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You're in a village not a town or city,if your village is anything like ours ,it is the village only water supply,no water board,the village will have a local guy that will see to any repairs ,our guy is at the end of our Soi ask around to find who it is . Looking at that photo not a difficult job to do yourself ,concrete probably only 3-4 inches thick,water meters are often encased in concrete to prevent them from getting stolen. No reason why you can not do it your self.
Same difference ,it is the gross weight being carried/towed , being a truck or in this case a tractor and trailer ,how would you class a truck with a trailer behind .OK,the weight of the tractor/trailer unit is on the tractor draw bar ,the weight of a truck trailer is on the trailer axels ,but it is still a weight being transported ,both units have trailer brakes ,tractors use hydraulic trailer brakes.
Here's one I prepared earlier ,the tractor and trailer were coming back from the sugar mill ,the truck on his way to the mill . This photo is from our local sugar mill ,a typical sugar cane trailer,this tractor is smaller than the one in the accident, as I said he will have about 15–20 ton on the trailer.
US Dollars It may not come as a surprise to learn that the US dollar is the most commonly counterfeited currency in the world according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.Mar 11, 2564 BE I can remember reading that the USA dollar was the most counterfeiter currency in the world . The above proved it right,so this guy getting caught with fake USA dollar's not so unusually,in the fake currency world. Looking at some websites, they say GB Pound is the most faked.
The Official Maize and Rotational Crops Thread
kickstart replied to Jonathan Fairfield's topic in Farming in Thailand Forum
Looking like sugar around here is 1070 baht/ton ,yields are good ,been a wet year sugar containt not so good . Most cane is cut by machine ,as I thought it is now 400baht/ton to cut and haul a ton of cane to the mill, up from 350 baht/ton. Not so good for fossil fuel ,before cane was burnt then cut by hand ,and then loaded on to a truck with a Ford 6600 and a grab. Now with a machine that has a 250 or350 hp 6-cylinder engine that uses a lot of fuel,you see a cane harvester going down the road ,behind will be a pick-up /fuel cart . The anti-burn brigade will be happy ,very little cane is burnt now,but the use of fossil fuel has gone up by 4-5 times with machine harvesting.........progress -
Thailand and EU Sign Partnership and Cooperation Agreement
kickstart replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
At the signing ceremony, Thailand was represented by the PM and Foreign Minister ,two high ranking officials ,the EU represented by the Vice President and the Czech PM,why him ,was he the guy who was just happened to be about at the time, they are 27 PM's, Presidents, Chancellors etc in the EU,?not so over high ranking officials of the EU. Shows how important this was to the EU,a PR job? -
Drugs to treat mange for dogs ?
kickstart replied to fredbe's topic in Plants, Pets & Vets in Thailand
I give our dogs 1cc one probably weighs no more than 20 kg . For cattle, it is 1cc per 50 kg,so 1cc for a dog might seem a lot ,but never had a problem . -
I could be wrong, but I think they is no GM feed in Thailand ,but saying that your CP and Betagro import a lot of their raw ingredient for their livestock feed ,where they are sauced from I do not know . I did see a UK farming mag showing a photo of a ship in the UK being loaded with wheat bound for Thailand that will be non GM As for clover seed none in Thailand I have said before clover is a temperate crop ,will not grow in Thailand ,too hot. Clover is a legume ,Thailand has legumes Hamata,Sentrocemar ,look at the Department of Livestock Development website (DLD) for seed . Custom chicken feed should be easy to find most towns will have a shop selling ask around,my local shop sells chicken, pig dog and cat feed.
If you just want a tea pot ,the wife brought one from our local shop that sells all things to do with Buddhism/monks , look for the orange plastic bucket stuffed with things outside the shop they will have one, monks like drinking the Chinese tea.
