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Everything posted by kickstart

  1. Sounds to me if the engine is flooded ,to much fuel in the crankcase the engine can not turn over ,hence difficult to pull start . Is the air cleaner clean? that would cause a rich mixture ,I take it you have you tried not using the choke. Take the spark plug out ,if it is very wet ,to much fuel getting though. Will not be timing, they are electronic ignition normaly not a problem . My 2-stroke strimmer has a habit of pulling back sometimes,normale when cold starting ,never use the choke. My chain saw just use the choke for 3 -4 pulls then turn it off.
  2. Sounds if the mechanics do not know themselves ,a broken water pump would not cause an engine to use oil ,if it was a water pump problem yore engine would be over heating ,needle on the gauge would be well up . Looking at the engine diagram for this modal they are an oil seal and a water seal in the water pump ,water would have to get though both to get into the engine very unlikely. Also ,they are oil seals on the valve stems ,they should be checked. As Seedy said, get them to do a compression test,that should show the problem.
  3. I would say , piston rings worn ,or a broken ring ,cylinder bore worn ,valve guides worn ,not necessary clouds of blue smoke . If the head gasket had gone on water cooled engine they would be white smoke ,water mixing with the oil,most certainly was on a old car I had some years ago. As has been said those engines are bulletproof,but if the OP brought it second hand ,it might have had some abuse from a past owner, or lack of maintenance. Get the top end taken apart and get it all checked.
  4. I do not know about the World Series not being shown on TV. Neither is the T 20 World cup for cricket ,now on in Australia ,and they are 16 countries completing Unlike the World Series with, er, one country. As has been said no call for it ,the wife has said what is cricket.
  5. Rice crop looks well ,around here just starting to harvest rice crops ,rice straw from this year's crop is just starting to come in to our area ,for cattle feed, for most dairy cows it is they main sauce of forage ,not a good one,poor quality Now about 40 baht a bale ,most years about 30-35 baht/bale ,dropping to 25-27 baht/bale when rice harvest is done this year can not see it dropping below 30 baht/bale. With dairy concentrate prices going up all the time, margins are getting tight for dairy farmers, some are giving up . As I said, rice harvest has started wife's daughter and son-in-law have the combine booked for the 10th of next month along with other farmers .it will probably be the about 15th before the combine arrives. As of yet not heard about rice prices this year ,would have thought they would be good ,famous last words. We have had 1152 mm of rain this year ,less than last year 1320 mm ,or two years ago 955 mm ,but that was almost a drought year Not watching the cricket, following it ,not a great fan of white ball cricket ,I see our match was rained off.
  6. I think you could well be right ,on the radio this afternoon,Boris,is the Heineken man"He reaches the people ,the others can not reach " William Hague said if he gets back in it would be the worst day in his 35 years in politics ,I would others at Westminster are saying the same thing. But ,this committee hearing could be his Archils heal,some say if it goes ahead it will be televised ,can you envisage the countries PM getting grilled on TV . And his track record on the economy is not good,he was the Brexit and Covid man ,real power could be next door at Number 11 with Mr Hunt.
  7. And they are getting the party members to vote online ,hence the quick turn around. Like LBC ,BBC's R4 Today said Boris could well do it ,saying his 2019 mandate will be in his favour ??. But, up to press he has yet to say that he will stand ,now hotfooting it back from the Dominican Republic where has been on holiday. Surprised, Hunt not standing ,probable thinking of remaining at Number 11,more of a chance that next door .
  8. What is he doing ?,here in Lopburi province we have had our shear of the floods ,we were out cutting "Gratin",a tree legume,the stuff in the back ground of the photo , that is very prolific where we are and good cattle feed , We have the Passak dam near us ,with a canal system that pumps water from the dam in to the canal system for irrigation ,now 90% of it is not used ,all overgrown ,this guy said he is milking about 20 cows with a total of 70 head of cattle ,most of his land is underwater of waterlogged ,and he can not get this tractor and grass chopper on the land . So he's cutting grass from beside the canal to feed to his cattle,not the best of feed by far ,as the wife said full of Kee- Mar, dog poo,plasic bags etc . Normal he would also be feeding rice straw ,but that is very expensive,now about 80 baht/bale , normaly about 28-30 baht /bale and almost impossible to find , most being last year's crop ,this year's rice crop yet to be harvested ,and with the flood it will be in short supply this year.
  9. Pomelo,or Som-o,in Thai are ok ,you would have to pick your verity Tong-Dee seems to be the most popular, Pechit province seems to be the province that grows a lot of Som o's . But you are still back to the problem of a market ,do you send them all down to the Darlart Thai,lower price but good for cash flow,or sell them locally might make more but will take longer ,a bit like most top furit. About 2-3 years ago we never saw a Som o where we are but for the past 2 years plenty around mainly the obligatory pickup loaded up, selling beside the road, I got 3 for 100 baht last week , Khow dang Gwar,Sie Nam Pung verity ,not the best, not a lot of flavour, one thing about Som o's is that they keep a lot longer than mangoes. makes selling a bit easier.
  10. This problem with top fruit ,be it Mangos ,Lumyai,and some years even Durian ,making money is not easy ,a very short window to sell the fruit,any problems, and you find your self with a crop you can not sell ,or selling it at a very low price ,with you 4000 trees is a lot ,that to me was eggs all in one basket, maybe 3-4 different types of fruit trees would have been better. And on this forum this problem comes up often,makeing money from top friuit This year, as a Thai friend of mine said with the cool weather back in January ,it was good for setting the flowers on Mango trees ,hence this year a lot of Mangos with a low price ,Tem-Tarlart ,in Thai, a full market . You are looking at a specialist market with dried or freeze-dried crops ,ask about OTOP they could well be a market they ,I have seen dried and freeze-dried fruit for sale in the up market department stores in Bangkok how you would get into that market I would not know they, stock could well be imported . As for buying equipment ,would it be cost-effective,it would have to be second hand ,imported?or a job for Alibaba. In our country you could go organic with help from various organic organizations ,over here not easy, Aphids being one problem, they are ways around it but cost wise probably same cost ?as using conventicle sprays ,and then you are back to the problem of finding a regular market to sell an organic crop,if they is one..
