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Posts posted by Netease

  1. One of the first things you will want to understand is the sun angle throughout the year, which is critical when positioning and designing the house, and the landscaping.

    Here's the summer solstice: http://suncalc.net/#/13.7954,100.5029,8/2015.06.21/12:00

    And the winter solstice: http://suncalc.net/#/13.7954,100.5029,8/2015.12.22/12:00

    If you play around with the dates, you will see that from March to September (the equinoxes) the sun is mostly overhead, or a little to the North - meaning that the biggest issues are the East (sunrise) and West (sunset) sides of the house. From September to March, the sun comes from a very pronounced Southerly direction, and by the December solstice it really does have some angle to it - so much so that things like roof overhangs become completely ineffective against the afternoon sun.

    Thank you for the links, I am planning my building at the moment on a couple of Rai out from Chiang Mai to the east which will be a long house to take in the mountain views. The SunCalc allows me to actually pin point my land and see the sunrise and sunset through the whole year by hours of each day. Thank you this is a 5 star link

  2. One thing hasn't been mentioned in this thread. People taking Antibiotics' and using your toilet can kill the good bacteria in your septic tank, I also believe surface area in your tank is most important for the decomposing of the waste, I would often open the small inspection opening and see the crust being munched by the bugs and listen and you will hear the bugs going to town. If no noise or movement in the crust means your bugs are dead and you should clean your tank out and fill with non chlorinated water again. I have never had to add bugs to get the systems working again. These are my experiences.

  3. Crossy, I believe from reading several of your other posts (good posts btw) that you are an electrician or at least a very knowledgeable DIYer.

    Therefore, why don't you rig up some form of electric perimeter protection, just switch it on at night once all your little ones are safely in bed ??

    My Grandad did something similar to try an stop badgers digging up his lawn, but he wired his fence to the mains.. He then left little notes all around the place in case he popped his clogs during the night smile.png

    I had horses and dogs Rottweilers and German Shepard, cows and free roaming chickens plus 9 X 1 year old pups from the Rottie and Shepard all at the same time on 10 acres out of Brisbane. the dogs started killing the chickens. To cut the story short I hung a dead chicken from the electric horse fence. While I was at the back of my property I heard at lease 9 yelps from the dogs as each one sniffed the dead chook, The dogs never touched another chicken again in fact the chickens would come up to my German Shepard and eat out of her bowl while she was eating from it. all dogs were fine, if you have touched an electric horse fence it doesn't tickle, I can only imagine that it was like getting hit in the nose with a base ball bat. Guaranteed to work. these electric fences work from 12 Volts and can be set to different power for different animals

  4. In Korat province.

    My MIL has a problem with some rice farms she owns.

    She has been to the land office & they have told her nothing

    can be done until the military go to that area to sort out the problems.

    They are working in Pak Chong now and making their way through the province

    how long this will take is just a guess, but it all being controlled by

    the military.

    She is sitting on 20 to 30 Million Baht of land, can not sell it until its cleared

    by the Military. It seems in the old days they would buy land get a receipt

    but no official paper work or land title.

    Thainess at its best.facepalm.gif

    She may not own the land but allowed to use it if she doesn't have the Titles, it could probably belong to the government and she may have to buy it, I know their is a lot of land like this in Thailand

  5. You have two choices. Either, do what is required to reclaim the wife's land or do not. You knew the choices already, but instead chose to post on TV to moan, whine, despair and for what, to expect sympathy. Does wanting other people to feel sorry for you, make you feel better or bring closure. No one else's advice can help you. Do what you must or not.

    I thought TV was somewhere we could post a problem we have and maybe someone has gone through it before or has knowledge about the problem could give constructive advice, I think you are out of line with your comments

  6. 3 meters of land wide, but how long ?

    It would be more helpful to know what location in Thailand without giving away the actual land location and how much land we are talking about for the trouble your wife will have to go to, also the size of her block, I think you would get more constructive information to have an idea of the value of the land for the fight that she might have to go through. In Sidney people call Surveyors and lawyers in over a 20ml dispute on boundaries usually costing $5000 to $15,000 if they can not sort it out between themselves, as both parties get a Surveyor and a lawyer each. it could be easier for her to sell out and then her property would be surveyed again.

  7. Since my neighbor wasn't interested in sharing the cost of my perimeter wall, I erected it 20 cm from the borderline, so when he wants a perimeter wall he has to build one by himself.

    He removed the concrete boundary post. I called in the land department and asked to measure the land again.

    They measured and put the concrete post at the exact same location, after which my neighbor destroyed it with a hammer.

    Later he had his land measured, and the land department marked the destroyed stump as the place where his land ends. laugh.png

    I have worked with Surveyors in NSW, Here is a suggestion for everyone on TV, measure 2 distances from your boundary peg about 90 degree away from the peg and put a permanent mark in the ground so you can recover the mark without having to call a surveyor back. ways to do the marks are if you are close to the concrete road with a 8ml concrete bit drill 2 holes in the road usually about a meter from the peg don't let the neighbour see or he might try to destroy the marks keep the measurements safe maybe dot them on your land plan, other ways is to nock 300ml x 30ml gal pipe onto the dirt below the surface of the land keep the measurements put them on your plan take pictures for reference later these marks last for decade's. or you could pull the concrete peg out hammer a galvanised pipe as described earlier about 400ml under the dirt and then replace the concrete peg back on top of the gal peg. what I have described is standard ways of locating boundary marks in Australia, I am currently having a house built in rice field area near San Kamphang.



