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Everything posted by kickstart

  1. Does anyone on here eat Thai food from the caff at the end of the Soi. They prices have gone up ,only looking to day at a menu 45 baht for a Pak-Karapow, and a plate fried rice less than 6 months ago it was30 baht my Khow -Man- Gie has gone up 5 baht owners said it will be going up again soon ,did not say why . For your average farang thes price might not seem a lot but for a Thai 10 baht increase on his midday bowl of noodles is a lot .
  2. Christmas is a Christian festival ,Thailand is a Buddhist country ,Christmas does not apply ,if to today was a week day schools ,banks etc would be open. No reason why DL centre should shut .
  3. All I can say is try the top end hotels in Bangkok ,as thing are I think you might be unlucky,or if not , at this short notice full up . As for the organic bit, you will be very lucky to find a place that does top end organic food .
  4. Still can not get my head around it ,our farmers are getting 1000 baht/ton for cane ,your weigh stations are 1130 &55 baht/ton,your local mill is paying a good price, a lot more than ours . I know they are different companies,but you would have thought it would be an all round standard price. Would have thought the 50 baht CCS would have been paid by the mill after a sample is taken,last year our mill was paying plus 50 baht ton ,all the farmers said that was a sub . I saw some big bales of cane straw today,going for biofuel, will try and find out how much a ton the grower gets .
  5. Our sugar mills opened about 2 weeks ago ,slow start no burning, what have seen most is machine cut . Last year t cut and haul cane it was 350baht/ton, not yet certain what it is this year ,but I would say with the fuel increase it will be the best part of 400 baht/ton . This year's price is about 1000 baht /ton sugar containt not so good ,not yet certain if government or the mill will sub the growers . No weigh stations around here, straight from field to mill.
  6. Wife's daughter and son-in-law where happy bunnies .........for about 3 days ,they just got they 500baht/rie subsidize from the government vie BAAC 27 rie 14500 baht, I think? that is almost an annual payment ,I know they got it last year ,time they paid back all they owed about used it all up. They never got the 15 rie subsidize,just could not get the 15 % moisture . IA that is a good yield ,the above I think they said 330-350 kg/rie,that was for Hom Malie
  7. I do not drive like an old codger ,just a bit slower, and with both hip joints replaced ,been riding bikes for 45 years ,my days of being Barry Sheene are well gone.
  8. How are BIL's cattle ,did he sell any on the government 4 month scheme ,not heard anything about it for some time . Farmers realizing not a lot of money to be make ,with Lumpy Skin about the beef market has dropped a lot. The grass looks a bit yellow ,was it water logged or short of N,that Napier on the right looks well past it best ,not a lot of feed value.
  9. Honda Wave ,when the fuel gauge needle is just on the red still 1,1/2 litres of fuel left ,enough for about 70 km,with careful riding.
  10. Both answers in my opinion FJ. Too much vegetative growth without enough root growth, ie. too much Urea. Combine that with poor soil with shallow cultivation, standing water above saturated top surface and all you have to add is a puff of breeze. I miss my 22" plough discs they did make a big difference to just planting on top of hard packed clay. As we all know change is something that does not happen very quickly here in Thailand ,as FJ has said farmers are reluctant to change afraid of problems loss of money and increasing thay debt burden . Again as we all know this monoculture of rice ,low or almost no soil organic matter does not help . Looking at what IA wrote a good subsoiling would not go a miss brake that pan up ,that would give you more root growth ,could help lodging . I have seen a few crops that were drilled ,they seem to get off to a good start ,but most farmers do not have a drill cost is about 130-150 baht/rie ,most farmers will say another cost, that is expensive I can do it my self. But, saying that a good few rie of rice was sprayed with a drone ,this year ,more than last year. so some changes are happening.
  11. First thing would be the cost ,with grass strimmers ,my locale shop that sell cattle feed ,drugs etc ,and genuine Honda strimmers about 8500-9000 baht ,my local Sunday market guy, where I by strimmer blades has a Chines copy 4500-5000 baht. Mowers would be the same . if it is cheap ,not genuine, look at the guarantee card instruction manual should have Honda wrote all over it. bbko got one from Lazada that looks genuine billd766 gave a link to one ,note the modal numbers they can not be that many Honda, mowers in Thailand, see if the likes of Home Pro etc sell them,or buy on line.
  12. .I have said the same thing Thai spuds ,or are they imported from China are not the same as our spuds, Having work on a large arable farm in the uk ,with a lot of spuds I am certain it is the verity of said potatoes look at the skin it is almost yellow ,on the farm we grew a yellow skin verity ,they only went to factories that make crisps .I did try some boiled /mashed, they were not nice like Thai spuds . Look at UK verities like Maris Piper ,good old King Edward ,white skin and good taste. But, potatoes are susceptible to a lot of diseases ,it could be the fact that Thai spuds ,what ever verity they are ,are grown for they diseases resistant ,and can grow in the Thai climate. I have tried to grow spuds in the garden here ,put them in the ground and that was the last I saw of them ,just rotted away
  13. It has been a few years since I worked with pigs ,other members are more knowable ,as for breed ,getting 100% Landrace will not be easy ,most pigs here are cross-breds ,Landrace ,Large White,and Duroc, As for feed, have a word with the big feed company ,CP, Beta grow,they are the ones that make the feed. nearly all the farmers buy their feed from them . As for feed additives ,all feed is made to cost ,not certain if any are used in Thailand . Have a look at Thai face book may be someone on they that can help you,someone who makes they own feed , and have the breed you need, you almost need organic pigs . I have a friend who feeds his pigs on milk whey and brewers grains and a bit of pig food ,pigs look well ,but they are a mixed breed .
