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Everything posted by kickstart

  1. You are right they had to rise interest rates ,and with the tax cuts ,and abandoning the NI increases ,he is banking on the countries' growth of 2.5% ,to pay for everything. Listening to Today on R4 this afternoon ,they had an article saying they could well be a word resection with all the interest rates going up, likely, then the next article on the program was a government spokesman ,saying we will have our 2.5% rise in the economy, unlikely. The last chancellor that tried a budget like this was Tony Barber back in 1972,then the rest is history ,high interest rates,3-day working week ,strikes all the time, up to a few years ago I still had the petrol coupons that were issued at the time ,but never used.
  2. Durian, the fruit its self is in a hard shell,they will be very little smell . Where are you ,Durian's do not grow anywhere if no one in your area are growing Durian the odds are they will not grow . In my province of Lopburi we do not have any Durian ,I have tried 2-3 times now no joy,our local markets have them on sale all the time never seen any fruit for sale in the area.
  3. Someone who does not know the Thai dairy industry,shotage of milk is due to Makro's the distribution chain ,all my local 7-11's,Mini Big C etc, always have a supply of milk ,no shortages. In my area,in fact, F and N a milk buying/bottling company have just built a new factory near me,looking at the future Farmers are complaining they milk price is not going up ,but if it did milk price in 7-11 etc would go up and they sales would drop ,like it did 10 years ago ,farmers are getting about 18.50 baht/kg/milk,price can go up and down depending on the milk quality. As for cows eating lush grass this time of year, a myth ,maybe a few ,but most are in the sheds all the time eating rice straw ,brought in and this time of year it is expensive ,one bale is about 45-50 baht,in 3 months time after rice harvest down to 25-30baht/bale,and this time of the year with all the rain cows have most of their health problems.
  4. If you look at the Royal news on Thai TV in the evenings you see a Royal plus a lot in the entourage ,as has been said she is/was in Germany and France, this past week compete with large entourage ,as the invitation would have been for one ,maybe two people ,she could /would not go on her own ,no one to hold her bag.
  5. If you were Thai ,you would want him back in. It was him that brought in the Thai pension , It was Tucksin that brought in monthly payments for handicap people ,ie wife's daughter. It was Tucksin that brought in the 30 baht Luk-Sar,heath care system You can see why his main base in Issan would like him back.
  6. How about more people in Thailand paying some tax ,you pay in you get something out,my wife gets the 600 baht/month pension,she has not worked in a job that pays tax for 20 years ,and they are a few million more like her ,companies make a profit they pay some tax ,it should be the government's job to get the population to pay taxes ,they do in our own countries . The few people I know that pay tax are only paying 4-5 %.
  7. Combining a crop of maize ............or ploughing a field ,this is near me taken a few days ago after about 40 mm of rain. Look at some of the leaves ,still green ,the owner said it has been 105 days since drilling ,to combining,normale it is 120 day to combining ,as I wrote before the farm I worked on in the UK our old fitter use to say, You think a crop is fit to combine,go on holiday for a week ,when you come back it will be fit to go ,I think this would be a good idea here. But this year the buyers are buying any crop,with a shortage of imported wheat, barley, and maize, it is what Thais cal "Mao",which translate as take all ,they will take all crops not bothered about moisture ,this crop must be 30% plus ,how it is being trashed out I would not know. The price is not bad last month it was 9.50baht/kg ,last week 8.80baht/kg,this evening talking to a group of farmers while a crop was being combined they said 8.50 baht/kg . A couple of weeks ago talking to a big buyer of maize ,he said they were paying 9.50baht/kg,then they were selling the crop to Betagro for 11.50baht/kg ,when dried down to 15% moisture , he is lucky the Betagro mill is only 15 km up the road ,so low transport costs he said a crop comes in at 30 % moisture he dries it down to 15%,he will lose 40gk /ton. Looking at my crystal ball,cassava prices are still good ,maize is well up on last year ,with the high fuel price sugar cane should be a good price ,I think rice prices will be good ,and from AN last week the governments is subbing farmers to the tune of a good few billion baht .
  8. lines from ,The Who's record . Won't get fooled again. The new boss .Is same as the old boss. Or now, The new rules, Are as same as the old rules. They will get enforced,unless the BIB are short of money. You can Imagen the scene ,police stop a helmetless motorcyclist ,and says 2000 baht fine ,motorcyclist says I do not have 200 baht ,then what ,frantic phone calls home ,asking for the fine money or what ,no one has 2000 baht ,then what one impounded motorcycle. i would a lot of other people will have the same problem.
