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Posts posted by candypants

  1. So no real answers forthcoming.

    i have a small fish pond out front of my house with lots of plant matter, tadpoles guppies etc, so i just chucked em in there. veertical sides so they cant get out.

    If there is enough to sustain them, thy will live, if not they become part of the ponds food chain.

    bcause there is alot of millfoil and duck weed in the pond i havent seen them since

  2. ayahuasca is certainly available in thailand i know of 3 or 4 places where it is being used to treat drug addicition among other things.

    I have been close friends for many years with someone who actually performs ceremonies, however he is well aware that i am not particularly interested, and unlike many in his field is kind enough to not push the subject.

    There is no shortage of takers though, those yoga/party people like their psychedelics.

  3. Google "fake watches" and Bangkok and Patong top the list

    Google "bar girls" and Udon Thani, Krabi, Hua Hin and Pattaya top the list

    Google "prostitutes" and Pattaya and Chiang Mai top the list.

    Google "murder godfather" and the minister's father tops the list.

    Mr. Sonthaya Khunploem - when you talk with Eric Schmidt you might like to bring this up with him also.......

    Seems you use another Google than the one I use. All wrong (of the above). Solution: Screenshots or 'shut-ups' please.

    Of course he does Google adjusts results dependent on browsing habits and locality.

  4. yes, they paved it this year. I cant say i like. the dirt track to my house was a sort of darwinian filter -- anyone who could not drive to it was not the kind of tenant we wanted to begin with.

    The house also seemed the more impressive for the getting there. thankfully the last 250 meters or so to mine remain unpaved, but that too track is becoming more and more civilized.

    the chill inn is no longer open is it? Right at the entrance to paradise? i remember it vaguely when we first started scouting the area. I would hate to think i have been driving by it on the autobahn all these years.

  5. Thanks Candypants, if any Thai upsets me I'll just say "yet Khun" only kidding.

    "yet mae" would probably be more incendiary

    There is always some fool (or two) on these Threads desperate to showcase his "knowledge" of Thai by using the most crude and totally inappropriate phrases.

    Please just go away.


    Its a dangerous phrase.. could enrage Thais they really seem to hate it. Insulting someoneones mother is real bad here.

    hence the remark incendiary

  6. Thanks Candypants, if any Thai upsets me I'll just say "yet Khun" only kidding.

    "yet mae" would probably be more incendiary

    There is always some fool (or two) on these Threads desperate to showcase his "knowledge" of Thai by using the most crude and totally inappropriate phrases.

    Please just go away.


    would you prefer they were used in public?

    I agree they are very offensive terms and it is as, rude, stupid (and dangerous) to use them in the real world as it is to attempt to verbally lash any native language speaker in their own tongue for a perceived slight when you can barely count to five or ask where the toilet is.

    i would suggest that my cavalier attitude to the thai language (in discussion only) nicely offsets the stick you seem to have accidentally lodged sideways.

    your pretense and air of superiority are perhaps as tiresome as my use of an admittedly profane term on the forum.

    The thing is while i admit i perhaps went a little too far in jest, you remain a prig and a pedant.

    unfortunately i seem to have irritated the unofficial hall monitor contingent on the board to day and am being called out for my irreverence both publicly and in PM.

    So for the evening at least i bid you adieu.

  7. So this is braking news at Thai visa. Bet you, you can find 80 more stories of foreigners on the run after not paying a bill or jumping bail on a bounced cheque. Who cares?

    i realize it is difficult to keep up when there are so many words on the page, but this individual was the target in a public shooting which injured two Germans. The fact that he has been apprehended is indeed "braking" news.

    I certainly could not 'care' less in the greater scheme of things, however i am interested in the story.

  8. 'Arai wa' often works.

    What does arai wa mean? I know arai means 'what', but 'wa'?

    a less polite and informal version. Amongst people you don know it would be downright rude, amongst friends it could be used humourously, sarcastically think "What the <deleted>???"

    Thanks Candypants, if any Thai upsets me I'll just say "yet Khun" only kidding.

    "yet mae" would probably be more incendiary

  9. Does anyone see the irony that a discussion of how to handle "rude" Thais has devolved into mutual insults of one another? lol, now we can see how everyone REALLY handles these situations.

    That observation aside, I came home furious one time from a perceived insult from a vendor. Buying food at a street booth, I meant to say "Gra baan" (take home) and instead said "Grabow" (taken to mean, "put it in my handbag please). I didn't catch the mistake until later.

    The young female turned to her companion in hysterical laughter and started explaining what the big clumsy farang had said. Neither of them acknowledged my presence; they talked about me while ignoring me. I had the mood to leave without paying, but I was hungry & confused. This was in a part of Bangkok where few farang hang out.

    When I got home, my wife wisely calmed me down. She explained (1) These folks are not used to dealing with farang (2) They are really not used to hearing farang trying to speak Thai and (3) Farang are generally viewed (at least by lesser educated people) as big comical creatures. These girls didn't mean to be rude, but they truly didn't know any better, and were in over their heads, culturally speaking. (not to mention, my mistake really was funny as I can see in retrospect.)

    This calmed me down considerably and I find myself more tolerant of these slights. Perhaps I am overly gracious in thinking that the offenders really don't mean any harm; they are just not that sophisticated.

    Many of you shared experiences of outright insults & that's a completely different matter. But what we might consider insensitive behavior might be seen differently through the eyes of a less-worldly Thai person.

    actually you spoke utter nonsense Gra Baan -- Glap Baan -- go(return home)

    kra pow (not to be mistaken for basil) == bag (suitcase/wallet/purse) sai kra pow -- put in bag sai toong= put in plastic bag.

    may i ask, doesn't your wife take the time to correct your thai? This could have proved a useful lesson

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