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Posts posted by Gracas

  1. OP you are really in a tough situation. I agree with some of the earlier posters, if you want to keep your son you need a Lawyer to guide you and do what needs to be done.

    As for your ex-gf the mother, she only sees the kid as a tool to extract money from you and no matter how it goes it will no stop.

    * If you keep your son she will want to be paid.

    * If she takes the kid back she will want you to pay for the kid and for her. She will still use access to your son for further demands.

    As for taking your son to visit the in-laws I agree with your new gf, no need to do this they only want the 1000 Baht a visit.

    You only have two options, if you want to keep your son you need the help of a Lawyer. Option 2 which would be the hardest, tell you ex-gf that she can have the child back and you are moving on. She may rethink her position on demands (but most likely not).

    Hope it all works out for you.

  2. Just use the actual boys and coach, put them back in the cave, top up the water....Done.

    They already know their parts in the movie. Then some big names stars to play the parts of those that did nothing to help except have their face on TV. Add some action, maybe a shoot out, them wait for the money to roll in.

  3. You say your gf has been violent with you for 5 years. She is only your gf and I assume there are no kids, so unless you like coming home and having your gf give you a tune-up its time to move on. Ok, it may cost you a little bit of money, it may also cost you your job. But much cheaper than having her stick a knife into you.

    It does not take planning, you could have moved on 5 years ago when you discovered she had a problem. Hell 5 years you could have planned a mission to Mars and been well on your way.

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  4. OP if you can find a way to resolve this obsession Thias have with burning rubbish, there are most likely people here that will pay you for the solution.

    They have been doing this all their live and don't consider the affect it has on others. I do hope you can find a way to put an end to this as it is irritating.

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