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Posts posted by candypants

  1. I ordered a thin crust medium and brought it back to the counter as I was convinced (from the size) that they had mistakenly given me the personal size.

    It was very expensive and not worth the extra dough (or lack of it). I will stick to Pizza company.

    yes i was stunned at how small the pie was

    • Like 1
  2. Given the number of crappy thin crust pizzas available in Bangkok, Dominos is a welcome addition.

    For me there is no stand out Italian place doing great pizzas in Bangkok.

    Don't give me Pala which is lunchtime stuff in my view....with good pasta. Or Limoncello which has become just dog average.

    Fair enough. I have yet to find a good restaurant, Thai or falang, that produces good quality food in Bangkok. Food is actually the last reason to go to the city. Luckily there are plenty of good restaurants where I live. My favorite is a creamy spicy penang curry which most Bangkok Thai never even heard of. Funny. Bangkok simply is not a culinary destination.

    You're a funny guy, penang moo is known and easy to find in Thailand.

    A lot of dam sang places will make it for you too.

    They probably just didn't understand your busted up Thai.

    Thailand is not Bangkok. I had the best Thai food north, south and east which I have yet to discover in Bangkok. They understand me everywhere I order Penang. Only in Bangkok they look at me with a dazed look. Many Thai already confirmed that it's not a known dish in the city. I'm sure in such a big place someone makes it but I have yet to discover where.

    I prefer it with chicken by the way..

    nonsense, i eat Penang moo or gai at last once every couple of weeks if not weekly, IN BANGKOK it is one of my favorite dishes. I have been told it is not on a particular restaurants menu, but have never encountered someone who hasn't heard of it.

    Now i am uncertain what exactly your point is, or what it has to do with another corporate pizza in Bangkok, but get over yourself, you are not so advanced of palate that you are discovering Thai dishes Thais have never heard of.

  3. Why are people attacking the OP when he's asking for advice? Attacks without full knowledge too. The problem is there already. There's no point in saying . 'You should have ....'

    I have not attacked the OP or commented for the sake of flaming.

    If all was done above board and the OP has evidence that the building has not been constructed or located according to instruction, than the OP has a case and can take his grievances against the builder via the civil courts if the builder refuses to correct the mis-calculation, considering of course if the OP evaluates this to be viable and worth all the effort, plus taking into consideration his own legalities regarding this case.

    That’s my advice based on facts of the situation and not for the sake of and not trying to act smart or to be nasty. Or what other advice would the OP and other posters prefer to hear?

    Stop backtracking, What have the following 2 questions you asked got to do with the OP 's post :

    Are you legally entitled to own the land and property under Thai law?

    Whose name is on the land papers and with who’s money was used for the purchase?

    it is not that difficult to figure out. the questions help determine whether the OP can sue, and more importantly, win.

  4. None of the pretentious lavish homes in Bangkok ever seem to contain any known art or rarely have a bookcase.

    How do you know? Does having "known art" someone more credibility.

    Be interested to know what works you have in your home (wouldn't really).

    it would seem the comment smacks of bitterness and is is apropos of nothing.

    known art indeed

  5. downright dangerous when you are riding down a dirt track and the engine keeps cutting out

    nonsense,have you ever owned one?

    engine only cuts out when you come to a full stop and then it takes 1-2 mins to cut out, it then restarts just with a tiny nudge

    no i have never owned one. I state quite claerly the bike was not mine.

    i would not purchase a bike without a clutch.

    perhaps the bike was <deleted>.

  6. If you buy a group of only males, some of them will eventually transgender into females and become able to breed. Nothing to do with Thailand, I guess it is just survival of the species! biggrin.png

    But it shouldn't be so difficult to find a mix. Quite a few places in Thepprasit road have them and they are probably the easiest group of fish-pets to keep and reproduce in captivity.

    A friend of mine has tried twice just buying 20 or 30 males, but both times they all died. They obviously don't have the necessary Thai gene.

    The only place I can think of on Thepprasit is Fish & Fur, which is more of a furniture store nowadays. Where are the other you mention located?

    i dont understand how you could fail, i chucked a bunch into the small pond in front of my house and now there are hundreds of the bastards

  7. To each his own. I prefer the classic Italian version: thin, crispy, fresh ingredients, TLC from a real chef, baked in a stone oven.