We are looking for a new roof and are thinking about steel sheet roof,we have a local firm he buys in the rolls of coloured tin ,the guy said China,and forms the sheets himself ,he has various thicknesses ,the insulated sheets ,I think he uses foam they are 300baht/meter run,plain ones are I think 50baht/meter run. When the wife said she would like a metal roof ,the first thing I said was the noise of the rain ,we have small holding with some cattle the cattle sheds ,with their tin sheets any rain .......say no more,but the roofing guy and the wife said, as we have a tile suspended celling in the house the noise should be minimal ,jury is out on that one. One thing, is condensation a big problem with the plain sheet roof? I can see the problem with condensation
Drugs to treat mange for dogs ?
kickstart replied to fredbe's topic in Plants, Pets & Vets in Thailand
You can use Idectine ,the injection is the best ,I can get a 100 cc bottle for about 300 baht,it is a Thai /Chines rip off, but it works ,been using it for a few years now ,you need to jab the animal on day 0, then again at 14 days ,for bad cases they might need another jab. That is the easy bit ,can you catch the dogs and will they let you, or who ever will do the injection, be injected . I think they are a powder form ??you add to food ,that will kill the worms in the stomach/intestine,I would have my doubts if it will cure mange. -
I live near the Bangkok-Lomsark/Phechaboon main road ,it was the same one bus every 45 -60 minuets pre Covid,pluss some buses doing just part of that route Now they are 4-5 buses day ,and they are the double-decker firs class , and they are only a few mini buses doing again just part of that root . They are going to be a lot of pickups loaded with people plying this route this holiday. And in less than 3 weeks is the biggie,New Year ,what are they going to do get buses out of mothballs ,the ones that used to drive this route are somewhere, If they do will they service them .........answers on a post card to.........
The Official Maize and Rotational Crops Thread
kickstart replied to Jonathan Fairfield's topic in Farming in Thailand Forum
It is probable a good idea the romance has disappeared,the main problem with farming is they are no,or very few new entrants the only way new entrants are going to take up farming is to minimize the work ,as my old boss said 35 years ago "You lads want to do every thing from the seat of a tractor",he was brought up with horses . Well that time has arrived, people need food ,the average age of a farmer is now 50-55 plus,ie you and me, in Japan the average age is 65. Farming has never been sexy,low wages, long hours . Girl in pub,What do you do for a job ,answer Milk cows at 5 am ,and shove my hand up cows a#@e for AI-ing. Next guy, What do you do for a living ,I work in IT earning x0000 GBP/dollars/year,no competition. The only way youngster will take up farming is to use tractors,and drones,as for the livestock sector,old saying for the love of the job, AI-ing a cow seeing it calve that calf,well maybe a few new entrants will think that way. I know you can say with modem technology one man can now do the work of 5 ?, so as an industry you will need less staff, but you still have to find the man/woman,and pay them. -
The Official Maize and Rotational Crops Thread
kickstart replied to Jonathan Fairfield's topic in Farming in Thailand Forum
So I was told this evening cane will be 1300 baht/ton,??,a farmer friend of mine was saying tomorrow this is a meeting at our local mill ,they will be saying what the price will be ,a lot will depend on the sugar containt ,some say it will be low with all the rain we have had . That price is good ,but around here most cane is now cut by machine ,last year it was 350baht/ton to cut and haul one ton ,this year word is 400 baht/ton. Last year our local mill received 1.8 million ton of cane, this year it is looking like 3 million ton .I was on the road to the mill last month , full of potholes ,what it will be like after all this cane has been though. -
The Official Maize and Rotational Crops Thread
kickstart replied to Jonathan Fairfield's topic in Farming in Thailand Forum
Eat my words time,this crop of Sunflowers in flower ,along with a lot of other crops ,early this year ,I have said Sunflowers do not like a lot of water,these crops must have been sown at the end of the rainy season ,some fields still well wet with the rains,thay all look well. A lot of Cassava being harvested , and has been for he past 2 months ,again early ,before very little done before the New Year. Wife's daughter and son-in-law are out cutting cassava storks in to bundles for next year's root stock,a lot of cassava being planted,all will have to be irrigated,mainly drip systems ,again something you did not see a few years ago ,but saying that when I first come here 20 years ago no Cassava was grown in this area,thing certainly are changing. -
The Official Maize and Rotational Crops Thread
kickstart replied to Jonathan Fairfield's topic in Farming in Thailand Forum
Our local mill is due to open in 2 days time,like you have been asking what the price is ,no one seems to know,yet -
Thailand to Export Fruits by Lao-Chinese Railway on Dec 3
kickstart replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Since the Lao -Chines railway has been built, a lot of fruit and veg is now coming in to Thailand, Our local market now has sweet peppers ,and I have brought some radishes,my daily apple comes from China. So if stuff can come from China ,in to Thailand, the reverse can be done. The Lao government will be pushing for it ,they can bearly afford to pay for the railway ,China has put them well in debt ,all part of their Belt and Road Initiative -
It is not that,young people just do not "do" religion ,my mother has been going to the same church now for 30 years up to 10 years ago it was full on a Sunday ,back in May when I was they it was 40% full ,the average age of the congregation must have been 55 +,I said in 10 -15 years time it will be almost empty, every one will be dead . The C of E is a dying church ,how they can increase their number will be mission impossible ,unless someone can come up with a cool app for a Mobil phone. A church is now is Hatch, Match and sometimes Despatch. Near my flat in Northampton is a Muslim Mosque Friday morning you can not park a car anywhere near that Mosque and Northampton does not have that large Muslim population.
