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Posts posted by diddums

  1. The problem with the area and indeed most of the country are the often fat, past their prime, often rude and arrogant know-it-all, sloppy dressing, previously failed White Westerners who run prostitution houses, traffic drugs into the country, run illegal businesses, spread disease through the sex trade, sexually abuse minors, drink to excess and who were the original and still perpetuators of the very negative image Thais (and non-Thais around the world) have of White Westerners in Thailand. I see them nearly everywhere, looking down their noses at a poor people; poor people in a mostly poor country who by virtue of their lack of luck weren't so lucky to hit the birth lottery.

    Are you of african persuasion by chance ?

  2. maybe time to move out to the mountains ?


    You seem to have strong feelings about this. Can you tell us more? Why do you say "No!!!"? (I'm not trying to argue. I'm genuinely interested in your opinion)

    He, like me....probably live a peaceful life in the mountains now.....so we dont want it changed because several million people are drowning.

    • Like 1
  3. I went to thermae one night in 1997 and picked up a female Caucasian tourist who was there with 2 friends - went back to my hotel where we did the deed

    Am I the only person in the thermae's history ever to pull a white chick and score at that place?

    I think so!

    Probably the only person who wanted to..

    and he sounds so proud of it......

  4. Dont worry next week theyll realise they got the chart upside down or something!!!

    They might just turn it over...oh look...its rising now.

    Silly question...but has anyone thought to turn the tap off...stop them bloody cloud seeding planes ?

  5. <deleted>. I feel sorry for his family, but I dont for him. What an idiot.

    The wife and daughter, for some reason, were driving another car, right behind him.

    Just making sure the truck was coming when it was supposed to be coming.

  6. I'm very envious, you truly are one of the lucky few. Did you marry or are you still living the dream?

    Got married a few months ago with a thai lady, but not one that ever worked in a bar of course! tongue.png

    The one you cried about ?

  7. Lets be honest about Thailand.

    You either come here for work, tourism or more commonly nowdays; very cheap street sex and buying a poor provincial wife. They cant get a woman back home so they come here with their prescription meds ,welfare cheques and naivety and away they go.

    Any farang who thinks that girls would lose a minutes sleep over a dead ex farang sponsor obviously doesnt live here.

    There are dozens of flights landing at BKK airport daily with thousands of newbie farang sex tourists just gagging to be scammed by girls.

    Another day is another farang prospect to these Thai girls.

    A dead farang is the same as a poor one......useless. Send it home.

    Cinical but often true. Last december i was coming back to thailand and walked outside of the top floor of Bangkok airport to the middle island to wait for my taxi and have a cigarette. Then a middle aged possibly English guy (I'm no expert on accents) with a chang T shirt stormed past me arguing heavilly with a Thai girl me thinking it's nice to be home lol. They walked acrross the road past the taxis and to the far rail, where they contiued to agrue while everyone watched. The man suddenly thew his leg over the railing the Thai girl (I assume girlfriend) then grabbed it in a hug and dropped to the ground. He kicked and was obviously not faking. It took 4 Thai taxi drivers got hold of him and wrestle him to the ground holding him to the ground till the police arrived.

    Yes maybe he got done by this girl, but jumping of the rail at the airport, Seriously!

    He would have showed her..

  8. Are they not allowed to stain up the place as much as your kind ?

    I dont know how much tea money is being paid to the cops, but that whole Nigerian/Katoey infested stretch right up to Soi 11 is a blight on Bangkok and the image of foreigners in Thailand, even if the Thais openly differentiate between 'chocolat man' and white Farang. I have never seen the alleged 'problem' others see with NEP - it's tucked away down Soi 4 and not right in the faces of Thais driving down Suk and family groups trying to navigate the street stalls - but allowing people who are clearly pimps and drug pushers to congregate so openly around Soi Arab makes a farce of the 'law

    ?' in Bangkok. None of us wants Thailand transformed into a nanny state, but there is a point where the people at the top have to recognise that Disneyland has enough scary rides - time to put the carnies on the next plane out of town.

    (I read somewhere that the small aggregation of bars on Soi 7/1 is dying a slow, inglorious death - little wonder, and they have their own authorities to thank)

    The type of tourists have changed.....nothing else has imho.

    That area never used to be infested with the "aforementioned characters" ten years ago. This is something thats been getting worse year by year and right under the nose of the authorities.

    I totally agree with the other poster saying its a stain on the image of Thailand.

    • Like 1
  9. There has been a exchange at the entrance of nep as long as i can remember......only closed for a short while when renovating at one stage....not the latest renos

    I love the fact that there is a Currency Exchange right at the entrance to the newly redeveloped NEP. The hole in the wall ATM further down has been there for years, but I seem to recall the currency exchange being further from the entrance and, if memory serves me, it closed a lot earlier. An associate took me a Chinese Thai guy who operates a currency exchange out of his home (complete with fearless Chihuahua guard dogs, no less ..) - still the best exchange rate I've ever gotten in Bangkok - but I'm not going to catch a cab to Soi 22 at 8pm to change money. I suspect that the Chinese Thai guy has something a little more persuasive under the counter than the dogs, and I got the distinct impression that I wouldn't have even been allowed in if I hadn't been with a TG he knew (clearly a gal with a lot of foreign currency to change...). Call me weird, but I kinda dig that whole 'world within a world' thing. No signs - just a roller door in front of Aladdin's cave.

  10. Think he watches Oprah a lot.

    By the way, why is rice fattening

    I reckon the majority of modern people put on at least some weight as they get older. So living in Thailand might not necessarily have anything do with it.

    Don't think so girlfriend, I'm the same weight now as when I first arrived here, it did dip a bit once through an illness, went down to 40 kilo, not something I want to go through again, now cruising at 55.

    I'm little, and happy.

    I wasn't referring to you or anyone else as an individual. BTW, why do you call me girlfriend? Are you an extremely camp homosexual man of the 1950's era?

  11. My funeral will have very special instructions.

    Anybody wearing dark will be thrown on the fire with me by security.

    After some of the monks solemn chanting.....an Australian comedian will start his 30 minute routine.

    While the crowd is cracking up and the monks are wondering <deleted>.......the comedian shall announce the bbq has started and the esky is open.

    and I thought a funeral was about the dead person.

    Oh...and my stash goes up in smoke with me.

  12. Must admit, I've only been to 4 funerals thus far and sbk's experience is obviously far greater then mine, however, I was dressed by my lassie and what I wore passed muster.


    Done my darnest to get the resolution right to just indicate the dress code and not infringe on the photographic guidelines of the Forum.

    Can't remember if I wore flip-flops or not ... it was 2 years ago.

    Also it was Songkran time ... so the hottest time of the year.

    sbk's right ... show proper respect.

    Nneat tidy black or white or a combination of the two, otherwise you do us all a disfavour.

    The above does come with a caveat ... if the deceased was over 100 years old ... then dress bright ... it is expected of you to be colourful!


    If its good enough for poster of the year to wear shorts....I'll wear shorts.

    I do not have socks, except very long thick wooly ones....so I could go disguised as a german.

    Shirt is still an issue but.......well, not for me, more for youse lot.

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