make me never use them again

    • Like 2
  9. keep the cat in the house

    Not condoning what this person did, but what was your cat doing running around the neighborhood

    Perhaps in the future, you will keep you pet in the house or supervise it when it is out

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    What was it doing? it was being a <deleted> cat. how do supervise one of them?

    • Like 1
  10. A quick google tells me "Dawn" dishwashing soap is the detergent of choice for removing crude oil from animals, I do wonder though if it is crude oil where did the person get it, maybe works at a refinery..... that's where I would be looking for the culprit.

    it is unlikely to be crude oil unless there are plenty of wells in your area and unrefined oil is available to the average guy.

    more likely it is used motor oil.

    • Like 1
  11. My point is , not that it is'nt my own fault, but Air Asia take the money, knowing full well that the 'contract' cannot be honoured. Then just push you aside..................its too easy. They could have a warning built into their booking website that says "Sorry, not enough time try another connecting flight" but 'no' they re going to sell that seat under any circumstances. And in my opinion this is dishonest trading. Good luck to all you "i am smart" ones in here, your turn will come !

    My point is , not that it is'nt my own fault, but Air Asia take the money, knowing full well that the 'contract' cannot be honoured. Then just push you aside..................its too easy. They could have a warning built into their booking website that says "Sorry, not enough time try another connecting flight" but 'no' they re going to sell that seat under any circumstances. And in my opinion this is dishonest trading. Good luck to all you "i am smart" ones in here, your turn will come !

    not if they dont fly air asia

  12. Sometimes i bring the child, that works best. the mother and i are separated but the child lives with me over the course of the week. the split was amicable.

    When for various reasons I had no desire to move additional capital to thailand, i went to my embassy and had a letter notarised that stated i was the primary support for the child and that the child in fact lived with me. The embassy ALWAYS copies this with the other docs. It is the best supporting doc i have. They do not verify. the stamp says that this is simply what you have told them. but immigration like it,

    I use the mother as my sponsor and provide her contact details on the phone. I also have the child's foreign passport but never have i needed to show it. On my computer i have recent pics of us at home her at school etc. Again, unnecessary, but there if needed.

    i also bring a file of current hopsital receipts, tuition fee receipts, dental bills etc, though they have never really been necessary. i have seen the person at the window make a notation

    it is my belief that should there be an issue, i can bury them in documentation. I believable if you have the majority of the documentation handy to get the multiple 1 year, then you can easily get the 90 day.

    It certainly helped that everything i tell them is true and i have the mothers support should i need it. I could easily get her on a plane if required.

    but basic requirement is utility bills with proof of address, notarized letter of support from my embassy, birth certificate (original or certified translation) my documentation.

    i generally just dump everything in front of them, let them choose and photocopy what they want.

    oh, if you can get a dna test at the police or approved government hospital, you are golden, but i couldn't be arsed.

  13. It did however mention one lady whose bf was doing his masters and her sending a whole bunch of money and never hearing from him again, that was no doubt an isolated abberation.

    No doubt indeed.

    ripped toy boys are generally altruists with a wrinkle fetish.

    op, excellent post. i suspect it will bear fruit

  14. So thanks for the input everyone. Glad I asked the question now. I have heard some bad things said about Samui Rescue before but it seems the truth is they do a great job.

    Hopefully I will never need it but I'll keep samui rescue's number on my phone. I keep imagining coming across an accident at night and not having a clue who to call and the person dying as a result! Probably not so far fetched given the accident rate on this island.

    i knew who to call on phangan, it didnt make much difference, though the kid was done for, i had really hoped that i wouldn't still be standing beside him waiting for someone, anyone, as he died an hour later

  15. When I stayed on Sukhumvit I used to get stopped by the Thong Lor cops all the time. Now I live over near the river I have never been stopped in over three years!

    Maybe you look shady.

    I have lived in the Thonglor police district since 1996 and have not been stopped even once.

    yes, so you have mentioned.

  16. I think it should be the other way around. Farang women SHOULD feel threatened by Thai women.

    Why toybits?

    Cause they get to do all the housework and cooking for men twice their age. Laundry too !! Lucky, Lucky !!

    thats part of the bussiness transaction right, I prefer a loving relationship then a lowly slave who sold her soul.

    why cant i have both?

    • Like 1
  17. "You have to do pretty well to find a guy that either won't cheat or has got it out of his system..."

    What does that mean then?

    Ask him. But I thought it meant that it's not necessarily all that easy to find a guy who won't ever cheat and you've done fairly well if you have. Not that "all men cheat".

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

    i would be willing to bet you all men have.

  18. i think the OP has it backwards.

    Any time i have heard the phrase "take care", it wasn't the girl who was expected to do it.

    I agree, part of the reason for the post actually, a lot of my wifes thai friends that live here in UK are treated by their husbands as if they are their oldest daughter in terms of they get spoilt rotten, not monetary but these blokes are provider-taxi-sort out everything when they going somewhere and sort out everything when it all goes wrong!

    Sounds like a normal thing to give your wife transportation and help her with whatever problems she might have. And I thought we were talking about men being spoiled by their wives? Is it happy couples that bother you the most?

    i think you have missed the point.

    It has nothing to do with the relative happiness of the couple.

    the term (or verb as it is commonly used) is "take care" (not take care of) in Thai English is generally used in the same way as "to support" ie financially.

    I have heard it used that way many times in my time here from all types of girl. It is a form of appropriated language that is often used even when it is Thai being spoken amongst Thai's.

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