  9. I was thinking that myself ,if they are poring some concrete it could be a golf driving range , that would just about fit on a football pitch ,is it now run by the school director? ,money going where.........
  10. Nice calf ,I see it still has the white face from the Hereford.
  11. Is it a carb modal or a fuel injection ?if carb modal do as Homburg said ,if it is fuel injection check the fuel pump .and the injector ,and the battery that could be dead ,if the ignition light does not come on ,horn not working battery is dead The air cleaner is under the headlight and is a paper element, if that got wet the engine will not run right .
  12. He was a former Defence Minister........ If my memory seres me right he was born in the UK ,Whitby,was friends with Boris , if that means anything.
  13. As FJ said what is in country should be good enough,lookat Nana Garden they sell fertilizer or Lazada. Of course the best thing you could do is increase the organic matter of the soil ,do this by making some compost ,or if you live near a dairy farming area ,get some cow manure add that to the soil ,or grow some Sun hemp or Mung beans and dig that back in to the soil. Some organic matter would put more back in to your soil than some bag fertilizer.
  14. Never thought of that ,a lot of people still remember Diana ,and Cammiler as a Royal Consort ,some people still will not accept her . RIP our Brenda (anyone read Private Eye).
  15. Wrong breed of ant, Kai -mot- dang,comes from the big red ants ...........the one that are plaguing us at this time.
  16. As we know she is 96 ,looking at that photo,I saw it on the BBC website this evening,she really has aged over the past few months. Liz Truss is probable thinking she needs this like a hole in the head at this time. And again, I hope she gets some strength back.
  17. I do not know about living cheap ,what about the environment ,typical Thai look at all those plastic bags ,where will they all end up.
  18. I would not bother, let Sir Keir's wife do it ,she is probably looking for new curtains online already. Will we be sending Christmas cards this year or food parcels ,I am just glad I am here now . And I see they all have got a day out in Scotland tomorrow ,the Queen is at Balmoral Castle ,not fit enough to travel down to London for the handover
  19. She has some big measures,no problem, but she still has not said how she will pay for it all ,windfall tax on the energy companies for certain ,when that has been used up then what ,borrow even more . And she is still saying she is going to increase spending on defence ,a good few billion pounds. with the country about to go in to resection and all the other problems . I know a guy who manages a pub near my flat in the UK ,about 1 mile from the town enter gets busy at weekends ,most evenings quite ,unless some big sporting program is on the TV ,he said their turnover is 250k pounds /year ,this energy rise will hit them hard ,the pub is part of a chain,if the suits in charge see it is losing money, will they close it down ?,with pubs in the UK closing at a high rate odds could well be high.
  20. I make it 7 1/2%, not bad at all . As a big bike is a lot more expensive than your average Wave ,and a more limited market ,interest rates will have to be low ,or no one would buy one . What would interest rate be for a imported BMW or Harley on HP. Surprised no guarantor needed for a big bike on HP ,must be different rules ??than a small bike ,have you got the log book yet ?
  21. Many years ago it was known as Venice of the Orient with the amount of canals round the city,then they filled them all in ,one reason for the floods of 2011 water had nowhere to go ,before the canals would have taken the water away. I do not know when the op wrote this article ,but the Passak dam is not full ,it is very local to me ,they have opened all the gates on the dam and water is now flowing out ,wife's sister was fishing they on Sunday and said the water level had dropped ,the op wants to check his facts before writing. The normal thing, bad news sells copy. It was 3 years ago that they opened the dam gates in August after a lot of rain ,afraid of a lot of rain in September/October,filling the dam, and they will have to let water go so flooding land down stream,then the rains stopped early ,come January/February not enough water in the dam for locale needs ,mainly irrigation,in April dam was only 15% full,wife not happy ,nowhere to go fishing Most locals around here say the rains come early this year they will finish early ,I think they are right going on past years leaving the dam short when water is needed again.
  22. We brought a new Wave 125 two colour ,mag wheels,that was 60k baht also, that was 4-5 months ago,the last one we brought was 4 years ago that was 50k baht. I was surprised at the price ,this was the third Wave we have brought from this shop ,so we know them,.and they are normaly the cheapest in the area,they did say they were a shortage of Waves . And we have 3-4 Honda dealers in the area ,I did not check all of them, but one other did say 60k . It used to be shops do not like cash sales ,they lose out on they cut of the HP agreement ,as the average HP agreement here in Thailand runs at 30% interest ,a few of these will add up,so they could ? up the cash price, so they make a bit more.
  23. It is already free ,I live in a rural area we have a locale government clinic nearby, ann-a -mie in Thai ,one of many in the area ,the local women just go they when they want they next pack of the pill .
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