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Posts posted by Netease

  1. On 6/8/2018 at 9:06 PM, worgeordie said:

    On the ring road up here in Chiang Mai, they have a big 

    set up over the road,with a speed read out for each of

    the 4 lanes,its supposed to take photos and a fine issued

    if you exceed the 90 Km speed limit. 

    Today I drove under it doing 80 Km ,but the sign said 47 Km,

    another system developed in Thailand ?


    regards Worgeordie

    I noticed that also when i went under that one 

  2. 2 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Every person  involved in this should be locked up for a long time.

    They are playing with gullible women, who have a fascination to have whiter skin .

    Just think how much money women here spend on whitening creams.

    My wife along with many thousands of women spends a serious amount of money on these so-called whitening creams.

    What research have you done to show whitening products dont work

  3. 20 minutes ago, speedtripler said:

    A floorjack and a forklift are not the same thing.... :blink:




    Read the quote properly "If it kept happening to me I  would invest in a floor jack, jack the car up and move it to the middle of the road, no damage, then see how fast the police move, they are small women but look wealthy enough to buy a forklift," 

  4. This is great to have these free insurance funds.

    It should be compulsory for all bike rental companies to give a copy of the policy (how to setup a gofundme page) to every hirer.

    They could use it in their advertising "Free Insurance with every hire"

    Seriously though people need to be educated that there is no such thing as a free lunch, to deter others from doing stupid things and knowing someone will be there to bail them out

  5. 2 hours ago, lvr181 said:

    Leave her alone - she's just another "air head'! Of no great importance or use to most. A legend in her own mind (or is that in her own lunchtime?). :coffee1:

    Dont judge a book by its cover.

    This girl has over 500,000 followers on face book where she makes money

    She has been interviewed on the major TV news stations.

    You couldn't buy the advertising she has got and still getting 

    She is gaining facebook followers at a rate of 30 to 40 a minute

    I think you will find she is no air head and more than half a million people find her important enough to follow on Facebook


  6. 1 hour ago, Bradock said:


    They take my passport and I have no idea what Im going to do in thailand until next court. And if I have to stay for 1-2 years Im sure I will die in Thailand

    Your lawyer may ask you for some money for the judge, what ever amount it is, pay it, I knew someone in Pattaya many years ago who owned a big gay club he was in trouble, been setup, he was asked to pay a very large amount behind the sceens he refused, he spent about 6 years in jail until his government intervened 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Bradock said:

    I came Thailand 2 december and police arrested me for I used electronic cigarette. They put me in jail 16 hours and next morning send me to the court. My father paid 100.000thb bail and they send me free but next court will be 22 January oh bad side is my return ticket 22 december. So im stuck in thailand and can not go back my country. Vacation of my life!! :(

    If they impose jail you would appeal, you could be for the next couple of years due to slow courts. The 100,000thb is gone, just be happy with that

  8. The police have made a big mistake here this girl has pull with media, her face book has over 26,000 likes and over 2000 comments so far, the pictures of brushing are honorific she will definitely hit 1,000,000 if not more. I bet we hear from the prime minister shortly about this as people are backing her. I wouldn't be surprised if she on the TV news for a few weeks. Police will probably get moved to another post, my bet is she will come out on top of this

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