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Posts posted by Netease

  1. 1 hour ago, phycokiller said:

    I suspect a lot of these guys actually have family at the police station and the extra income is very welcome all round, I dont see why else they get police protection

    Didnt you get the headline the robbery was at the Police station, must have been family or friends 

  2. Question (rhetorical probably): What anti-fraud monitoring experience have the UDD got?

    Did they monitor the Red-shirt villages that they set up & in which way was their monitoring?

    Did they monitor the voting in the last election or were some of them involved in intimidating non-PTP candidates from canvassing in certain areas?

    Did they blow the whistle on any vote buying in previous elections or did colour-blindness set in?

    Answer No
  3. They just need to be patient....

    And wait for that "mature democracy". whistling.gif

    Sorry but:

    - I don't believe the red leaders goal is mature democracy.

    - I don't believe the red leaders understand the concept, the universally accepted processes of democracy or the pillars and check and balances.

    - i don't believe they want to understand it - they have their own selfish goals and they don't accept anything else.

    - I don't believe they would even accept nor respect real democracy if it did happen in Thailand, because it's not their ultimate goal.

    - They mention and spruke about democracy continuously but their own organization is not based on democratic principles at all. They have no democratic credibility.

    you didn't score any points with that quote
  4. What's with the Aussies and pedophilia now days? only this morning another Australian was

    arrested for paddling child pornographic material on the internet and now this,

    being far from the reach of the Australian authorities back home, they find an open field for their

    disgusting and illicit behavior.......

    The Aussies are really dumb for getting caught all you other nationalities are more smarter not to get caught aren't you

  5. That looks like a large antenna in the bottle, so this might be some cobbled together telephone relay system,

    to bounce calls without giving away the callers location, or and internet relaying system for the same purpose.

    Just an educated guess.

    But that might work as some sort of triggering system also.

    All sorts of dodgy stuff here, and some people are smarter than others.

    one phone could receive wifi from the hotel and connect to the other phone to act as a hot spot just a guess
  6. I am only putting forward my experience with septic tanks on 3 properties I have owned over a 30 year period, I have installed tanks and evaporation trenches to council regulation in Queensland

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