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Posts posted by Gracas

  1. If the OP means that he needs to show proof that he does not own a condo (or maybe other assets) in Thailand, or for that matter anywhere else other than his home country. I would agree with replies above, it would take a lot of work.

    You could make a Statutory Declaration to this affect. Also show a rental contract for your address.


    If you are getting divorced in your home country the wife's lawyer maybe looking for your assets to "rape and pillage".


    When I was getting divorced in Australia (working is Singapore at the time) my wife's lawyer came up with all sorts of fantasy.

    I hope this is NOT your problem. Good luck.

  2. On ‎1‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 4:14 AM, LukKrueng said:

    It wasn't her birthday, and she's not my girlfriend (working on it), but I brought her 2kg of oranges and she was so happy because I noticed she loves oranges. This girl doesn't wear gold/jewelry/perfume/designer cloths or purse so none of those would make her happy.

    Just saying-if you don't know your girlfriend well enough after a year of being together, how do you expect to get any good advice from a form of people that don't know you nor the girl??

    Now there's a sensible gift. Oranges. Will also help in preventing your girlfriend from getting scurvy.


    Don't know how serious the OP is with his girlfriend, but I don't think it requires a gift of gold at this stage.

  3. 10 hours ago, greenchair said:

    It really annoys me when  hearing of a Cambodian or thai or whatever, that is poor and working for food, how kind and sympathetic the forum jurors will be. 

    Yet when it is a white person down on his luck, trying to earn a bit of food money, how nasty the jurors turn. 

    How many thai are working in America or nz, taking jobs that a poor homeless person could have. It's no different. 

    Working to get money for food should not be a crime. For any race. 

    Yes would have to agree.

    The Postman took a job to try and find a way out of his situation. He should not be condemned for this.

    He could have done what many others do, just sat back and started a GoFundMe page and wait for the money to roll in.

  4. On ‎12‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 6:59 PM, Gregster said:


    It wasn’t “left out”. It’s irrelevant.



    All that matters to the daughter and her husband is whether or not his younger Asian GF is greater than 5 years of age than him - as mentioned in the OP.


    I really find it hard to believe that the daughters husband truly feels the same way.

    This being the case he is either envious or pussy-whipped.

    I think the daughters problem is that she would feel ashamed to be seen with dear old dad and his young GF should he decide to bring her home for a holiday.

  5. 8 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

    Street art is not vandalism imho.

    Street art gives life to all those sad plastic and concrete artifacts, and it brings happiness to people's eyes.

    Those who can't appreciate street art are sad people imho..

    Also, young people have a lot of energy, it seems to me a good way to let it out.

    That said, they should be able to cancel their paintings if requested by the authorities, as it seems that the majority of people don't like them.

    As for caning, jailing and deporting, one can just hope it's not said in a serious way :coffee1:

    Street art.... Is NOT taking a paint pen and putting crap like this on public posts.

    If she used chalk and put some effort into her work then it maybe appreciated (if she has any ability).


    As for "a lot of energy" and "a good way to let it out".

    She can just fart like everyone else.

  6. 4 hours ago, Cranky said:

    I had the misfortune to take my kids to the Dolphin show, Hua Yai road.  Saddest thing I've seen in ages, 4 very sad creatures, one clearly very sick.  Elephants at Nong Nooch the same, no respect or kindness to animals whatsoever, only the money they bring in.  Doesn't matter what it is, croc farms, zoos or monkey's and snakes on Walking Street everywhere there is animals and money.


    One of the lowest, most indefensible aspects of Thailand.

    Yes it is sad, but you should have included amongst your creatures above "Tourists", they treat them the same, keep poking them until their money falls out.

  7. My son has both Thai and Australian (by decent) citizenship, when he reached the age for the National Service he went along to register. He did not want to go into the Military, so he thought he would try and delay this as he was going to University. He wanted to at least complete the course he was doing.

    When he spoke to the officer in charge at the registration he was asked about his citizenship and if he was Thai. He explained his dual citizenship then the office replied, well I don't think you really need to do this because you may be called up by the Australian military, son just replied "yes, that is true". They then sent him home Not Required.

    I believe my son was just lucky on the day as another guy may have taken a different view of the situation.

    My sons big mistake was that he did not request the clearance form / letter that the military issues. This letter is required by many companies for employment. To prove that you have either, completed National Service / Not selected / Not required (for what ever reason). As some posters have previously mentioned you can buy this "letter" if you have the right connections. This is what my son did.

  8. 8 hours ago, faranglomjay said:

    Here is the big update, last night I got to drunk started to get mad as usual when I drink.. I went up to his hotel room bang bang I scream open the door, no one there. I called him asked were he was he said iris pub nana I go there well I basically run there hit him on the shoulder I said are you *** ****** (obv not going to say his name) he said yes, I sit down ordered a beer screaming at everyone and I calmed down for about a second and I asked him did you <deleted> my wife? He clearly got scared I looked in to his eyes he said no. Something weren’t right I got mad again and asked him many many times he still said no, guards came “lucky” me I know them, they just told me to calm down the old man got supriced by that and admitted to one thing, he only asked her once to <deleted> but she never did. But they never had sex before he only see her like an daughter because he doesn’t have anyone else I still don’t believe this dude I just took my beer throw it at him and left. My wife know everything and what I did. She’s mad for sure!!! He somehow forgot I did that last night and today the old man and my wife still talks.... tomorrow she go there again with her grandmother and younger nieces and stay until he goes back. I told her if she doesn’t listen to me now she will never listen to me so what’s the point of being married? I have no idea what to do still should I believe him? And stay with her or not believe and leave her??

    Well, if the guy did not get a leg over with your wife before, he will now.

    • Haha 2
  9. Like most women, no matter what arrangements or agreements you try to formalize now it is very likely that she will change her mind later on, for any number of reasons.

    At the moment you are in France and have control, all that will change if you return to Thailand.

    Obtain GOOD legal advice, and think long and hard about your plan.

    Good luck.

  10. Standing on the edge of a busy road inhaling exhaust fumes while trying to exchange little flags for money is not my idea of a fun holiday.

    If you want to pass a written note to someone in hope of obtaining money, they should try this in a Bank by passing the note to the teller. They may have to word the note a little differently.

    As for needing a Work Permit, I don't think you need a WP to scam people.

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