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Posts posted by diddums

  1. I am uncertain whether others will feel I am a success story as I have made huge mistakes and lost a good business all through my own mistakes and wild living. However I came here with 100K USD and started a business which I eventually lost. Nearly 6 years after arriving in LOS I own a 10 million baht home which is paid for. I have a secure job with a European company paying a western salary, A decent partner, friends and a normal life working monday to friday. I am not rich but I am happy which is worth more than money. I can pay my bills, save money and do most things without worrying. There was a time I was spending ridiculous amounts of money and playing on the darkside of the street. I am lucky I am not dead or incarcerated. For me I am a success story despite my self destruct button. I can't name names but there is an Australian therapist in Central thailand who played a major part in turning me around. Thank you.


    What does this australian therapist do exactly ?

  2. Just wondering if it is a coincidence that there is a western union on the corner of soi 3 and sukhumvit ?

    On another note...anyone seen the africans selling rocks at jatujuk market...every weekend morning they unload tons of rocks onto the sidewalk and sell them...or try to....tough bargainers too....one thai guy trying to get a rock for 1k baht...but they would not budge below 1500.

    • Like 1
  3. I trot behind my wife so I can look at her bot bot.

    I also like to follow her as she gets lost most times and proves me right...I love that smug feeling.

    But by god I wear the pants...and she is 48kilo anyway.....so not relevant.

    • Like 1
  4. Thanks JD. Always a nessasary part of the diet for years. No stranger to chronic pain! Ok I am off now to see if I can track down Dr. Pornphutkul at rajavet. Seems to be the best option that I can come across for a sports Otho guy. What hospitals offer MRI and cost differences between these establishments might be helpful. I have good insurance but, must call for MRI approval. Either way I will get it done but, as I recall, MRI stateside is like 1000 usd! Would like to know how much here.

    In Bkk last time I asked they were about 10k...so cm should not be a lot different I guess...circa 8k to 12k maybe.

    I had the knee op in Bkk 3 times now.....so if need bkk doc reco, just ask.

  5. Good weather + great culture = tourists. Poor people + pretty girls + tourists = prostitution.

    Why be embarrassed about prostitution? I'm not embarrassed to be a programmer, it's what I do for a living. I don't like it. It's boring. But it's what I can make the most money doing. So I do something I dont like to make money.

    There is very little difference.

    There is a World of difference... If you could make more money being a male prostitute, sleeping with older, perhaps fat and ugly women... Would you ????

    If he's a prostitute why would he be bothered about the appearance or age of his customers? He's doing it for the money not because he's attracted to his punters.

    Yes he would be, or i would be....male hookers have to make something work....females do not.

    What's embarrassing is seeing all these old white guys walking around town holding hands with young Thai girls and acting like she's really his girlfriend or something. Now THAT'S embarrassing.

    She really is his girlfriend for the time that matters.

  6. Looks like a big nose too.

    Those legs would look good in a dress.

    Oh!!!! Smokie's a man? .... could have fulled me with those legs too.... must look nice in a kilt !!! biggrin.png

    Well I always thought so....if not, sorry...nice legs.....but the nose ??

  7. my daughter is 6.

    Jim you may be right. What hope has humanity anymore?

    look, i have a 6 year old daughter and the story sickens me beyond belief, but not enough to make rightously melodramatic and self-serving remarks remarks about the end of humanity.

    The old bad apple ruins the cart or however it goes.

    For every <deleted> out there like this...there are a lot of good also, you just rarely hear the good as it does not sell newspapers or get hits on websites.

    Still....examples need to be made of these types....unfortunately I doubt no matter what the example, it will not stop the 'instant' urge or decision that is made by this type of person to do what they do....I would not be imagining them sitting there thinking...hmmm, should I grab her or not, I remember last year the guy that had his penis chopped off by an angry mob.....but restricting their ability to breed would be a good start.

  8. Diddums,

    is your plane remote controlled or line.

    i will not recommend line controlled as you do not then get the feel for the controls.

    post a pic of the aircraft it would be nice to c what it looks like after the lessons

    I'll take a pic tomorrow....does not look bad from the crash...more the build.

    Only broke the prop.

    It is not a line controlled plane....I liken that to having your kid on one of them leashes to control them....my mum had me on one.....my kingdom for a sharp knife when I was 3yo.

  9. Curious if there is someone here who is good enough to change the remote control on a remote controlled boat. Id like to get a more expensive remote control on it. The old one has its problems, this is a real bait boat called the "baitliner" and used to sail out bait and your lines for fishing (i know im lazy).

    Too bad the old remote was having some problems and left the boat without signal, that is all nice and fine in a made up lake but i want to try it on the river too. If that happens gone is my bait boat.

    As i have not too much faith in the local technicians (i know i know) i would not mind paying some foreigner to do it. I think its part language problem part yes i can yes i can (but cant) that i worry about from Thais.

    How about a fishing net or buy your fish at the market? rolleyes.gif

    Ahhhh...an amateur....someone that will never know what it is like to go out and hunt for your meal with just your own skills, some dynamite and a gun.

  10. Thanks for the assistance thus far...I really do appreciate it.....but, I am looking to you know kind of build one, rather than buy one.....

    So, if anyone has done it, nice to know where/how to start....like where to find plans etc....and the right size for the right engines and the different type of engines...pros and cons....and make sure the engine is not too big for the plane built so that all it does is run along the ground tryin and tryin and tryin to get up there....like that little engine that could...but didn't.

    Also....google is never my friend....I find it so.....cold.

    I prefer first hand experience and knowledge.

    Thank you so kindly.

    The shop mentioned will probably have kits and plans.

    I'd recommend starting with "control line"* technology. My brother's first attempt at radio control managed about ten yards before he found the goal posts. Now thirty years later he flies from a disused aerodrome... I've not been involved in his recent constructions


    * tethered plane flying in a circle, with control of flaps only for vertical control. You still get all the fun of buggering about with the engine in the freezing cold (you might struggle to recreate that part of the experience in Thailand)...

    Yeah...we crashed today several times....I hit a tree 2 times....boy just missed flying into the soccer nets.....nearly landed on the roof.....but this plane is as rough as guts.....she goes up n down and round and round....broke one prop, so that ended todays lessons.

  11. Thanks for the assistance thus far...I really do appreciate it.....but, I am looking to you know kind of build one, rather than buy one.....

    So, if anyone has done it, nice to know where/how to start....like where to find plans etc....and the right size for the right engines and the different type of engines...pros and cons....and make sure the engine is not too big for the plane built so that all it does is run along the ground tryin and tryin and tryin to get up there....like that little engine that could...but didn't.

    Also....google is never my friend....I find it so.....cold.

    I prefer first hand experience and knowledge.

    Thank you so kindly.

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