    On more thing. Pizzas do NOT come from the middle of the Pacific. Pineapple is a huge no no.

    Given the number of crappy thin crust pizzas available in Bangkok, Dominos is a welcome addition.

    For me there is no stand out Italian place doing great pizzas in Bangkok.

    Don't give me Pala which is lunchtime stuff in my view....with good pasta. Or Limoncello which has become just dog average.

    Fair enough. I have yet to find a good restaurant, Thai or falang, that produces good quality food in Bangkok. Food is actually the last reason to go to the city. Luckily there are plenty of good restaurants where I live. My favorite is a creamy spicy penang curry which most Bangkok Thai never even heard of. Funny. Bangkok simply is not a culinary destination.

    i think there are many who would beg to differ

    • Like 1
  8. i made the horrible mistake of ordering dominoes the other night. the menu has been thaified, the meatzza i ordered had hot dog slics instead of Italian sausage the experience was no different than pizza company or any of the other crap pizzas.

    i will not be ordering dominoes again.

  9. date rape drug?

    my god, you'd have to chew a handful to make that work, no?

    not if you put them in a drink booze and Xanax not a good mix. Take it from one who knows.

    The problem with these pills is that they do do what they are supposed to do. However, as you cannot control the crime from them you have to ban them.

    Before you jump all over the Thai government look what they are trying to do with guns in the US.

    Again hunting is a good thing. Having a gun is not a bad thing. Making people that are law abiding go through hoops while there is o control over the criminals is stupid.

    People are still going to bring the drugs into the country.

    The Thai government should put a ban on the drugs with a 10 year penalty plus time for the trafficking added on in Bangkok Hilton.

    Same should be done in the US. Do a crime with a weapon no matter if it is a knife or gun get an extra 15 years non parole eligible added on to what ever the crime is.

    Then just outlaw booze.

    It takes days to feel the affects of Xanax for the new prescriber.

    Are you kidding me? It takes affect in about 40 minutes, and you can feel it in your system the next day.

    Can also cause mood swings.

    yes, i think he is talking about prozac and similar drugs.

    As for the effects of xanax lingering, i think you may be confusing it with valium. i find the effects of xanax are pretty much entirely gone by the time you get out of the shower the next morning, though waking up may be tough.

  10. I agree with the Thai government, as much as possible of these chemical shit products from Pfizer and similar companies must be banned. Chemicals in your body can never give you any benifit.

    This sort of comment always baffles me - your body is made 100% out of "chemicals" - and even if you were to narrow it to "exogenous chemicals" then I would just have to wonder if you plan to never eat or drink anything.

    Your body is not made of of synthetic chemicals. Therein lies the difference. Drugs of any description are usually a bandaid for the symptom rather than treat the causes. Drugs are usually modified natural substances and every man-made drug bar none, has toxic side effects. Can't see how anyone defends this shit (any drugs).

    water has toxic side effects if consumed excessively

    • Like 1
  11. Excellent Siem Riep-ien Spaghetti carbonara


    The Lara Croft restaurant 2012


    that is an alfredo with ham and mushrooms, carbonara doesn't use cream, just eggs and parmesan.

    it is a litmus test i use to see if an italian rataraunt is worth trying. If the carbonara looks like that, i move on

    • Like 1
  12. Ironically, there is an excellent language research book about how to educate bilingual kids in two languages. I bought it years ago, written by a Welsh speaking mother, and and English speaking father, both of whom were professors at Cardiff University.

    Every time I see a Thai mother speaking broken English to her kids, or a farang Dad speaking broken Thai to his kids, it grates.........

    its common sense isn't it.

    However, my ex speaks very good english . She takes great pride in her english and it was difficult to get her to speak only thai.

    i dont speak thai to my child

    • Like 1
  13. geeezzz ... ok dumb question ... what mode and settings do u guys use to get such great shots ??

    my night time photos suck even more than my day time photos !!

    Nighttime shots are best shot at the "Blue Period" i.e. just before it actually gets to be a black sky there is a window of light that produces a deep blue background or retains detail is the background as in the River Kwai image.

    Both my images shot on a tripod at f5.6 and 100 ISO and 4 secs and 1.6 secs respectively

    Hope this helps

    its great, because the golden hour where the sunset/dusk light gets that warm glow, quickly gives way to that blue period

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