  11. Try ppfence.co,problem is they are just north of Bangkok.
  12. They were on Thai TV this evening apologizing, sounded like a prepared speech ,like when drug dealers get caught saying on camera we are sorry for upsetting the Thai people for what we have done . ect.
  13. You will have to drink a shed full of beer ,to be able to sell the cans to buy some more beer. The wife sold a lot of cans 3 weeks ago for recycling, she got 1 baht/kg ,you need a lot of cans for 1 kg ,hardly a win win situation.
  14. First off where are you, where I am we have a couple of places that could have the parts, I am in Lopburi province. You need these parts ,what has happened to the OM parts .
  15. Try looking at a Thai calendar, it is 10th October,as the OP said 15 day, when the moon is full, of the 11th waxing moon. or month on the calendar. But where we are, people will go to the Tempel on the 11th to celebrate the end of the Thai lent.
  16. Must have changed over the past couple of months .last I was on it you could almost swing a cat ,OK a small one ,but compared to say two years ago it was down by 50%.
  17. Hi FJ ,we are drying slowly ,took the tractor up the field to cut some Napier grass for the cattle,more like driving through a rice field ,that will take some drying out . We had 248 mm of rain last month , and it is still raining about the same as in other years ,our flood come after 92 mm of rain over 3 days ,but the land was at saturation point before the flood . The water comes from a small river,at the back of our land in the dry season ,some years it dries up ,to now it is 2-3 times its size ,but the problem is 15 km up the road another small river feeds in to ours the water just can not get away and over it comes, about 1 km away hence the floods ,and our land sits low as well . Like you our cane is looking well ,some say sugar containt will be low ,almost too much rain , could do with some sun ,harvesting price will be well up this year fuel costs ,the past 2-3 years it has been 350 baht/ton to cut and haul to the mill ,like nearly all Thai agriculture commodities you never know what the price you get for your crop until you are about to sell it . Did hear,rice price of 90 baht/Tang,a Tang being the Thai equivalent of our Bushell 15 kg ,did not say what the moisture was ,I would say with a lot of flooding in Issan rice prices should be higher . Your 1500 kg will that be for 15% moisture ,like I said last year not many farmers around here sell a crop at 15% moisture ,most straight off the combine at 25-30% moisture . PS Did you ever get the tracks on your Morooka sorted out.
  18. Our land yesterday afternoon ,we have been here 14 years now,we got flooded first time 10 years ago,and again last year ,and now this year ,but not as bad as before,but still bad ,global warming. The fence post are 4 feet tall,this evening most of the water has gone , our cattle still has some water in it ,but the cattle can still lie down in the only dry bit ,it will be at least a week before the cattle can go out grazing. the family have been out they're netting some fish About in the middle of the photo is some Nappier grass well grown ,we cut it for silage, but now a big ....when. Yesterday afternoon ,our local Or -Bor-Tor arrived with a bag of rice ,some Ma Ma noodles, cooking oil,and fish sauce ,must have been 8-9 of them ,we had our photos took during the handover ,a only in Thailand job.
  19. If it already has produced fruit ,the new shoot will grow ,but it will not be a strong plant,and could well die, and will not produce any new fruit.
  20. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-63082400 The BBC has a good report . There have been rumours of powerful lobbying behind the scenes to sway the court's decision. The above line from Jonathan Head's report sums it up ,another bad day for the Thai people
  21. Last time it was in December ,whether a bit cooler ,and they shut all the schools for 2 weeks ,stating less traffic on the roads ,getting in the way of the games traffic . Will they build a new stadium? or use the old one built in 2007 ,at Ragsit ,now used by Tamasat University.
  22. I was paying 16% on a mortgage, as was my sister in 1978 . Now history is repeating its self ,back then the banks and building society were not giving any new mortgages ,ie me I was with the Abby National at the time ,they said no ,the Halifax, one of the few said yes,they said interest rates were all over the place. Wind forward to yesterday ,Virgin Money and the Skipton BS ,plus one other said they were not giving any new mortgages ,they said interest rates not stable . And today the IMF said last week's budget was not thought out ,they said it was more like what an emerging economy would do ,not a member of G7 and a shear holder in the IMF. Someone on the radio said it was something a country like Turkey would do ,and their economy is almost a basket case. Will the UK be keeping the IMF phone number handy ?
  23. Ok ,clover and clover type cover crops will not grow in Thailand ,too hot ,they are some tropical legume grasses ,but they will grow tall,and you will be back to squee one, and it will need still need cutting ,and the seed will need planting/sowing, somehow,and the weeds will still probaly out grow your planted grass.
  24. How step is the "Hill",can you safly get a tractor up it ,if so, ask around to locale farmers who have a tractor and grass toper ,get them in . They might charge for the job, or per rie . Or ,are they any cattle farms near by ,offer them the grazing ,say you have to use an eltric fence,get them to fence off say 2-3 rie at a time ,cattle will not eat it all ,and you wi;l probaly still have to top the rough bits , they do not eat ,still better than you cutting it all.
  25. After last week's budget the government said it was budgeting on the economy improving by 2.5%,with that figure all the tax cuts etc should pay for its self,odds of that happening now is getting slimmer by the week Raising interest rates might make the pound more attractive ,but it will not do the economy any good ,making vital imports ,more expensive ,ie oil,and raw ingredients to make things.
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