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Posts posted by Netease

  1. 4 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

    As soon as it said Thai Lawyer I knew ever word he had said was true, not all are bad but most are when it comes to money, my experience. I am lucky I have a good one and even she says the same as I think. You know someone should do a website with all these stores on and shame the place and make it a no go area. The sooner the better that happens the better we will be. Oh then there is the Thai computer crimes act. they know where they can stuff that as far as I am concerned, its a lame duck outside the borders and will not work in any other country. LOS

    Do you know of any sites that have such stories

  2. 7 hours ago, Dave67 said:

    Just reading the article in full, highly likely it the railway was going to be freight only from the first concept. The high speed passenger train nonsense was just used to sell it to the public when in fact it will only benefit companies to ship goods from China to Thailand and back

    I think there would be a lot of empty trains going back to China

  3. In Australia you have to be careful who you look in the eye when stopped at the lights or when you walk down the street it is getting dangerous by the year. King hits from behind without any reason were getting so popular they are now called coward hits.

    In the CBD of Sydney the pubs have to stop serving alcohol at about 1.30am thanks to a few drunks.

    I cannot possibly understand why anyone could kill these people let alone the way they did it 

  4. 4 hours ago, dinsdale said:

    That was my initial thought. Then I watched the video. I think he's lucky the BIB didn't shot him. Australia, he'd more than likely be dead. Not just the US.

    You don know Australia very well he would have been pepper sprayed then mabe tazered he nothing compared with someone on ice with no sticks. To fire a gun at him with all the people around wouldn't be bright

  5. 3 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

    If you do not know the road laws then you should not be driving on the roads here. The laws here are not the same as Australia so I would suggest that you get a translated copy The Land Traffic Act BE 2252 (1979) and stop making the stupid remarks that you have been making.

    I just asked you a simple question about the speeds I gather you don't know.

    I will get a copy where do i get it

  6. 2 hours ago, Russell17au said:

    tryasimight is not a troll he is responding the the stupid incorrect statements that you have made the same as I am about to. There is no such thing as a full international license issued in Australia, you can only get an international driving permit that is issued by the automobile associations in each state of Australia. As for your speeding tryasimight has a very valid point about your claim that you would not speed in Australia. THEN WHY SPEED HERE? As tryasimight says if you have lived here for over 3 months then you are required to have a Thai drivers license or you are driving unlicensed. Before you call people trolls and keyboard heroes I suggest that you get all your facts correct about what you are talking about. What is the speed limit on the highway between Chiang Mai and Phitsanlok? 

    Ok so its a permit whats the big deal. I was just making a point as to being legal to drive in Thailand. I don't know why that has been picked on . what my point is about authorities doing there job. Its no wonder many people don't post on TV and just read the comments if you have to be exactly politically correct. 

    I don't know the speed limit even Thais I drive with can't tell me the speed limit, I usually keep up with the flow of traffic but I would like your help in telling me what the speed limits are.

    The subject is getting off topic its about death on Thai roads not political correctness about the name of a document. I haven't been here 3 months, I have been coming her for 27 years and my business in Australia has been dealing with Thais for the same time

    But again can can we keep on the topic of the post if you want to talk about me stat another thread

  7. 7 hours ago, tryasimight said:

    So you will not speed in Oz but happily do so in Thailand? I  very much doubt you have a full international license to drive anywhere.  As far as I am aware no such thing exists.  An international driving permit perhaps and based on you Aussie license. Unless if course you are resident for three months or more in which case you require a Thai license to be legal.  But you knew that didn't you? 

    Your a Troll, Whats your comment got to do with me sharing my experience. Have another whisky Keyboard Hero 

  8. I just drove from Chiang Mai area to Phitsanlok about 6.30 pm it is dark half the way I drive about 110 klm p/h on the highway you just dont see the trucks with dim tail lights until the last 5 seconds and as for motorcycles with no tail lights you get about 2 seconds also past 4 kids on a bike doing 100 klms p/h. In Australia all would have been stopped within 30 minutes and I would have been booked exceeding speed limit probably with in an hour, but I don't exceed the limit in Australia, i need my licence. I do have full international licence to drive in Thailand. I'm not sticking up for van drivers, but i wouldn't travel in one, I have done in the past with a regular driver and told him how to drive.

    Point is it all gets back to policing

  9. 9 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    I totally disagree with you, he had time, he actually slowed, then throttled it, he knew he was being flagged to stop by the other cop long before, and I fail to understand how you can blame the cop, he was doing his job, that is STOP them, if it was me, I would have used my gun and put a couple of rounds in the air, and if he didn't stop within cooee, he would have taken one, where it would have landed is any ones guess, as he should be up for attempted murder.


    Personally I don't give a rats arssss about the two drunks who came off the bike, they have breaks and could have stopped, no one told them to run over the cop, he though he could escape, he knew what he were doing, suffice to say, I don;t believe he was that drunk.


    Point blank, he failed to stop, from my observations this is the same bike that flew past moments earlier and must have been told to stop further along at what would have been the check point, i.e. the cops would have been either flashing their torches to the check point, or radioing in, I didn't hear any sound to that effect, but this is what they normally do.


    The rider noticed the check point and turned back around to get away, the cop that got bowled over noticed that they did a u turn as did his friend with the torch, signalling them to stop, hence the reason the cop ran out in the road, but the rider wasn't having a bar of it and bowled the cop over as he throttled it.


    The cop was just doing his job, bet you the rider was not only drunk, probably unlicensed and uninsured, not only did he put the cops life in danger, he also put his friends life in danger, total halfwit.


    Hope the cop has a speedy recovery, as for two drunken idiots, like I said, don't give a rats and hope the rider goes away for a long time, as for his friend the pillion passenger, well there wasn't much he could do. 

    The cop's a hero, if that bike continued on into the intersection he could have hit another vehicle with maybe  one of our family in 

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