When did farang start to mean a white person
kickstart replied to kingstonkid's topic in ASEAN NOW Community Pub
As the French were the first foreigners here in Thailand and presented to the king ,which was King Narai the Great 1632-1656, probably goes back to then ,or soon afterwards. Pre Covid their was the Lopburi ,Pan-Narai festival, where this meeting between the King of Thailand Pra-Narai, and a French Noble man is acted out ,complete with a couple of elephants and Thai dancers. -
The Official Maize and Rotational Crops Thread
kickstart replied to Jonathan Fairfield's topic in Farming in Thailand Forum
I think have got it right ,wife's not so happy daughter ,was saying they will not get the 1000 baht/rie government subsidy this year,the government have decided rice farmers are getting a good price for they crop ,no need for a subsidy, As for drying rice a simple floor drying system would work using a fan ,they must be large fans about that could blow air though ducts ,probable have to be PTO driven could be done . Or a continues flow drier ,using gas ,even with gas prices as they should still be economical,have seen mobile ones in the UK. -
need a tiller for improving hard clay soil
kickstart replied to NaiGreg's topic in Farming in Thailand Forum
I would not rely on the locales ,you are in CM,they have Mo Jo University they, ask if they have a soil department and get the soi tested ,I would say it would be well down on organic matter. and probable some minrales. -
The Official Maize and Rotational Crops Thread
kickstart replied to Jonathan Fairfield's topic in Farming in Thailand Forum
Interesting ,my post in farm photos that guy was buying Marley in at 11000 baht ton ,off the combine .selling at 12-13000 bat/ton . I see your price 13000 baht/ton for dried 15% moisture ,what it is around here I would not know very few ,if any dry their crop before selling it. Would it be worth the hassle of drying it down for the extra 2500baht/ton ,I would say yes,but as most farmers do not have any drying area,you would need a big slab of concrete to dry say 10-15 ton . Anyone thought about importing a mobile batch drier .you could make some money. -
need a tiller for improving hard clay soil
kickstart replied to NaiGreg's topic in Farming in Thailand Forum
As FJ said can you get any kit in ,if so you need to start with something like this cultivator ,this will brake up the land and brake up any hard pan,land being clay it will help with drainage, you will need to do both ways, up ad down ,then across the field ,then use a tiller/Rotavator . That is the easy bit ,finding something like this you will have to ask around the local farms , a sugar cane grower is the best bet ,if you have any near you,also 1 rie some farmers might be reluctant to do a small job like this ,or they might charge you a 3-4 rie rate. I would say you were looking for a walk behind tiler ,not a good idea ,unless the land is well moist it will just bounce all over the place without penetrating the ground especially on clay land if it is to wet ,it will be like rotavating porridge . When you are done, some cow manure would do some good. -
The Official Farm Photos Thread
kickstart replied to Jonathan Fairfield's topic in Farming in Thailand Forum
We have had 22 mm of rain this week ,not a lot ,but I come across this yesterday ,rain?wind ?has flattened this sugar cane,first time I have seen it ,it was a very good crop as well . Will, have to be cut by hand ,no way a machine can do it. So I have been told our local cane factory will open 6 December ,I said that is late ,wife's granddaughters other half works they ,he said they are still boiling the juice from last year's crop ,and they have some more maintenance to do .