  14. I have been using a SEA 90 grade oil on my Wave chain works ok ,with it being an enclosed chain ,does not get a lot of <deleted> ,just dry . I get about 20k km out of a chain ,now if I had a big bike I might use it ,but it would be like all chain oil's,put too much on ,cover the back of the bike in oil ,not enough a dry chain . A look at Lazada you can get the Scott type chain oiler ,from my UK bike days ,they were good to prolonged the life of a chain.
  15. At 2pm this afternoon ,UK now has 14 cases ,most are in Scotland (BBC R4 Today). It on the move .
  16. That is the problem ,all religions are losing their faithful ,and even less are taking it up in the west the religions are trying to modernize ,attract young people ,they guy is trying to do the same . I know religion in Thailand is asking monks on the 1st and 16th of the month for lucky lottery numbers , In the Center of Korat they is a big Buddha statue ,day before final collage exams full of students asking Buddha for good exam results . But,a lot of Thais still like making merit and go to the Tempel on a regular basis . This guy is trying for changes ,but the ruling San-Kar-Lar ,top man,say no like most things in Thailand set in its way, and it will not change ,but at least this guy was trying
  17. In Thai แร่ยิปซั่ม,Rare-Yipsum ,where to buy Nana Garden,has sold it,Farmerjo got a truckload from a place near Phraputhabart in Saraburi provence . Ask locale someone might know.
  18. An old remedy white vinegar added to washer bottle ,it works, would it smell, should not.
  19. . Your average bobby out on his motorbike will say ,if it happens at the top,ie Mr Jo Ferrari , he will say ,why can't I do it . No corruption in the RTP,two hopes,no hope ,and Bob Hope.
  20. That is an improvement, use to be second after Libya.
  21. I agree with you especially the gemination rate and cleaning, but for your average rice farmer buying seed is another cost ,son-in-law had to re-seed a few rie this year ,and had to buy in some seed at 200 baht per Tang, a 10 kg weight ,or 20 baht/kg he said that hurt , But,I am certain the guy selling the seed had him over a barrel ,and upped the price knowing he needed the seed . A few years ago they were hydroponic thread ,on growing cattle feed in plastic tray ,op said maize is the best .I said what about rice ,plenty about ,he said no ,rice for hydroponics has a low germination rate compared to other seeds,same as for growing?
  22. Funny you should say that ,wife's daughter /son-in-law harvested they crop last week ,and are now drying they seed crop for next year ,they say it takes about 3 days of drying to bring the moisture down to a storable percent ,that would be 15-17% ?. But ,they only have about one ton to dry ,not the amount you have ,and they just use a bamboo rake to turn it over. This year they got 60 000 baht for they 24 rie of rice ,last year it was 80 000 baht ,and this year yields were largely better ,out of that, they have next year's rent to pay 24 rie X 1200 baht /rie =28 800 baht,they have they own Kwie Lec,walk behind tractor ,fuel for that is/will be an expense as they are always pumping water for the rice crop ,take away that plus fertilizer and spray cost,and any other costs does not leave a lot .do not think about own labour costs. I said to the wife, why do they not give up ,she said what else can they do ,especially son-in-law,that is all he knows ,he is about 41 yeas old ,when they are not farming rice they cut cassava storks for the following years crop ,and plant cassava ,500 baht/rie ,and that is only seasonal . Talking to a dairy farmer to day he also an arable farmer mainly cassava and some sugar cane , 100 rie, he has own kit two big tractors ,etc he rents the land 1500 baht /rie ,then he said land nearby is being rented for 2-300 baht/rie ,I said do what , how do you make any money on that ,it has to be only cassava or sugar cane ,no way could you make anything out of corn . Looks like this year will be ok cassava is about 2.30-50baht/kg ,word on the street cane will be 1000 baht/ton ,so far sugar content not so good ,most say it will improve . I would say with world crud oil prices on the rise ,cassava and cane prices will be good .
  23. Before this year's rice price was announced ,I used to buy 5 kg of broken Hom Marli rice 75 baht ,15 baht kg from our local rice mill . What the price for grade one rice was then I do not know ,maybe you could go a compare and contrast from then to now give you an idea. I will call in to our locale rice mill and ask ,but only last week they said they have no rice to thrash ,harvest has yet to start properly ,just a few farmers harvesting . At the moment feed prices are going up with soya being a big part of the ration, it will be that and corn that will mainly dictate feed prices, and what percent of a ration will be rice But,what did happen to all of Yingluck's rice buying ,rice I remember seeing wear houses full of rice,it must have gone somewhere ,past its sell by date for human consumption ,must have gone for animal feed ,but at what price?
  24. The only reason I can think of, if the rice is to dry ,when being trashed some grains will be liable to cracking , more so than if the rice had a higher moisture ,so more will go in to the broken rice bag , Bie Khow also known as Khow-Mar dogs rice ,so the miller will lose out on selling his grade 1 rice . Any large amount of rice has to be stored at 14-15% moisture ,any higher the crop could well heat up, and it will lower the selling price.
  25. I hope they get it sorted by next summer ,for when I want to return to Thailand,aftera brief visit to farang land , with my <deleted> computer skills I could never convert a pdf document . I even struggled with the expat covid vaccine website 3 months ago. Can't they do anything easy .
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