  8. Don’t let it go! You do whatever you feel is right for the child as you are the one as a parent giving up your time to give this child a chance to be top of the class, I always corrected the grammar of my two Thai nieces when talking with them. When I checked their homework I would only tell them that there was a mistake in the different sections and send them on their way for them to research where their mistake is. I am not a teacher and couldn’t write this letter without spell check

    My Nieces did spend some time in Australia with us and go to school here which gave them a big advantage over other students in Thailand. The eldest one when she went back to Thailand was selected with about 6 other students one from each class to travel to England on a month scholarship, After she finished year 12 she was given a scholarships to Thammasat university, faculty of Liberal Art which I am told is very hard to get into.

    The Nieces come from a poor family farther died 10 years ago.

    Don’t let anyone stand in your way you teach him the best way you can.

    Don’t be afraid to go to the school and talk with his teacher I believe the teacher would appreciate it that you put the effort in and wouldn’t mind being corrected, forget this rubbish about losing face.

    I haven’t seen any reply’s on TV from someone who had done what you are trying to do. Good on you.

    I could go on and on but I think you get what I am about

  9. What utter nonsense people spout. We do not have democracy in our own countries. Just criminal cabals looting the country in plain sight providing a circus called elections. Two wings of the same corporate bird. The Occupy movement were clubbed like baby seals. Protesters are corralled into 'Free Speech Zones'.

    Non-Thais should pipe down and let the PM keep improving the country as he is doing. wai2.gif

    What country are you from

  10. That's what the minister said and that's what he did.

    However has this man actually been convicted of anything?

    He may be guilty of many things in which case <deleted> him.

    However the fact this can be decided and done without any actual judicial process is something that I do not agree with.

    He can use the law to fight his refused entry if he thinks he has a case.


    Still the govts initial action is not something I agree with, especially as he has family in Australia.

    How long as he lived there?

    Tooooo Long

  11. Australia is in persecution mode now with new laws whereby you can be criminalised just for being in a 'motorbike gang' regardless of whether you actually did anything wrong. People are getting harassed by police just for having a motorbike. One guy recently went to put fuel in his Harley at a local petrol station and 21 police cars showed up to harrass him, he wasn't in a gang and didn't do anything. He said this happens almost daily now.

    Where did you get this information from

  12. As a mechanic for 37 years I would advise you to forget this idea. Sell your Toyota and buy an automatic version, it will probably work out cheaper and you will have less problems.

    I was a mechanic years ago, I agree with hocuspocusy it would probably lower the value of your car by 50% as it would make such a mess of the vehicle change flywheel is involved maybe also the diff tail shaft give me about $10,000 and I still wouldn't take the job

    • Like 1
  13. Does anyone recall the Case in Pattaya involving Britt Kevin Quill about 11 years ago? I think he was sentenced to 6 years jail for a cigarette pack full of Yabba tablets; he was on his way to the airport for a visa run back to England, after a long period in jail it was later admitted by Police that he was setup, his sentence of 6 years was short compared to Yuyee’s and its proof that people do get setup in Thailand, he was setup by his business partners

  14. 250 milligrams is a quarter of a gram. "Smuggling" a quarter of a gram? Smuggling would imply financial reward, where would the financial reward be in a quarter of a gram? "Hiding" would be a better description, she could have a quarter of a gram under her nails which would lead a person to think some nice person pointed the finger at her. I wonder why somebody would do such a thing to her? I can't get my head around people who would do that.

    Cheap Divorce

    • Like 2
  15. and will only harm the LOS with future tourists searching for more friendly destinations

    Many (most?) of us can enjoy a tourist destination without shoving some unknown and potentially deadly substance up our hooters....

    Drug taking is IMHO, for sad losers who have forgotten (or never known) how to enjoy life without a 'crutch'.

    Alcohol is used for the same purpose it should also be banned if that's the case

    • Like 2
  16. What you have to do is go either way. Make a choice and make no compromise. Full custody and the mother has no access or don't see the child at all. Having access to the child will just give the mother power and the child will become her own personal "Tdoa Pragan". There will be exceptions, but this is the rule. That path will try very hard to destroy your life. You can't get full legal custody with no rights for access for the mother, if you stay in Thailand with the child. No court will grant that and that is the reason I finally gave up. Even if I was successful in full custody, I could never keep the mother away.

    The way I played it was to try for one year for full custody and when that failed, I walked away and never saw her again. I refused to pay for anything other than my daughter's education, as if I provided a monthly income, I would never get custody. After 8 years, when it eventually sunk in that my daughter was not really worth much to her, I got custody. The advantage of getting custody at 8 years old is that as a child at that age cannot be controlled by the mother.

    The disadvantage is the old Jesuit saying.."give me the boy until the age of seven, and I'll give you the man" ...well it is the same with girls. As we live in Thailand, it will be too late to change her, so we'll have to head for the UK for two to three years.

    I could have just left the whole thing alone, but we Westerners aren't like that (with some exceptions)....

    Speaking from someone with 40 years custody experience, walk away you will save grief for you and your child if the child survives he will find you when of age, forget any form of legals. If you don't you will be destroyed

    On this subject there has been a load of real good advice.

    But I think Netease has brought it to the point.Thank you for that.

    And for you, emibel1, if you're not a troll, my best wishes.

    Take care not being destroyed.


    When a mother mentally destroys children every day to get at the farther you have no choice but to walk away

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